This seems to be such an important matter to Sir Keri Stammer that he’s willing to seriously damage his integrity and honesty over it, and for what?

Yesterday he stated that “trans women are women… that is actually the law”, when in actual fact it’s not.

The correct legal position is that a biological man with a gender recognition certificate, issued pursuant to the Gender Recognition Act 2004, is legally recognised as woman in English law. This is explained at paragraph 4 of the Summary and Background to the 2004 Act (which is freely available at the government’s “Legislation” website), which states that where a gender recognition certificate is issued the “legal recognition will have the effect that, for example, a male-to-female transsexual person will be legally recognised as a woman in English law. On the issue of a full gender recognition certificate, the person will be entitled to a new birth certificate reflecting the acquired gender (provided a UK birth register entry already exists for the person) and will be able to marry someone of the opposite gender to his or her acquired gender.” Even then though there are some exceptions/exclusions.

A gender recognition certificate, rightly in my opinion, is not easy to obtain (a Gender Recognition Panel has to be satisfied that an applicant (i) has, or has had, gender dysphoria; (ii) has lived in the acquired gender throughout the preceding two years; and (iii) intends to continue to live in the acquired gender until death) and so man simply declaring himself to be a trans woman, contrary to what Sir Keir claims, is not legally a woman.

Of course, legally declaring a trans woman to be a woman doesn’t alter biological reality and is merely a legal fiction. Moreover, given that the 2004 Act was expressly brought into law, as also explained in the Summary and Background, so that transexuals could marry someone of the same biological sex at a time when same-sex marriage was illegal, it is a legal fiction that is no longer required now that same-sex marriage is lawful.

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I believe that Keir Starmer only wants to be leader of the Labour Party and not Prime Minister. And it seems that to be at the top of the Labour Party, you need to comply with the demands of the TRAs. He's a weak, self-serving man. I went to see a comedian last week who took a brief swing at the tiny oppressed minority now controlling the LP. In a good way it jolts to hear someone well known say this publicly.

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I'm wondering whose handbag his bollocks are in. He's as useless as Corbyn, just in a different way.

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"so that transexuals could marry someone of the same biological sex at a time when same-sex marriage was illegal, it is a legal fiction that is no longer required now that same-sex marriage is lawful".....Mind. Blown. There it is...... Never even considered this 🙌

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Thank you for this! I need this information to write to my MP!

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And that man used to be a lawyer?

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He still is a practising barrister and as such is governed by the Bar Code of Conduct. That, amongst other things, requires him to act honestly and with integrity (and not just when being a barrister). I think his deliberate misrepresentation of the law is a potential breach of the Code and given that his comments may have fuelled some of the hate that is constantly directed a people (usually women) who disagree that with his opinion that trans women are women potentially a serious breach. I’m minded to complain to the Bar Standards Board about his comment.

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Yes, it's worth considering doing that

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At the local elections in May you can spoil your ballot paper. Put one of Posie Parker's "Adult Human Female" stickers on it and, if you like, add: "none of candidates are facing reality: No one can change sex". Returning officer has to produce a report on the number of spoiled ballots and details of WHY they were spoiled. This is the only way, it seems, to get through to the Labour numbskulls.

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I 100% plan to do this. Tried to leave the party yesterday but can't find my bloody membership card for the number!


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It is worth staying a member of Labour and joining "Labour Women's Declaration". If you are not a member you cannot vote. There are "gender-critical" caucuses in all UK political parties.

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I guess I'll stay because I want influence in leadership elections etc

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Be thankful you have some recourse, we have absolutely none in the U.S. My husband's head was filled with Democratic Party dogma in his childhood and he is now looking to unenroll.

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For the USAians, this will also work to signal to the Democrats.

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You're right, I can spoil my ballot with a sticker! But I can only spoil my ballot if there are no pertinent referenda on it (some states have voter-driven referenda process), plus the poll workers will not report in the U.S. on WHY people spoiled their ballots.

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I worked at a polling station, and in my county they do record how ballots are spoiled--I don't know if that is publicly posted anywhere.

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Great idea 👍👍👍

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He doesn't care enough about the interests of women to bother to acquaint himself with the facts.

