I've just read an interview with Jesse Thorn and his wife from 2017 talking about their daughter Grace (male). Its so freakish. They start out talking about their gender non conforming child, as he likes pink and wearing sparkly nail varnish, but he doesn't like dolls so maybe he isn't a girl (I mean WTAF) but then later they realise no he's definitely a girl and we've been disrespecting her by referring to her as our son and now she's defo transgender. FFS. Why couldn't he just be a boy who likes pink and nail varnish and playing with trucks? WTF are we doing to these kids? Now the child is socially transitioned and told he's a girl with a penis there's no way that child won't be on blockers and cross sex hormones later on because can you imagine the trauma of being told you're a girl all your life only to start male puberty. I can't bear it. Make it stop.

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going to be some interesting tell-alls by the children who grew up like this that don't commit suicide.

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Yes. And the thing is Jesse and wife shockingly say in the interview that it's all ok because the kid can change his mind later, they're not pigeon holeing him as a girl. And it's like , no he can't change his mind because you've indoctrinated him. It's actually not his decision and it never has been - you made this happen! The child can't consent to ANY of this. In fact grown up kids will probably end up suing their parents in the States.

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I know. It’s like people don’t realize that both transgender and suicidal ideation come from the indoctrination itself and the focus on this unhappy “identity.”

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I'm not sure evolution will suffer from this family sterilizing their children somehow

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Elastic Eddie doing what no woman would dream of doing:- cycling in heels.

Thanks for the laugh

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Actually, I used to cycle 12 miles to town in deliciously delicate, sling-back, high-heeled, metallic-blue leather sandals back in the 70’s. The heels don’t get in the way at all. I’ve still got them - just for sentimental reasons, a reminder of happy memories and a gloriously misspent youth :-)

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I stand corrected 🙂

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Robert Webb is a hero of mine, he's one of the greatest comedy actors of our time in my opinion. Peep Show, wow I have watched every episode maybe 10 times. The Mitchell and Webb Look, was pure brilliance. I've always wished I could just see him in the street and do that El Dude Brother's "Errrrrrr Errrrrrrr" thing, pretty sure nobody has ever done that before when they have seen him. A great guy, go and support him

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I just had to give you this link

"are...Are we the baddies" hahahahaha


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I still don’t know if anyone else on here- since it’s a British-led site- quite gets the magnitude of the ACLU thing? I find it to be the most shocking and sinister event in this fight I have yet come across.

The ACLU is designed to protect the civil liberties of even those they’d despise. They have defended the civil liberties of the KKK, for God’s sake.

It is the right of every citizen to file for a public records request; yet they are violating someone’s civil liberties, and suing to block the release of public records, in a transparent attempt at what I can only see as informational control in service of a coverup. What could possibly be their reason for not wanting the number of trans male prisoners being transferred to women’s prison known?

This is absolutely chilling to me, and I begin to feel unsafe. If American citizens support this illiberalism, it’s the first step in the slide down to left-wing authoritarianism, and we’ve all seen how well that’s gone in other countries. 😶

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The ACLU defended the rights of free speech of members of the Nazi party. It stood up for Rush Limbaugh. My whole life I’ve always known it to be an organization that puts civil liberties above everything, it was always apolitical, and it’s attorneys were regarded as highly principled patriots who defend the constitution, even if it meant representing their ideological enemies. I too am astonished at what they have done.

I am reaching a point where I feel like we just have to watch the train wreck. I think people have no idea how damaging this is going to be. The GOP finally smelled the blood in the water, and I, a lifelong Democrat, don’t care anymore. Everyone has joined a crazy new cult. It’s gone way past satanic panic at this point.

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I haven’t felt this shocked since Amnesty International threw women under the bus by promoting the full legalization of prostitution and claiming it’s because having sex with another person is a human right.

Is there any large human rights organization that cares about girls and women?

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I’m British but read great article on the origins of the ACLU and how far it’s departed from its original values over the years so in a way wasn’t surprised to see the latest development (think it was Bari Weiss but not too sure). Seems to be the same old story, when an organisation gets all too powerful it quickly throws its old bed companions out and invites those who feeds its new found power in their place. It’s the same with all the big charities in the UK, which I have long stopped supporting.

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Maybe this will peak a massive number of Americans? And surely the citizen will win the case...surely?! But I'm in the UK where our judiciary appears not yet corrupted.

