I just shouted into my empty sitting room: “For FUCK’S SAKE! Stop being so bloody selfish! Nobody cares about your shitting identity…

“God I’m so bored of this crap!!!”

Does anybody else do this kind of yelling into the void??

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May 12, 2022·edited May 12, 2022

All. The. Fucking. Time. I suspect there are a few of us.

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Hahah Excellent!! I will think of you next time said yelling occurs ;)

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Likewise. Glad to know there are at least two of us! :D

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I'm sure there are a lot of people doing it, I know I do sometimes. Witnessing or knowing about this stuff is so fucking frustrating and deeply angering.

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You know what usually does it for me? Listening to otherwise intelligent and sane people tell me that to misgender someone is deeply traumatic and offensive. I want to scream at them - "You know what is deeply traumatic and offensive? Being told that because you beleive in biological reality that somenhow you are a bigot. Not agreeing to have your very identity torn from you and worn by men makes you a bigot. Not being happy watching the rights that generations of women campaigned and suffered for being systematically stripped away also makes you a bigot. Not wanting to be defined vby warped gender stereotypes makes us bigots. Safeguarding spaces for women, especially vulnerable women adn children, as well as homosexual women and men, makes us bigots. THAT is deeply upsetting and you DARE to tell me that using the wrong effing pronoun is deeply upsetting?!!!" I could go on. All of us know the picture. I am so utterly sick of it all.

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May 12, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Some people are very flexible where sensitivity and consideration for others is concerned. They're deeply troubled by trans people being misgendered, or by people claiming non-binary status not being referred to in their pronoun of choice. But seem to think that changing the language used to describe women and women's bodies, etc is inclusive and hurts no one, even when it effectively excludes women.

They know the impact it makes. Just as they know what impact the blatant lies and prevarication they're responsible for or support makes. Recently, the had to assess a young woman as part of my job, she told me she identified as a woman, which implied she might be trans. She wasn't, but seemingly felt she had to explain or justify her claim on the word 'woman', as though it wasn't hers to take by virtue of her biology.

She's one of an increasing number of girls and women in their teens and early twenties who are being ridiculously cautious in the way they describe themselves and others. This is one of the outcomes advocates of gender identity ideology want. A blurring of definitions and boundaries for the sake of inclusivity and the disadvantage of women.

My mother and grandmother didn't fight for women's rights and freedoms so that men could appropriate them, mangle them and hand them back useless. No one's mothers and grandmothers did, including those who are implementing this misogynistic calamity.

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Every. Day. Stopped feeling anxious. Now angry.

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Yes, usually: 'NO ONE FUCKING CARES!!!!!!!!!!!' Christ the levels of self-centredness, delusion and rank stupidity and just... FUCK OFF!!!!!!!! FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!

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My sentiments EXACTLY!!

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I do ,every day !!🤮😭

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And, sorry - should have said thank you. Excellent article!

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Another regular yeller into the void here; you're not alone. I also like to do it internally in my imagination in particularly long drawn-out meetings. That and swearing when in pain is apparently very healthy, so I'd keep doing it :-)

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Did you know our brains do not differentiate between physical and emotional pain? They react to it and deal with it in the same way. So the upshot is that swearing and screaming actually does have a positive effect when we do it in relation to things that upset us....so keep it up :)

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Pain research, in fact all neurological and gastrointestinal research is fascinating. I wish more investment would go there instead of the madey uppey stats that lobby groups dream up...but then 87.4% of all pixies disagree with me (which shoots up to 310% on a Friday when the wind is blowing from a North Easterly direction) so what do I know ;-)

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Only on a day that ends in Y.

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OK. ENOUGH already. I’m at home on me tod watching Mrs Maisel s4 for a bit of light escapism (which so far is a lot better than S2 or S3 btw) and there’s a character called L Roy Dunham, who’s supposedly (surprisingly, hello!) a WOMAN(!), and (apparently) appears that way to our titular character, Mrs Maisel.

Only … I’m sitting there, shouting at the screen, “Oh no. OH NO mate! You’re not a frikkin’ woman. No fucking way!” I’m sure of it. And I don’t explicitly know why.

Even though all the obvious signals are directed towards us (the audience) feeling like this guy is a “Real Fucking Woman” (to quote the inimitably awful India Willoughby), this is obviously a fake “woman”.

Sorry casting: Not cutting it. (Y’know, those millions of years of evolution ain’t that easily faked!) It’s knowable immediately: it’s clearly a BLOKE.

We all know it.

