Would it kill them to admit that some of these folk are predatory? The hypocrisy is just too much sometimes.

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Oct 27, 2021
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Yes, I agree. It WOULD hurt them.

Their facade of purity and righteousness would be tarnished. And this veneer of moralistic virtue is rather important to them - to feel that that are morally and ethically superior to us unwashed, low-life bigots, who have to rely on those old fashioned and out of date 'tactics such as reason, evidence and logic to make our pathetic weak cases...

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That's me! An unwashed, low-life bigot! I'm sure this is how I would be characterized by my husband's workmates who are as self-righteous as they come but know nothing about a 53-mile clear-cut through Maine forest that is the hot topic of the day for those of us not so WOKE.

I just love that Bleat Generation post the Scotsman did!

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And me too, clearly!

Bleat Generation is such a great phrase! Never heard that before!

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Did you see this? He's pretty annoyed, and rightly so.


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I haven't. I will try and have a look tomorrow.. Thanks.

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Exactly. Any cult, religious or secular, needs obedience from its members, if they start picking apart the dogma and asking questions the foundation starts to weaken. Extremist TRAs have a very simple ideology, misogyny and homophoba, largely. They claim persecution and express it with motifs and mantras. They don't have much more so they don't generally enter into debate. It's why Owen Jones has to refer to the struggles LGB people faced when they were deeply discriminated against. Trans activists are up against the same kind of hatred and bigotry, etc. All they want is kindness and acceptance and if they don't get it, or specifically get it from women, they'll threaten them with death and sexual violence. They don't want acceptance, they want ownership. Nothing could be more aggressively male.

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Great comment!

And yes, your Owen Jones point is excellent. He is essentially using misdirection as a tactic. And dishonest it is too...

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Exactly! It's where cult meets conspiracy theory. Being part of a cult means adopting it wholesale or risk being ejected from it and persecuted, possibly even more harshly than if they had opposed their views in the first place. You just have to look at the accounts of people who have left cults, Scientology, Mormons etc. Then there is also the conspiracy theorist mindset where you reject anything that does not agree with your chosen views. A conspiracy mindset will reject any evidence that they do not agree with as false or fake.

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"My rights are not being erased by the *existence* of transwomen". Has anyone ever argued that people who call themselves trans simply being alive removes women's rights? What a load of bollocks these people talk. Meanwhile, Finn complains of "anecdotal evidence" but reverse ferrets immediately when confronted personally. Finn told the sexually abused lesbian that it's more important to protect the reputation of men in "the community" than to safeguard lesbians who are meant to be part of that community. Not only that, but this is published on a global platform for everyone to see. Incredible. You don't even have to pretend to give a crap about homophobia or sex abuse now, it seems.

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One more strawman argument.

No, someone’s existence doesn’t threaten anybody else’s.

And objecting to scams and subterfuge doesn’t threaten theirs.

But I guess they need to paint a phony picture that draws attention away from their own toxic behavior.

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"I was on a date with a woman and she didn't realise I was trans"

Aye, except that has never, ever, ever happened. Not once.

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It did happen to a male friend of mine in Barcelona. A Lola (The Kinks) situation. He got out of there as fast as he could. We all fell about laughing when he told us (… sorry … students). He was completely mortified. But utterly taken in at the time.

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Women's intuition of who is male v female is probably more reliable due to it being important for our safety. If a man inadvertently thinks a male is a female, he might feel embarrassed but he's not in danger.

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I seem to remember my friend had to climb out of a bathroom window to escape! He actually was a bit traumatised.

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I'm sorry but this made me laugh out loud!

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Well it did us too… here we are 50-somethings and still rib him about that night 😂

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The consequences for a man who misrecognizes sex are less severe than for a woman; I've often wondered if there's been any research into sex differences in the ability to recognize the sex of others.

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It happened when I was at college too. Two of my male friends thought a transwoman was a woman. Me and my female friend couldn't believe it. It was so obvious he wasn't. I also had a female friend who sometimes got mistaken as male by men, but not by women. I think women are better judges of this. Probably for the reasons stated on here.

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When we went to see The Crying Game I identified the man as male immediately. A male friend was surprised I caught on so quickly. I wouldn't only say it was due to women's fears for their safety, but that women in general are more observant, with the emphasis on "in general."

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Well, I imagine it can happen if she’s already drunk.

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or in a coma....

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I thought I couldn’t be shocked by this debate anymore but all these people hand-waving away lesbians being coerced and raped… I feel heart-sick. Rhianna Pratchett is a huge let-down. Not a word to support lesbians, nothing. Sometimes the feeling that women don’t matter is just overwhelming.

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Especially when we don't matter to other women who spout "be kind and submit to sexual abuse". It's disgusting.

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Yep, but that is the open sewer that is twitter, where every batshit rabid loon gets to foam at the mouth because they have an inadequate life. There are so many of us outside that support lesbian and gay people and will not back down . I don't know anyone in real life who agrees with this insane ideology if you talk them through the issues.

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Lots of young people do :( and they will not let you ‘talk them through the issues’.

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For me, the worst one was Zinnia Jones. OK, she's saying the quiet part out loud, but the utter moral corruption in the thought process is beyond my capacity to believe.

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Sanity beginning to reassert itself. That objectionable ad agency will still get paid, though.

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Lesbians provide anecdotal evidence as proof; TRAs lose their mind and tell us it's irrelevant, too small, insignificant, etc.

TRAs use an even smaller sample to promote suicide ideation among vulnerable and impressionable young people and that's somehow gospel truth shared far and wide by not just their community but politicians too? Fuck sake.

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Gaslighters gonna gaslight.

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Graham could you write a post sharing the link to the BBC feedback form and encourage as many people to write thanking the BBC for publishing the article? It only takes about 5 minutes and we need to show them a tsunami of support.

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Remember these are Cluster B's - they are completely devoid of empathy and conscious. They use their 'outrage' to fill the emptiness inside and feel like they're 'winning'. These people because of their outsized narcissism will never ever understand another viewpoint and they don't wish to 'cos then all their internalised homophobia/sexism/misogyny will have no outlet.

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Bluetick women telling raped lesbians to stop weaponising their trauma.

Somebody please explain what that means to the empathy deficient psychos because I just can't go there.

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What appalling, myopic displays of arrogance. One TRA accused the lesbians of “weaponising sexual assault”. Horrifying. Why do they get so many likes/retweets? I genuinely cannot understand it.

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Twitter is a dystopian hell hole. Hard to know how many are people and how many are bots though. God knows there's enough money in the gender industrial complex to fund a bit of social media engineering.

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I think you're absolutely spot on and we need to start an awards ceremony for people who have been banned.

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The Church must really be hurting for priests now, what with all the abusers switching to this new scam.

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I liked one of the hashtags … #cissoff

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I was on Twatter today and answered that Cavalier twatfuck. I can NOT believe how wilfully stupid some people can be. However, I reckon we're winning.... it's gonna be ugly, long-drawn-out and full of potholes like JCJ crywanking about ontology ;) but we'll get there. #NEVERSurrender #NEVERKowtow

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And now perfect a name is CAVALIER?!?!?!?!?

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I'd say Sarah Classick has at least a 100k pounds interest in pushing puberty blockers.

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Is Finn Mackay a child Jimmy Saville never knew he had.

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Extending the logic of this cotton ceiling bullshit.; every heterosexual person is homophobic or a genital fetishist for ignoring people of their own sex as potential sex partners.

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