May 21, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Eyes can't roll enough.

It's just an increasing pile of depravity.

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May 21, 2021Liked by mole at the counter

Graham a mate of mine has just been elected as a PCC for a South of England Police Force can you refer me to some documents which rationally explain the issues surrounding the Stonewall Diversity Champions Programme cheers

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Where are the police and politicians on this subject, where are they? I have to admit I am not quite as calm and reasonable on the subject now as when I first began to research it, to understand it. I feel so angry that obvious paedophiles can get away with advertising their paraphilia in such an obvious, yet not unlawful way, so escape police scrutiny. I just cannot believe the police arent investigating every single solitary person on twitter who takes an interest in the sexuality of those under the age of consent. I mean come-onnnnnnnnnnnn ! Maybe it's a joke to some people but anyone who is seriously advertising any product to do with the sexuality or babies or toddlers, or even prepubescent children has got to have some level of sickness that needs to be investigated

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I am astounded by the misogynistic degrading of women and girls in this article.

Girls who need a penis (can you get a fake vagina for boys!?).

It reminds me of Nursie from Blackadder QUOTE: "Out you popped, out of your mummies tumpkin and everyone shouted : “It’s a boy, it’s a boy!”. And somebody said “but it hasn’t got a winkle!”. And then I said “A boy without a winkle? God be praised, it is a miracle. A boy without a winkle!” And then Sir Thomas More pointed out that a boy without a winkle is a girl. And everyone was really disappointed." END QUOTE

As for the lesbian penis! Who does this dude think he is? I can see that he is a pot head from the image. I would not want him anywhere near my daughters.

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That drag queen story hour debacle, there must have been absolutely ZERO safeguarding policies in place for three of them to slip through the net. The movement does itself no favours by ignoring safeguarding. All it does is allow predators access to children under the guise of kindness, diversity, and inclusivity.

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I've read that to myself over and over and still cannot fathom how some people can't see how bad this is. Kids young enough to be in diapers!! FFS. How does a female baby or toddler in a diaper even know what a penis is?!?! Oh my word. Ok, small chance they have an older brother who they might bathe with on occasion but what on earth would a parent be using as clues that an infant wishes to be the opposite sex?

Fucking bonkers.

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through research around this subject I found this which is interesting about the fightback


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Don't know if this is much of a story, but I've got to wonder what really happened (Facebook link shared approvingly by an old acquaintance who drank the Kool-Aid many years ago). Basically, a merchandise company have dropped a client for alleged "transphobia" (and now seem to have a convenient way to write off their bad reviews...). Could be a marketing ploy.


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Oh...knitted pee pee's. Just like grandma used to make.

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The Heloise person is pure farce. You could not make this shit up. He's being homophobic whilst lecturing lesbian on being trans misogynistic. Has anyone thought of making a dictionary I can share with friend s I introduce to the Glinner blog?!

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Re: the parents ‘guide’, I’m wondering if someone has said something as the blurb now reads:

When a baby is born in the UK they are assigned a sex, male or female, based on their body.

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