Forget 'socially constructed'. The 'gender identity' of a 'transwoman' is pornographically constructed.

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Right on the button, Fraserreal. It is almost wholly fetishistic, and they now want to make it a public display. There are no 'genuine' or 'true 'trans', but, rather, men who cannot live comfortably with their disconnect between brain and body. We should be looking at this, from the perspective of the extremely tiny minority within the 'trans' movement who do suffer from the mental ill-effects of this problem, from a body dysmorphic perspective rather than a 'gender dysphoric' perspective. Hence the "born in the wrong body" mantra. Just like anorexics, this minuscule proportion of 'trans' have a condition that affects their perception of themselves and their bodies that others, not prey to this mental health condition do not see. These are the ones who become fully-transitioned transsexuals, but even they may also be autogynephilic.

The rest are fetishists with no condition - probably about 99% of the males. The thing is, they know it, but cannot admit what they are, even to themselves, so they make everyone else toe the line of their perception of themselves as victims, their aggression deliberately and knowingly blocking scrutiny of their real motivation. They are possibly to be pitied in that they have allowed themselves to be overtaken by an addiction to fetish and porn every bit as destructive as alcoholism, gambling, drugs, etc. - not only to themselves, but to their families and to society at large. It simply cannot be tolerated in a civilised society because of the fallout for others.

The worst aspect of it is that children and young girls and young boys are being deliberately indoctrinated and encouraged to mutilate themselves and stop puberty, or to take cross-sex hormones in order to provide camouflage for what is a men's sexual rights/men's rights/corporate takeover of civil society for reasons that are disgusting in every way imaginable. A young man, only eighteen years old was operated on and had a part of his colon sewn into his pseudo-vaginal canal because he did not have enough penile tissue. He died in agony of a flesh-devouring bug. For what? So that he could larp as the woman he could never, ever be instead of being given the psychological help he needed. His parents must be utterly destroyed.

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So well-said! I think though that the fetishists do "suffer" from a dangerous condition called narcissism, and society as a whole isn't equipped to deal with this current outbreak, if it has ever been equipped (hence the current state of things -- kind of the end result of the snowball/avalanche(?) effect going on for millennia). Where are so many of the adults in the room? Narcissists too, I would think, or poor, isolated, down-trodden souls like that young man's parents, with little power to stop this. I sometimes feel that this is a sign of a last gasp for humanity and real justice, especially because so many children's lives are on the line. Sorry for that downer, but on the other hand, bleak reality can motivate us to keep on fighting.

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Yes, indeed, Mildred, I agree. Narcissism plays a large part in all this. I, too, think that there is something going on that is going to move us forward. I think that the female of the species is being tested as never before, and this latest onslaught against us is making us stronger by the day. These men and their handmaidens are in for a shock. What they have done is weld us together in a sisterhood that will stand up to them. I have always been a great believer in Mother Nature's ability to withstand the predations of (some) of the worst of the male of the species.

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Great article and insight! Such good writing too. An end to this gender crap can’t come soon enough so you can write some more comedy.

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Truth is transphobic. Truth is regressive. Truth is fascistic. Truth is bigoted. Truth is racist. Truth is hateful. Truth is colonialistic. Truth is a hoarding dinosaur. But, funnily enough -- Truth will out -- Truth will win. Every time. KBO.

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Oh yeah. Forgot one. Truth is hate speech.

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Truth is uncomfortable if you lie all the time particularly to yourself even when you know it is the truth

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Spot on, trudie63, and they do lie all the time to themselves and everyone else.

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They know they're lying. They know WE know they're lying. They just don't care.

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And the Cotton Ceiling is nothing more than flat-out rape of lesbians.

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All nicely done in plain sight. They had courses on it and I still have to take a moment to check I'm awake when I think of that. Actual courses. To teach others. To inspire each other to get better at it. That was many of 'surely this will be the final straw' moments for me and it's too abusive to even believe they were promoting this as some kind of greatly needed learning aid and to support their 'struggle'. Then they outdo themselves with yet more boundary obliterating demands. Then they merrily carry on. So many try it on and society has to be awake enough to hold them back, tell them no, then reinforce that, not the free-for-all it is now.

If they could get a multi-book deal to have a 'dummies' series they surely would.

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Truth is feminists pretending to defend women's rights as a way to express their transphobia (Lia Thomas came out with this one). Truth is half-hearted feminists who don't support Lia Thomas invading their sports, because "real" feminists would support him.

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He really is a special one. Elite sportspeople are necessarily very driven and focused yet he seems to be unusually driven and highly dedicated to creating even more blame, shame, guilt and self-hatred for women doesn't he? Nice one 'Lia'. Can't wait for his next pearl of misogyny-saturated wisdom. He can right royally f**k right off.