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75% AGP, fact - established by scientific study

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He was sent the book trans by Sex Matters- why does he not read it? It has the facts which he should recognise as an educated lawyer.

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Re Belstaffie: the bloke was let off with a caution.

Apparently assaulting Nigel Farage with a milkshake is far more serious than assaulting a woman (the person who got Farage that was charged with assault and had to do community service and pay damages…)

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A caution is not a small thing - as Posie always says 'never except a caution' - it will be on his record for any background checks by employers / uni's / no travel to the US - not sure if he had a solicitor at the time..

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That’s cheering!

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well im sure theres usually very little that doesnt affect your 'records' - look at the 'non crime hate crime'..

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I presume that the Labour Party must be receiving donations from one or more of the larger trans activist "philanthropic/charities'? We know how easy it is to disguise donations, in order to obscure their original source. How else do you explain such self destructive behaviour?

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Cherchez la bung!

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Always the worst timing for him. Blundering about like a castrated bullock, not looking at this issue on a deeper level. September had him waddling into cervix gate right when the Stonewall scandal was kicking off. Now he's fucked up right at the time of the Cass Report, Detransawareness and International Women's Day.

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Anyone who is the least bit informed about biology and continues to say transwomen are women is a liar. The GRA uses the term "acquired gender", whatever that is, and the EA says that "gender reassignment" is a protected characteristic. Neither act says transwomen are women as Sir Kier Starmer must know as a lawyer. He will also be aware that most, so-called transwomen neither have a GRC nor have had surgery. If he will lie about biology and the law and be deliberately disingenuous about transwomen, what else will he lie about?

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Everything and anything. Please remember this about the Guardian, people.

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So, transwomen are women, and there is also a category of women who it's okay to abuse, to threaten, to harass. (And a category of women who can be bought for sex, and a category to incubate children, but I digress...) How progressive.

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So shameful and women certainly won't forget the betrayal of all the MPs ,handmaidens etc ,and all others who support this horror.! Easy for him and all the other virtue signalling cowards to throw women's rights away when it won't affect them personally ,so hopefully all the left wing parties lose lots of seats in the local elections ,as a warning shot. I,for one ,will be voting TORY for the first time in my life ,and I'm 75 !! Wonder what the wives and daughters of the wokery feel about this ??

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Does the labour leader ( I refuse to use his name and I certainly refuse to use his title )

Not realise that the vast , vast majority of this country are totally against this crap but can’t afford to say so

We’re probably all (99.9%) with JKR but can’t afford to do so

I so salute this woman ( adult human female with girly bits )

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Re. the attack in Manchester: https://yesmattersukreact.home.blog/2022/03/14/52/

I also saw the gloating tweets from the two lads-in-drag (self-proclaimed "The hottest women at the demo") and their nasty little friends.

Of course they claimed that the two were viciously attacked by the violent TERFs.

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Did anyone notice how Michael Gove shoehorned a reference to Stonewall into his response about whether he would take a Ukrainian family into his home? 😦

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Mar 14, 2022
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But when I asked someone on here if Labour loves to lose (as the Pedo Party in the U.S. does), they replied in the affirmative.

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Mar 14, 2022Edited
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Mar 14, 2022Edited
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Me too. I was a lifelong lefty but I hate the left now. I still have many socialist principles but I can see that the left is full of self-serving knobs, and that it is as bad as the right. Once I was turned off by the gender woo I began to realise that it's not the only thing that the left has got wrong (myself included). The left is a cult and gender identity is a sub-cult.

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I keep asking myself what more the left is going to get wrong in the U.S. Let's see, the support for trans and all the paraphilias, open support for fascism in Ukraine, now support for censorship of anything other than mainstream viewpoints. I turned on Democracy Now! one day for three seconds and it sounded just like the U.S. government, and I've read other commenters online who say the same thing. Consistency may be the hobgoblin of small minds, but some consistency would be welcome!

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The bleatings of left wing pillocks about Ukraine is something else that makes my blood boil. They're fucking idiots!

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Mar 14, 2022Edited
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Exactly this ,same here

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