Forget 'socially constructed'. The 'gender identity' of a 'transwoman' is pornographically constructed.

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Great article and insight! Such good writing too. An end to this gender crap can’t come soon enough so you can write some more comedy.

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Truth is transphobic. Truth is regressive. Truth is fascistic. Truth is bigoted. Truth is racist. Truth is hateful. Truth is colonialistic. Truth is a hoarding dinosaur. But, funnily enough -- Truth will out -- Truth will win. Every time. KBO.

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Great article. Easy to read, although the actual content sits uneasily in my gut, and useful to explain why self-ID will never work. I have to admit to being shocked by the sheer numbers of autogynephiles who’ve emerged to force women to become unwilling participants in their sexual fantasies. Just urgh 😖

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So many men obsessed with becoming the little girl they want to rape

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Wow what a fantastic article. Trans identified males larping (badly) as women, pornified, disposable, they don't pass. You have no right to my rights, "you have no right to impersonate our oppression and sell it to us as inclusion" Latin lady at let women speak 30/4/23, heterophobes, bigoted nasty tras, we don't want or need you in women's sex segregated spaces. I revoke your privilege, stay out of our spaces and away from children

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How much longer can these facts be denied in the face of increasing incidents of violent, sexually-aggressive, personality-disordered blokes?

Statistics repeatedly show that porn addiction is a colossal problem these days. The role that porn addiction plays in the rise of the "Trans" movement is one taboo that, sooner or later, is going to have to be admitted to and dealt with.

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A deeply perverted Incel take on Pippi Longstocking — that brilliantly innovative and strong girl’s role model. Just wait ’til the public finds out about AGP — the truly selfish, and self-serving sexual fetish that has ruined and continues to ruin the lives of children, women, and vulnerable men. As the article says, this fetish has been “sanitized as trans ‘gender euphoria.’” Just wait. The public needs to know about this fetish — the rocket fuel behind the meteoric rise of ‘gender’ ideology. Just wait.

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"Following her inside puts her back in her place, under the eye and at the disposal of men." Amen--this is exactly right. And that's why this is not at all like race segregation of facilities. This is about putting women under the thumb of men 24/7.

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The socks thing is called "zettai ryouiki", because of course it's an anime thing. Also, emo and scene teenage girls used to wear them in the 2000s, around the same time these guys were reaching puberty, so if it's not anime for them, it's that they're skinwalking the girls they grew up with. Whereas the girls themselves grew up into women and had careers, families and lives, these guys have this autopaedophilia aspect too, they think of women as childlike and simple, like you say here, and they fetishise that too.

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This really is an insightful and well written article! Well done.

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Brilliant piece. I confess “often comprise part of a “sexy” costume version of a Not Otherwise Sexy Thing such as a human skeleton, Snow White or Marjorie Taylor Greene.” made me genuinely laugh out loud.

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Heavens to Betsy, this flows like literary honey. Kudos.

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Wow! This totally speaks to my experiences with my estranged, tech geek, 'You women think you're such gods!' sons. I am in Easy Mode to them, while they battle in Brave Mode against the ultimate foe, women who won't worship at their rarely used feet. The irony is that their computer-centred lives surrounded by similarly real-world inexperienced males are too easy, and that support for their every immature sexual fetish and woman-hating demand to self identify as female to access women on their own terms and to take all they can from women to feed their bottomless resentment, is the very last thing they need as young males. Easy Mode. Yeah, right.

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Aha! My ex-husband, "Neddy" in my memoir, just after the "sex-change surgeries" did this dressing! At age 38, with receding hairline covered by a scarf, he donned a mini-skirt and above-the-knee boots to wait for the drop-off of our sons, then 5 and 8 years old, for their 2 nights of visitation. If I'd dressed that way, at 36, (outside of the fact that I'd find it beyond embarrassing) he'd have submitted a sworn affidavit into our ongoing custody case about my questionable activities. As it happens the questionable dude who was chatting Neddy up scooted as soon as the two kids rushed up. He was "dressing androgynous" with our sons until after the surgeries, but then things went full bore Victoria's Secret mode. Here's the link to Dr. Ray Blanchard's words, "too disruptive" to admit it is a fetish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg0vezEPRJA&t=31s

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I agree this is a brilliantly written article. The only thing I’d question is the idea that there are “the tiny population of genuinely dysphoric men for whom medical transition is a legitimate treatment”.

These men are most likely to be highly “feminine” gay men who are self-hating because of a society that doesn’t accept them for who they are. Their “dysphoria” stems from bigotry.

My question then is: Is medical transition a legit treatment for these men? I’d say absolutely not! A legitimate treatment would be therapy and, beyond that, all of us continuing to influence social change, particularly among men, to accept “feminine” gay men for who they are in their natural healthy bodies. They deserve to be healthy and enjoy great sex and relationships, not to mutilate themselves and shorten their own lives.

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