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He's a raging narcissist! No-one else matters, and everything must be distorted to justify his own point of view as a "woman". And as a woman, obviously "real" feminists would support him -- because the definition of "feminism" is to be pro-women. So these other women cannot be real feminists, as they don't support him: so they must be transphobes. And so what they falsely proclaim as "feminism" is just a way to hide their transphobia. Obviously.

And that stuff about "unfairness" is just transphobia too. They're jealous: because as women they can't do what he can do as a 6'4" woman. Too bad. And they need punishing for their transmisogyny, too.

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Yes. I have stood on a swimming block and it took some getting used to and to manage my nerves to race and compete well as a teenager. How no one stopped him entering the wrong races, the wrong changing rooms, the wrong lanes is a constant source of mystery to me. Then that he climbed onto winning podiums he stole from women like I was. Squeezed into one of our swimsuits. And yes, as we all know cats, dogs, land, sea, air, atoms, space, rice and cheese are all awfully transphobic too. How dare they! ;-)

They have completely destroyed the basis of most of their claims, then destroyed the communities some of these 'activists' have forcibly taken over and hollowed out. Then gone for our communities and rights. Then taken over any other they want to 'identify as and into' and destroyed all in their wake. Leaving everyone else bamboozled and/or scratching their heads. Or fallen into line. They are walking, talking, projecting, shimmyingly, glitter-soaked text-book narcissists and totally Teflon-coated devoid of any self-awareness.

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Great article. Easy to read, although the actual content sits uneasily in my gut, and useful to explain why self-ID will never work. I have to admit to being shocked by the sheer numbers of autogynephiles who’ve emerged to force women to become unwilling participants in their sexual fantasies. Just urgh 😖

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Several psychologists and sex therapists that I have listened to have said that they are almost all fetishists and that they get very angry, even with them, if they dare to suggest it is all in their empty head, their brain having decamped to their nethers. One actually said he had been hit by an autogynephile when he jumped over his desk, enraged at being told he had a sexual fetish. No surprise about the violence when thwarted or challenged.

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They will do anything to exercise their fetish. And now the genie is out the bottle and they are a 'protected' species. Something the general public does not realise. But awareness is growing slowly. They aren't doing themselves any favours.

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So many men obsessed with becoming the little girl they want to rape

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Wow what a fantastic article. Trans identified males larping (badly) as women, pornified, disposable, they don't pass. You have no right to my rights, "you have no right to impersonate our oppression and sell it to us as inclusion" Latin lady at let women speak 30/4/23, heterophobes, bigoted nasty tras, we don't want or need you in women's sex segregated spaces. I revoke your privilege, stay out of our spaces and away from children

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A deeply perverted Incel take on Pippi Longstocking — that brilliantly innovative and strong girl’s role model. Just wait ’til the public finds out about AGP — the truly selfish, and self-serving sexual fetish that has ruined and continues to ruin the lives of children, women, and vulnerable men. As the article says, this fetish has been “sanitized as trans ‘gender euphoria.’” Just wait. The public needs to know about this fetish — the rocket fuel behind the meteoric rise of ‘gender’ ideology. Just wait.

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It is seeping out, Fraserreal, but no media outlet or governmental organisation will touch it, let alone the police, who should be policing this avalanche of kink and queer in the public square.

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I mention (& sometimes explain) AGP at every opporunity on Twitter, to people who have clearly never heard of it. We need to spread the word, to wake people up faster.

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Yes, autogynephilia and paraphilias (fetishes) appear to be something which no one in the media or in parliament, etc. wants to talk about, yet it is glaringly obvious to everything with two brain cells to spark off each other that these are a huge influence in 'trans' male behaviours. The 'trans' themselves will do anything to avoid talking about their fetishes, too, so we have the 'born in the wrong body', I'm a real woman', 'trans' rights are human rights' and the rest of the mantras. People just need to look at any Pride rally/march these days and they will see wall-to-wall fetish of infinite varieties. They openly flaunt them in public spaces, so they are easy to record.

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"Following her inside puts her back in her place, under the eye and at the disposal of men." Amen--this is exactly right. And that's why this is not at all like race segregation of facilities. This is about putting women under the thumb of men 24/7.

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Black rights activists did not claim to be white people in a black skin; women did not claim to be men in a female shell; and gay people did not claim to be straight people in a gay suit. That is the difference, and it is a huge difference. How insulting to be told it's just like being black or being gay. No, it isn't. Black and gay people never, ever wanted to take away anyone's pre existing rights. Black and gay people did not threaten white and straights with death and mutilation if they did not comply. They actually did not have equal civil rights, while 'trans' have exactly the same rights as the rest of us, so the mantra, 'trans rights are human rights' is entirely meaningless and ridiculous.

'Trans' are not oppressed; they live in a bubble of manufactures grievance born of sexual entitlement, that they believe gives them the right to take away the rights of others. Women, until well into the 20th century, could not vote, hold office, graduate from university. They did not stand around preventing people from viewing a film either, while at university; the male protestors who believed that an educated woman was a blasphemy did that. Some men have always protested the rights of others in society. It is the God-belief - that they are actually made in the image of God, omnipotent, and everyone else is made out of the leftovers and dregs, and, therefore, deserves nothing. With women and girls, these men have always felt entitled to take what they want. Enough!

