After he went after Marion can he be sued as a vexatious litigant?

Ceri is doing the absolute right thing to make this public and let the public see what a nasty troll bully he is. And let him waste his money. Narcs gonna narc.

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Like many other people I'd be delighted to contribute if Ceri seeks to raise funds to fight this wee sleekit gobshite.

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I think he needs to look at what he's doing to his own reputation - his name is already in the mud. Ceri's story will only have reached so many people but it's going to get circulated more now attached to him bullying yet another woman. I'm surprised one of his brothers or someone hasn't taken him aside and tried to talk some sense into him.

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What strikes me about people such as David Paisley is that they have NO ONE in their lives to rein them in and suggest they get some help, get a life, whatever.

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Let us know if Ceri has a fundraiser. People who stand up deserve our full support!

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It's a long time since I learned about this aspect of law, but I recall that it doesn't take many unsubstantiated claims before a litigant can be banned from bringing any more cases of the same type. I'm sure Ceri's lawyers are looking very hard at how to take the fight back to the snivelling coward. I await developments with glee!

All best wishes of the season, Ceri - you wonderful woman! ❤️❤️❤️

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I would send Dave's legal eagles a Private Eye classic suitably reworded e.g.

Dear legal eagles,

I acknowledge your letter of (date) referring to Mr. D. Paisley.

I have never accused Mr Paisley of being a child abuser.

I have accused him of wading into debates he does not understand and muddying the waters in a way that child abusers find very comforting and helpful.

I note that Mr Paisley attitude to pursuing me is governed by my freedom of speech, and would therefore be grateful if you would inform me what his attitude to pursuing me, were he to learn that the nature of my reply is as follows: fuck off.


Ceri xx

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Ceri will wipe the floor with the little coward in court,I have no doubt.

I really hope he gets flagged as a bonkers vexatious litigant asap.

Still, she could really do without this and no matter how strong you are this creepy nonsense can get to you.Warmest wishes to her as she deals with this honking clown car of a man.X

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Can Ceri sue for malicious/vexatious litigation? This guy needs a psychologist. There is something worrying about the level of hate and anger he feels towards women. What's the next level for him? The other side of it is the exhibitionist grandstanding, the desperation for hero status that these pathetic, narcissistic actions evidently bring him from a diminishing pool of 'allies' and gender zealots. If it weren't for the ugliness of what he does to his victims you might say let him at it, he does more single handedly to demonstrate their vile misogyny than any of us could in a year of explaining it ourselves.

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And yet when women are actively trolled and actually accused multiple times of being a racist and other hate inspiring accusations, after having already being physically assaulted once before they are dismissed by the police- Maria Mac on her peak trans YouTube did a 4 part series on her story recently...its all so insane

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What a sad man. Why is it these clods don't understand English if there are more than two clauses in a sentence? Have the British school systems become so abysmal? This miserable specimen of humanity is inducing his own downfall, Ceri's going to wipe the floor with him. What kind of a masochist is he? Double agent maybe? Deliberately bring TRA strategy into disrepute in public so everyone can see what a wretched poisonous cult it is? Nah . . . thought not.

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Craves public attention even of the negative variety.

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It's all good. He's picked on someone who's not in the least intimidated by him, and it's all detailed out in the open which is the last thing TRA's want for their stunning bravery. Gender ideology works best as twitter slogans; it rarely survives legal scrutiny (or material reality).

If Ceri Black wants to crowdfund this, it'll hit its target very quickly. These things always do.

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He’s a rotten bastard. Rotten to the core. Hateful little turd.

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Pfft. No way will he sue. The costs to get even started would be astronomical! And he'd be

highly unlikely to win. Even if he had someone to cover his costs (and potentially yours too if he lost) he'd look even more of a twat than he does already, and damage the ideology with the publicity. Ignore the little maggot.

