White pulled quotes directly from Reduxx's article, visible on the screen, without crediting or mentioning us. Some of those screenshots from Twitter users only exist because I took them back in 2018. In particular, the tweet from Ivy, who was suspended soon afterwards, and the opposition to Erlick's article for INTO.

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It's like living in Riana Duncan's cartoon "That's an excellent suggestion, Miss Triggs. Perhaps one of the men here would like to make it."

I've noticed this and the astonishing volume of work REDUXX does that is claimed by others or not attributed. Thank you for all you do. It's frustrating to see others (often men) claim they've discovered this is happening and women must stop whining and do something about it. Yes, it brings things to prominence but I'm fed up with waiting for most men to realise and care enough.

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I bet Matt Walsh has the Reduxx page bookmarkedz

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Graham, I think it's important you also link to this piece from a year and a half ago where you asked why no-one else was covering Erlick and listed many more stories no-one else was touching.


You're being vindicated and must make a noise about that.

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I clicked on the links, I’ve never been sorrier in my life , no just no

JFC grown ups step up !

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Blaire White's takedown was magnificent from beginning to end.

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He's a predator.

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I don't make a habit of wishing ill on others, but I'm willing to make an exception here. Eli is so privileged they believe there are no consequences for them. Their DM to DANi that they must try not to hurt anyone else too. WTF? It's easy - just don't go around imposing your will and body on others. Millions of people manage it everyday you sick, twisted, entitled misogynistic pr**k. I so hope that the FBI get their fingers out of their arse and remove this harmful individual from society for a long time.

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If anyone finds it difficult to watch the Blair White version, here's Matt Walsh:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ32DDBxM-k EDIT - not that I'm Team Matt here pro-choicewise .... his current vid made me unsubscribe fwiw. Off-topic maybe but I do wonder as UK Terf if not having maternity leave as of right as we do here isn't related to number of abortions in USA - allied with not being able to get contraception on NHS as here? .... and of course contraception can fail let alone medical complications etc etc Whole nother topic maybe not for this substack.

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Thanks, I tried to watch Blair, but I do find him a bit difficult to stomach. Why was he wearing bunny ears. Bunny ears and talons.

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Completely agree Emma. I can't see Blaire as a GC person when he's pouting at the camera, putting his lip gloss on and wearing bunny ears.

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I think he means well, at least I hope he does. It’s just the way he presents himself, it creates too much cognitive dissonance. He looks like he’s indulging in a cartoon stereotype of a woman.

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This is the first time watching a Blaire YouTube that I've been able to feel fully on side with him, not just because he's sticking his neck out to help expose Erlick – and with effective witty snark – but because he partly takes the mick out of his own 'girl' impersonation, knows he's not one. I couldn't find it again to quote directly, but after talking about Erlick's craziness he implies that his own mental health also isn't the greatest, with an eyerolled aside of 'I'm a girl, right?' as proof.

Yes it's an awful cartoon stereotype, all the blow-up doll fluffy pink fakery, but it seems like he knows that and is partly sending himself up for his need to impersonate all that?

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yeah. I think that's a great analysis.

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Well that went **right** over my head .... ! Totally counterproductive in my case - I stopped watching. But if it helps one child/parent from getting hormones over the internet, then good for him.

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He seemed to be choosing to pull back the curtain a little here, signal to viewers that it's an act, even a crazy one, and dangerous. I found the combination of serious public attack on Erlick and hints of self-sendup endearing, when usually I'm smouldering with fury at these people garnering followers/£ through lies and illusion, messing up so many lives.

Others have been more prepared to give him some slack, and on the basis of this one, I am too. (Though calling rapist Erlick 'she'? Nauseating. Never, ever.) He's trapped in the life he's carved out for himself (erm...), and I think is trying to send some warnings back.

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Yes I agree with you, I’ve noticed everything you have. And that’s great. But I’m afraid it doesn’t help me to feel any more comfortable about what he’s doing. I believe he has a young audience, he’s telling them on the one hand that there are a lot of drawbacks to being trans, he’s said the hormone and surgery path is only for a minuscule number of people (I saw him speak with Buck Angel about this) but he is at the same time glamorising it with his image. The kids in the comments say things like ‘yeah I’ve got lots of friends who think they’re trans, but I’m not like them. I KNOW I’m really trans’ I imagine they all want to look just like him.

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Oh I agree about the glamourising of a damaging fiction to zillions of wannabe followers. As with all the gender 'influencers'. But it seems there's a shift here? See my reply to Graham.

Unfortunately he qualifies his warnings about gender drugs, that it's a less crap idea if an indulgent, on board medic is watching you do it. But he has to think that, doesn't he.

Yeah, the 'but I KNOW I'm really trans, unlike those other trenders' thing needs to fall, soon.

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You’ll notice he said he had been on HRT for ten years. As a young man that means he started as a very young person indeed taking female hormones and no doubt will be taking them for life. That should worry his followers.

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as if!

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and shiny new enlarged lips!

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I think they’re compulsory

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I'd have no references without Catherine Tate! His lips remind me of her takeoff on Julia Roberts! And using a knife as a mirror? What kind of sick ... ?

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Why do so many of this rapist's victims still keep referring to her as'she'?

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They've been brainwashed. They are that deep in. Cognitive dissonance piled on cognitive dissonance. People around them still use that language, still view it all through the 'trans' lens. The ones referring to the 'privileged white woman' preying on poor young (trans) men of colour. Utterly about face. He's a man. Abusing women.

I deliberately didn't know much about Eli but one of the victims says they were at school and 'looked up to' him. He's been created to be an absolute superstar. There's been this culture within a culture growing for many years all the way through their childhoods and development. It's their everything and all they know. They've been encouraged by this religious cult and I'm unsure how many of them can get out. Many are trying to and being hammered by both those in and outside. Looking at the photos it's young people and their minds that have been reshaped by all this. I'm not sure where they are finding that level of support and what they need outside of it. While the rest of middle America (and the rest of the world) is smiling along they are allowing that abuse.

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