Gosh it's almost like "misgendering" is actually just a power wielding device for ideologues and not the basis of psychological welfare for truth denying biology-phobes!

Who's have thought it?

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Orwell definitely did.

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They’s pronoun demands are as consistent as a male-identified-as-woman’s menstrual cycle. As contradictory as a Willoughby cervix. As inconsonant as Elliot’s testicles. Could go on …

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Don’t stop - very amusing 😊

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Maybe we could change the UK phrase "That's the dog's bollocks" to "That's the Elliot's bollocks"? ;-)

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I am perfectly happy to call her by her desired pronouns if she can prove that her body is ordered to produce both sperm and eggs.

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We used to call people who insisted they were multiple people as in THEY schizoid.

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BWAHAHAHAHA 'sits on her balls'. DEAD. This is brilliant. Her book won't be able to have any quoted reviews because she's a they! My eyes have rolled out.

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

Hard to keep up with this mess... They/Them just replied to Julie Bindel "I think those are the reviews of my last book."... shouldn't that be "We think those are the reviews of our last book"? What a butchery of the language.

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Is this like the royal "we"?

Mitchell and Webb had a brilliant sketch of the problems of changing pronouns lol 🤣

Hail Caesar!

Hail Nicolas!


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Here's my latest favorite quote (found on Spinster):

Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles -- Dostoievski

And isn't that our world in a nutshell!

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Just for the record, this site says there's no proof Dostoievski said that (tho' I like the sentiment)...


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Thanks! I get that all the time with great quotes.

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My husband thought it might be from The Idiot.

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

Skirt Go Spinney had that at the end of one of her YT vids. Love it! Thanks for spreading it, as it’s 100% applicable here. 👏 (I just like good sayings, but they seem to mainly have impact if they can be attributed to a famous person. Oh well.)

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This might be slightly off topic, but I was watching 'Stay Close' on Netflix. There is a character called Harry Sutton, clearly a man, played by Eddie Izzard. Now that's a BAFTA if ever I saw one! She's sooooo convincing as a man despite her female pronouns on Wikipedia!

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Couldn't watch it. Used to love him.

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I know - when he did all those marathons for charity! I like to think he's just misinformed and mistaken and he'll come round.

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I loved his comedy. Saw him live a couple of times, though I live in New Zealand. Read his memoir. Baulked at the toilet scene where he was outraged when three teen girls reacted with screams when they saw him in there in a dress. But forgave him for that even so. Now he's a trans ally, adding cred to their evil cause, all to pander to his and their vanity. Can't forgive him that. He's no longer funny to me.

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Used to be funny ha ha - now he's funny peculiar. As my mum used to say!

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Compared to what? A sack of hammers? A box of rocks?

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Laurie's website is offline, but it was archived three months ago.

This is the about page


(sorry, posted wrong link earlier)

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And she lives in Los Angeles? May the San Andreas fault open up and swallow her!

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