Poor parents. Given the state of universities in the western world, I doubt if the situation is going to get any better.

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My niece is at an all girl's college at a top UK university. One of her fellow students is a boy who was a "transgirl" when he successfully applied for a place. He has since decided he wants to be a boy again. Apparently he has had no hormones, no surgery and didn't even attempt to look like a girl. Bonkers. I do think that as this stuff gets crazier (Foxgirls are new to me!) it will collapse in on itself.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

That is grim. As Helen Joyce says in her recent excellent interview on Michael Shermer's podcast; there are indications that the trend for identifying as (whatever) is starting to wane among young people, largely because it's losing its novelty. By the time an MP stands up in the commons and declares he "wants to be trans," kids are getting bored of it.

But as Helen points out, what was disastrous was taking it seriously and writing it into law. It should have been just another dumb trend that would have died as trends do, but the intense lobbying of Stonewall et al and the validation of cowardly politicians and media mean it's here to stay for some time.

You can only hope this poor guy snaps out of it before doing himself any physical damage. In a few short years there's going to be a tsunami of anger and regret from those poor souls who were led down the pharmaceutical/surgical route.

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True story. My pal was at a wedding and got talking to youngish high school teacher (here in Scotland).

They're having trouble coping with two pupils.

They have just identified as... Wait for it... "Moths", yep Fk moths.

These two (coz there's never just one) are simply taking the piss as teenagers do.

Problem is however, in accordance with the Schools Trans guidance they are having to 'indulge' them, despite them disrupting lessons. Doubt the parents know-but then they don't require to tell them.

The litmus test might be to install a very bright light in the classroom corner and see how fascinated they become. Either that, or a good slap might do the trick.

Common sense has departed.

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I favour the slap.

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haha are we allowed to say that these days?

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Oh Lordy, imagine training to be a teacher and ending up having to tolerate that. Soul-destroying. But also inevitable - if you indulge one dumb idea you open it up to all the dumb ideas.

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It was bad enough when I was teacher training a few years back and for it was for college level (not degree level).

Effectively we were told that as "teachers" if something is wrong, its our fault. If a student (no matter what their age) kicked off, it was our fault. Never theirs.

There was no sense of the students being expected (especially in Further Education college) being responsible for themselves and their own learning.

If a student was tired and not working, or couldn't be arsed to submit homework/assessments, it was the teacher's fault.

If a student was hungry because they had spent all their money on crap, it was the teachers fault. We were advised we should have a stash of biscuits in the classroom!!

Or even buy sandwiches for the students!

To pass we had to regurgitate the rubbish we were "taught". Most of us disagreed with it all. We were all very mature students. Many were of a "certain age" and has world and life experience and we played the tutors at their own game.

First we just tried to engage with a different point of view - eg students in FE need to be responsible for themselves. This was dismissed and incorrect. So some of us then behaved in the way that the tutors gave as examples. When we were pulled up for that behaviour we pointed out that what THEY were teaching was that THEY were at fault and we were not.

They still didn't get the disconnect!

It will be way, way worse now.

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Out of a cohort of 12 of us trainee teachers, I think only one is a teacher now. Just one.

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At some point, it will end.

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Candle flame?

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Just listened to that Helen Joyce interview on Michael Shermer's podcast - thanks for mentioning it and it is indeed excellent!

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You're welcome. Glad you enjoyed it. I found it hugely informative.

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Moreover that "taking it seriously" was being done by people who really should have known better.

The medical profession who aided and abetted this harm could have stopped it at source.

The politicians could have ignored it and not "supported" it in the way they have thereby giving "permission" for it to continue and grow as it is.

The Employers blinded by the "Diversity, inclusion, equity" verbal diarrhoea departments falling for the latest "fashionable" virtue signalling and again giving permission for small groups of people (mostly men) to breach boundaries, freedoms of speech, expression and thought based on observable and scientific truth and to effectively *punish* those who pushed back against this insanity.

There are way more involved. But even the murky million/billionaires financing this ideology, if the three above had NOT taken this seriously, had said no, had said don't be silly, this would NOT have taken hold.

The narcissistic men and their handmaidens would NOT have been able to bully and threaten and intimidate.

The only silver lining (and it will only become such once the ideology is pushed back across the line and the laws allowing it are repealed/Sex is made the priority and not "identity and official documents always reflect the truth not the "feelz"), will be that society refocusses on women's rights when they are adversely threatened. That society refocusses on safeguarding of vulnerable children (boys and girls) and young adults as well as women. That society realises how easy it is to lose rights that were taken for granted, when one's eye is taken off the proverbial ball.