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The aclu isn’t the judiciary, they’re civil rights activists. The judiciary is our only hope. That ruling on that lawsuit from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals about the professor fired for refusing to use preferred pronouns is very encouraging. It was a smack down.

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I think she may mean that the judiciary itself may be corrupted when it comes to ruling on the lawsuit filed by the ACLU.

It depends where the lawsuit is. As far as I know, it’s Washington State. So yeah...the defendant is probably fucked.

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Judges are supposed to uphold the letter of the law, but in the end they often don’t, since they can twist any gray areas, any vagueness- what they’re being required to assess- into an outright dismissal of the laws themselves. This is why you see judges hand out ridiculous sentences for hideous patriarchal crimes against women; this is why legislators have pushed for mandatory minimums for certain violent offenses that Republican judges tend to find trivial; this is also why Democrat judges give out measly sentences to violent offenders they feel sympathetic toward because they’re “vulnerable,” and so on. The decisions in civil cases or sentencing in criminal cases is often simply a matter of opinion. Judges are supposed to be impartial and make rulings based on precedent, but in practice they often don’t.

So I have no idea if the citizen will win the case or not. The ACLU is the most powerful civil rights organization in the country, with an army of powerful lawyers and millions of dollars in legal funds.

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We get it and yes, it is terrifying. I feel like in every country we need to abandon our ingrained allegiances to these organisations that have been derailed and crashed beyond repair. They are no longer fit for purpose.

It’s hard to accept because they did so much good in the past but they are not the same organisations that they once were. It’s like when some predatory corporation buys out an old “family firm” with a good name to trade off its reputation to sell cheap, mass-produced shite.

We have to let go, accept that the old champions of liberty are the new storm-troopers of totalitarianism and look to supporting today’s dissidents.

It cuts to the bone that the likes of the ACLU has been captured and subverted but it demonstrates the long game they have been playing: the ACLU was a lost cause long ago but the rot was unseen. Same with the Southern Poverty Law Centre, Mother Jones, Amnesty, etc.

The key thing for the new alternatives is to inoculate themselves against the same sort of takeover.

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Jameela schlameil nees to be debarked. Now that I am officially old I see Hollywood as a pimp renting out attractive stupid people to dictate to us what we should think, say, and do, and no one acknowledges that the VAST majority of those really good looking people are psychopaths. Interesting that in the comments the majority of positive responses have single digit likes and the negative replies calling her full of it have dozens or hundreds. Apparently the general public is getting a clue.

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Biology Rules OK... omg I love her! 😄🥰

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I feel so sorry for that woman speaking...is that another case where the gov't/school/whatever is transing her child against her will?

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Governments entering people’s personal lives never ends well for the people.

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Can I piggyback on your traffic Graham to signpost my little commentary on Ms Jamil - https://sheridansinclair.substack.com/p/jameela-jamil-is-dangerous

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Hey Sheridan! Glad you are back! Straight ally of the good gays! It was through you and Mr Menno that I understood what my gay friends were muttering about for many years about “snowflakes” (how could something so harmless-sounding be so corrosive!) and fuming about hating “Pride” events.

I wasn’t part of it so didn’t think it was my place to try and “get it”. I feel bad about that now on a personal level and the friends who are still alive I will talk to about it.

Overall, there has been so much “divide and rule” - and it is ramping up. Not just sexuality but race: they seem to be the two main levers. So far. Age is next?

When you think what actually matters to people, it’s obvious that this is all fabricated.

Something to hold on to for hope is that affinity skips a generation: the grandparents and grandkids alliance is well observed. It’s not just every generation rebelling against the one that went before.

That said, I hope things stabilise and get sane before the “neo-woke” generation snuffles out of adolescence, just like we did, and starts mining grandpa’s never before imagined humanity-ending nihilistic idiocy.

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My son was born with a congenital malformation, he had the first of many operations the day after he was born. We spent the first four years of his life making visits to Drs and for tests, X-rays, ultrasounds and MRI’s. He had nine operations to correct the problem as much as was possible, he has scars both back and front, they even removed some of his tailbone for better access during one operation. I’m telling you about this to show you that I understand what surgeries mean in a child’s life and it horrifies me that a parent would willingly choose unnecessary dangerous drugs and surgeries for their perfect healthy child. They send them to modern day Mengeles that can at best leave them as an infertile, scarred, man made approximation of the opposite sex. How can they be so blind? I wonder if anyone who has had a child that has suffered with health problems would allow another to do this? I don’t think so.

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