And on that note, I also enjoyed him getting a telling off and ultimately apologising to a trans person.


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Aiden the male handmaiden. I am so happy with that one

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I've been blocked on both my Twitter accounts.

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Brilliant update! Aidan is one of my favourite accounts on Twitter, mainly for the pure WTF factor. Today he declared that the LGB alliance are the new Iona institute. He's comedy gold but sadly for him not in the way he wants to be

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Not everybody can mimic Graham and his style , however hard they try 😜😜😜

The list is getting longer. Owen Jones tried to unsuccessfully start a YouTube subscription and ended up signing some douche Misogynist article with guardian.

The substack articles being shared on twitter, burn them alive. They can't stand those captions nor them being exposed under it. Lol, it's funny to watch them getting desperate by the minute 😅🤣

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Congratulations Graham and Team 😊, milestone 1 covered. Is it the substack followers or the hidden twitter account one.

I guess the former.

Awesome one regardless 🤠

That video got me laughing out hysterically, because that madness is true.

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Yay 5500 of us with sense and discernment! 🥳 🎈 🍾 🥳 (or is it your stealth twitter account you meant? Congrats anyway)

As both Aidy and the amateur orchiectomist have me blocked I thank you for the screenshot and the précis. 👍 How truly grim and Aidy is welcome to the book. What an idiot 🙄

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I keep sharing your substack page, it's absolutely brilliant. So glad you've reached so many people already. I'd love to see it in the hundreds of thousands.

Thank you Twitter for enforcing gynophobic hatred and kicking Graham off, without your vicious hatred of women we wouldn't have this fabulous resource :)

Anyone who reads through this and is still not peaked transed is a full blown misogynist.

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It really is like the church is back. We have the creepy ‘fathers’ telling us to go home to our husbands or wanting to lock us up when we won’t ride them.... and piddling around their skirts are the women in black and white — this time repeal jumpers — “is there anything I can do father what can I do would you like my first born here she is” ugh 🤦🏻‍♀️

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