But so many lives have been harmed in the mean time. Those persons who fell for the ideology and have been physically and mentally harmed by the professionals who were supposed to "first do no harm". The people like many women JK Rowling, Rosie Duffield, Rosie Kay and many others as well as people such as Glinner, who have had their lives threatened, turned upside down, loss of income, loss of friends, family etc. Just to fight for the right to freedom to speak the truth.

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So sorry for families trying to cope with young relatives who've been indoctrinated into this life destroying cult. Can't believe that people have fallen for this dangerous nonsense and I hope I live long enough to see its proponents and influencers punished for the appalling harm they have caused to an ever growing number of people . I weep and pray for humanity. Thank you for the post.🙏♥️

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When, oh when, are we going to start recognising trans ideology as child abuse, locking grooming internet accounts and prosecuting the complicit medical practitioners who seek to mutilate our children?

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Bet he started all this on Tumblr. Bloody cess pit. Such a heartbreak for parents to watch. At least he’s not gone the medical route.

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I pray alongside you for that dose of reality in the form of his new college friends. you'd think an identity this overtly steeped in fantasy would make more people realize that the trans craze is not actually a bunch of people who are actually trans. thanks for sharing!

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I am heartbroken for that parent. They are powerless to stop their son's destruction. I can't help thinking that so much more damage will be done before society comes to it's senses. If it even does.

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I dissuaded my son from going to uni as I think he is vulnerable to this crap. He's safe at home under my watchful eye. He can always get a degree as a mature student when (hopefully) universities have regained their sanity. I don't trust them as far as I can throw them atm.

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Get him an apprenticeship so he’s too busy to mess with his head.

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Funny you should say that...he's doing an apprenticeship! lol

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We have commuter schools in the U.S., both two-year and four-year colleges. But of course most commuter students are either older or working to put themselves through school, and don't have time for this nonsense.

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Watchful waiting but have they cut off his internet and porn use?

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That guy's spent too much time online.

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I read this letter on PITT. I’m speachless with all parents.

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The disembodiment of identity, by way of avatar (think avatars used on gaming or online forum profiles). In the age of virtual identities, young people, especially those who spend a lot of time in the online world, gaming or 'socializing' have found a confusing element to who they are in the fact that online, their body really doesn't matter, because what they say becomes 'real' to them. It is their 'identity' and it doesn't reflect their 'body'. The disconnect is being seen across young generations who are progressively moving into an 'online reality' and away from their true bodily reality. It's astounding to hear boys who speak about being a woman, clearly having never even known what a woman's body is capable of, biologically, and how that biology impacts her whole life from birth to death. The disconnect, what everyone wants to call 'Meta' is an AI take over of the mind/spirit of our youth. It's pure evil, and it's consuming whole generations of youth, and some adults too.

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Thank goodness the mother has been able to ward off any medicalisation to date. I wonder if in UK or U.S.A - I know which country’s health system I’d prefer to be raising this autistic child in.

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The aintwrnet is a great gift, but as with all gifts we don't necessarily get what we want or need when we want or need it. Before the intersnake, young people had little opportunity to speak to people across the globe so the "church of trans" was very small. Now, with access to everyone and everything constantly, those searching find things they didn't know existed and with constant access, their on/off switch has been removed and the "church of trans" is in full force recruitment mode, picking up the young people who before the intersnake would have been the emo, nerd and geek kids who might have been gay but not necessarily. Nothing ever really disappear from online and it will be found over and over by those searching for other, different and "special". The Internet is a gift but but we could never have known that the gift would be used to change the lives of our young people in such horrible ways and we should have known that some gifts just keep giving. We need to find ways of putting this particular gift back in the box and losing it for all time in the postal service. That should be our gift to future generations of young people.

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Second word should be Internet. My arthritis is particularly bad today!!!

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I liked it - the intersnake and aint-wr-net as it sure aint unfolding like many thought it might :-). I keep thinking of the things that lurked in Pandora's box.

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He’ll be ok at Uni - don’t worry . They’re all living in the anime world now. It’s interesting though that despite trying to avoid the realities of biological sex, Sex shows through.

If they want to be she/her (Fox) girls - fine; so long as they realise they can’t impose their fantasy world on the rest of the population & use emotional blackmail to try & co-opt them & respect women’s boundaries.

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