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Yes, and: black civil-rights activists were serious people with serious legal and moral claims. Contrast that with "meet our demands or all the trans kids will kill themselves." It's a shockingly lazy, absurd and easily falsified platform, and it's the best they can do.

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The socks thing is called "zettai ryouiki", because of course it's an anime thing. Also, emo and scene teenage girls used to wear them in the 2000s, around the same time these guys were reaching puberty, so if it's not anime for them, it's that they're skinwalking the girls they grew up with. Whereas the girls themselves grew up into women and had careers, families and lives, these guys have this autopaedophilia aspect too, they think of women as childlike and simple, like you say here, and they fetishise that too.

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Source: I used to wear those with shorts and combat boots when I was a teenage goth. Haven't worn them in about 20 years. Unless you count the red and black one "Chad" stuffs and wears on his crotch in Days of Boyhood occasionally.

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(Cheers to you, Helen and Arty for the greetings btw! Even if Chad didn't appreciate it, he's clipped it and put it near the start of his big musical episode.)

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This really is an insightful and well written article! Well done.

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Brilliant piece. I confess “often comprise part of a “sexy” costume version of a Not Otherwise Sexy Thing such as a human skeleton, Snow White or Marjorie Taylor Greene.” made me genuinely laugh out loud.

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Me too! There are some really well-crafted sentences in this piece.

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Heavens to Betsy, this flows like literary honey. Kudos.

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Wow! This totally speaks to my experiences with my estranged, tech geek, 'You women think you're such gods!' sons. I am in Easy Mode to them, while they battle in Brave Mode against the ultimate foe, women who won't worship at their rarely used feet. The irony is that their computer-centred lives surrounded by similarly real-world inexperienced males are too easy, and that support for their every immature sexual fetish and woman-hating demand to self identify as female to access women on their own terms and to take all they can from women to feed their bottomless resentment, is the very last thing they need as young males. Easy Mode. Yeah, right.

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Aha! My ex-husband, "Neddy" in my memoir, just after the "sex-change surgeries" did this dressing! At age 38, with receding hairline covered by a scarf, he donned a mini-skirt and above-the-knee boots to wait for the drop-off of our sons, then 5 and 8 years old, for their 2 nights of visitation. If I'd dressed that way, at 36, (outside of the fact that I'd find it beyond embarrassing) he'd have submitted a sworn affidavit into our ongoing custody case about my questionable activities. As it happens the questionable dude who was chatting Neddy up scooted as soon as the two kids rushed up. He was "dressing androgynous" with our sons until after the surgeries, but then things went full bore Victoria's Secret mode. Here's the link to Dr. Ray Blanchard's words, "too disruptive" to admit it is a fetish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg0vezEPRJA&t=31s

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I agree this is a brilliantly written article. The only thing I’d question is the idea that there are “the tiny population of genuinely dysphoric men for whom medical transition is a legitimate treatment”.

These men are most likely to be highly “feminine” gay men who are self-hating because of a society that doesn’t accept them for who they are. Their “dysphoria” stems from bigotry.

My question then is: Is medical transition a legit treatment for these men? I’d say absolutely not! A legitimate treatment would be therapy and, beyond that, all of us continuing to influence social change, particularly among men, to accept “feminine” gay men for who they are in their natural healthy bodies. They deserve to be healthy and enjoy great sex and relationships, not to mutilate themselves and shorten their own lives.

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I agree. They're treating the symptom not the illness. It's no different to saying that you're Napoleon Bonaparte.

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This is a cracking article, Graham, and so true.

I would recommend that anyone who wants to should listen to the Radio Scotland programme with Kaye Adams, on the iplayer. That daft wee lassie at the end actually said that anyone who wanted to see the film, Adult Human Female, could watch it on YouTube, but not at Edinburgh University, the home of one of the world's greatest philosophers, David Hume, the home of the Scottish Enlightenment of the 18th century, the home of Robert Louis Stevenson, who knew a thing or two about dual personalities. I take it she would not mind being removed from her course there, then, as she is so fond of de-platforming others and pushing them out of their livelihoods? Why should we care two hoots about a totalitarian like her if she is thrown out? Thing is, we do care. Women, generally, do not seek to harm others for no discernible reason, and, in this instance, re 'trans', we respect their right to free speech, to live as they please. What we will not back down on is our right to do the same and to keep them out of our spaces, sports, opportunities, etc. That daft wee bint will be a middle-aged woman much sooner than she realises, and I'd bet, having actually seen something of life, and how too many men treat females, her mindset would be totally different and that she would cringe and deny she ever held such anti woman, totalitarian beliefs. Mind you, there's daft and there's stupid.

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