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Agreed. Unless he's planning a major fundraiser, this would cost an arm and a leg. (And while his arms and legs do appear quite large in this photograph, I doubt he can spare them for funding futile libel campaigns.)

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This man is absolutely unhinged. He has to be one of the most virulent narcissists I've ever come across on Twitter and it's not like doesn't have some competition there.

Is trans rights activism the hill he really wants to die on? And why? Because it seems this really is just about getting one over on women for him and nothing else... He seems so deeply disturbed and depraved in his hatred for everyday women.

An MRA just like OJ.

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Is DP still in a relationship with Penny Mordaunt's brother? Penny Mordaunt who, in the middle of a debate about Maternity Rights, stood at the Dispatch Box, and said that 'Transwomen Are Women". Penny Mordaunt, who in her time as Women and Equalities Minister, pushed forward for Self-identification of 'gender'

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It surprises me every time but I truly cannot believe how small the world is. For some people. A lot of this is people leaning on or feeling swayed by those in their families, so being less than objective. This is human behaviour, but then making that part of public policy with zero or multiple layers of confused scrutiny. There is a tight, slightly shifting cabal of those with power and others fighting to keep, regain or not lose it. Some very lucky people who keep rising to the top.

(And I know that because, true story, I had dinner with a relative whose best friend of many decades was there too and started spouting about odd stuff she knows as she shares the same hairdresser as that former Women and Equalities Minister. Any time I read anything about her after that, or saw a photo I did notice her coiffure. Remember, the hairdressers are the key power players in all this ;-)).

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Caroline Nokes (Con Party), on the Radio 4 Today programme this morning in support of bringing forward a simplified Trans Self ID procedure, as nobody would choose the 'Self ID' process without having undergone much Self Reflection and agonising, not to mention all those 'long nights of the soul' .(I am paraphrasing of course), - but are these MPs not aware of all the numerous case studies that appear under the 'This never Happens' thread? They probably are aware of all this 'evidence' but choose to ignore them ....as one's own political career is so much more significant...

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Nokes came across as a completely naive fool on that interview. Women like that are extremely damaging to the rest of us.

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I don't think (and it's a close-run thing) I have bellowed at the radio quite as much as I did this morning. Nokes is utterly unsuited to this job. Stupid, disingenuous, and she gave an interview to the Times before the Consultation pre-judging the matter.

I've sent 4 emails to the WESC and GEO detailing the logical inconsistencies in that stupid report. So depressing, yet not unexpected given the way they treated the women giving oral evidence, compared to the transwomen.

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Does anyone on here remember the peter principle? It outlined how the worst people rise to the top. When I was a typesetter in NYC, the foreman was always the person who was not very good at the actual productive work.

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Eurgh. Not aware or choosing not to be as it doesn't align with their beliefs or those of the whips. Nothing to do with what constituents want. All this 'cutting red tape' zealotry just goes so well doesn't it and all we get afterwards is oops not my fault, have an inquiry and learn some lessons.

I have written briefs for 'decision-makers'. Then these were apparently too complicated, so it became summaries of briefs, then those were too 'in-depth' so it became a few sentences. Many are just winging it then sent out to put a position as some kind of theoretical exercise in cleverness.

I might, but not sure I'll be able to bear to listen back - I heard JRM's excuse for not recalling Owen P and it was he 'felt sorry' for him. These are four-year-olds. That went well. That's not about compassion, balance or reason, it's who's in my club na na na na na.

Perhaps there's a constituent of Caroline's on here who might be able to send her a polite message with some links to some of what you mention. I am worried that this 'Self ID' will pass and it's purely political expediency that the current government are capitalising on 'women's rights'. Or Rosie or Emma could ask her for a cup of tea when they return.

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WOW! I didn't know this. I found the photo of her grinning like a Cheshire Cat with Ruth Hunt, used to be on Hunt's Twitter page, but it's now disappeard entirely....but had no idea about this connection. Another piece of the jigsaw falls into place.

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How do I donate?

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