Everyone out there with the BE NICE glasses on. Stop pretending. STOP PRETENDING! We’re not kids anymore. The Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist. Reality matters. It really matters.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 14, 2022

Whatever you do, do not watch the latest season of Grays Anatomy (Ep 15 or 16 I think), where two of the surgeons discuss how to raise their boy who likes to wear girls costumes and one of them says they want to correct him when he says he is a girl and the other argues the case for validation and getting everyone else to buy-in on it too. Their reasoning? When the kid thought he was an owl, they didn't think that was wrong - yeah, but you also didn't validate it and get all your friends and relations to do that as well. FFS! Cue screaming at the TV...

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Oh my god. F Actual F’s sake!! Thank you. Duly warned ;)

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"AND DON'T YOU DARE CISGENDER ME, YOU INSUFFERABLE, VACUOUS, CONCEITED little TWERP." And FOR FUCK'S SAKE take your OVER-ENTITLED IDENTITY – no one cares, NO ONE CARES! – to the sandbox and stop pretending you're an adult.

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Ugh! This woman makes me shudder. If only her original physician had just said,

"Look, let's get you booked in with an expert psychologist so that you can discover the roots of why you hate women and hate being a woman..........because...you ARE a woman."

But nope...$$$s called and so did The Gender Agenda and total insanity...thus:

"Of COURSE you're a man, and one born in the wrong body! You poor soul...but when you have a child, the world will see how 'special' you truly are....and then, you and Freddy The Seahorse can battle it out to become the most famous fathers in history..."

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Yup. Self-hatred projected onto everyone else.

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Thank you Eliza. There have always been women who haven't been able to or had children. And shock horror, those who never wanted to but could. Or those that wanted to and never did. And then women who bore children and now cannot. They, and we, are still all women. No one is calling for their or our extermination (other than the Chases and gender zealots of our world). This is yet again another non-issue and a fabricated argument Chase is trying to make and failing. Next.

Why doesn't Chase make so many waves about the fertility issues that women and men DO have? That might be of some actual value.

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She is completely in denial of material reality. It’s quite tragic.

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And Kirrin Medcalf of Stonewall is doing the same over here in the UK in Allison Bailey's Tribunal. It's staggering to hear it.

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Malignant NPD, along with quite a few other er...erm....diagnoses, I'd imagine.

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Usually I can tolerate people but I can't with her. I wonder just how evil her agenda is?

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She looks like the dollar store version of J. Jonah Jameson.

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Ah so Chase is a woman! It makes slightly more sense now.

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Testosterone seems to be quite the drug

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Oh, she really does! Also, I can never look at Ms. Strange Chasio's off-kilter face without thinking of the following video:


Misogynistic woman + unnatural levels of testosterone = the long-lost Fourth Creep! (complete with sleazy mustache)

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Brilliant stuff Eliza. Thanks. Strange Chasio would never deserve a second glance except that people like her are having a disproportionate influence on policy.

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May 12, 2022·edited May 12, 2022

I've never heard of Chase Whatever. The sentences he writes are nonsensical, can't work out what it's supposed to be about.

As for being a birthing body, that sounds like a contraption the midwife would use when a mother is about to give birth. It certainly isn't a pregnant woman. Neither does birthing person work, that's the midwife.

So just stick to mother and woman because they are the only ones who can ever give birth. I will be a mother until the day I die, no matter what fantasists might think or wish for. If anyone says otherwise to me they'll get a tongue lashing.

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It's about Chase, Chase, Chase with a side order of Chase.

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And some Chase to take home in a doggy bag.

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The dog wouldn’t touch it, though

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A "crustache" does not a man make. Ever.

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I was a proud card-carrying member of the ACLU for decades. Nevermore, as long as that person is setting the agenda in the organization.

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Chase, our preference is that YOU stop pretending and that you, and others like you stop demanding that everyone enters into your toxic drama and denying the reality of sex.

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Hi folks, I'm sure Graham shared a post about a guy whe has steps to peak trans people. My friend needs to peak trans her daughter. I thought that would be a good one to share. Please let me know if you can locate it. Also if there's one other article to peak trans her daughter, please show me. On another note I was in a big team meeting at work, a woman was asking a finance question but started with 'I'm Zen, my pronouns are Ze zen' - I'd not heard of those before. She looked like a butch lesbian. How sad butch lesbians are identifying out of their reality.

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What is wrong with this person ? What is wrong with these people? Why are they so fking self obsessed?

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Shes got pretty eyes. She should do something with her face.

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Can't understand why this woman (Chase Strangio ) hates women so much that she would really like to erase us completely and sadly she's not the only woman trying to do this, Traitors,the lot of them. Thank you for the post👍

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Internalized Gynophobia/misogyny comes to mind...

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Lucid as ever from Eliza.

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