Jun 20, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

Graham, I hope you had an enjoyable Father’s Day, the first one without your Dad is hard, no matter how old you are.

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Thank you that’s very kind of you x

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Hideous. My friend's husband is transitioning in the middle of her fertility struggle. (I made a post about this). She is going along with it saying she is happy, but if she is happy, why does she never talk about him? Why does she dip her voice to a whisper when she says his new name?

I hate the idea of these poor women being trapped with these AGPs and because everyone panders to trans; people praise the women for being good supportive wives, but no one is there to ask them how they really feel or gives them the confidence to leave their husbands.

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I can’t begin to imagine what she is going through, that is so so toxic for her 😞

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I remember watching Jennifer talk and thinking what a lovely woman she is. I also felt angry about the way she was treated. I'm trying to get people to look at the transwidows site and to specifically read the stories by the children of transitioners telling how their fathers used them to validate their own fetishes. It's truly sickening. Thank you for covering this Graham.

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Indeed. I've seen a TiM post that he's a 'single mom'. It about set my blood boiling. How dare he appropriate that title from the child's actual mother!

These poor women (trans widows) have the rug pulled out from under their lives and are often expected to just accept it an 'be nice'. No way.

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It's unforgivable. The title mother is earned, it's not his to take. He's just appropriated it. It's as abusive AF.

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I hadn't seen that before. Thank you for reposting. What a lovely lady, highly articulate. And one of her kids thinks she is a terf. ... what a comic-tragedy.

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I remember your interview with Jenny, too. Very moving. A very strong woman.

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I have huge sympathy for this brave woman. But setting that aside, this interview is fascinating. AGPs are just so far removed from the poor delicate oh-so-feminine repressed and tragic figures they try to portray. Although do they? They don't try very hard, that's for damn sure. We're all very familiar with the narcissistic rage when they're thwarted. Which makes it pretty flippin' obvious that they are absolutely nothing like they would have us believe. They're liars. And scary ones too. Scary, powerful, influential, and very dangerous to the whole female sex whether directly or indirectly. Thank God for the Terven.

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Yet we're told This Never Happens...

Straight up No True Scotsman fuckery!

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Heartbreaking. 💔 She's such a lovely person, and it must've been difficult to do an interview on such a personal issue. Asking someone to share their pain like that. I thought you did well, Graham.

I've encountered many men who will tell misogynist jokes, fully expecting women in earshot to laugh, and when they don't, there are always words thrown at them like prude, uptight, anything really that sends the message that we're "undesirable" (heaven forbid!😆) anyway.

It must be awful being married to someone like that, who doesn't see women as individuals, as people, just merely interchangeable holes and objects to use and discard. A lot of them will of course hide it well until the relationship is solidified, and then the woman will feel trapped, a fool even for falling for it or not seeing the signs. But that's what society does, ESPECIALLY now with TIMs, is to side with the poor male-bodied "women" and throw actual women under the bus and chastise them for being mean and non-inclusive.

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Anyone only needs to read some of the Twitter replies to see the "poor trans" slant.

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The aggravating thing is that *most* men do NOT go for the GRC at all. Very few bother with it (though with the laughable reduction in fee more may decide to whilst bleating about the astronomic high cost of 5 quid! Note: To go through a divorce, it costs £550! Assuming it all goes smoothly).

The take from the GI crowd that its "unfair" in some way for the Wife/Spouse to want to divorce/annul is just breathtaking.

Why should *anyone* be expected to remain in a marriage that is clearly built on a lie.

A spouse who has found their husband/wife has been cheating on them, particularly if its been over many years in that marriage, feel their marriage and their life within that marriage is a lie.

Everything they have known is gone. The Marriage, the Spouse, the mutual friends, possibly even livelihood, their home....everything. They are starting from scratch.

Their trust is gone as well. The betrayal of everything they thought they knew is huge and immense.

No less so for transwidows.

The sooner this ridiculous ideology is smashed the better.

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Jennifer you are so brave. What you've been through is terrible, but you are still bravely speaking out. Hugs to you.

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Abigail if you would ever like to talk about it let me know. Any format you feel comfortable with.

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Jun 20, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

I don’t think any of us who haven’t been in your position can grasp the enormity, I’m so sorry you have endured this.

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Heartbreaking that you feel you lost 10 years of your life to a man like that. I am so sorry you had to go through it.

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