I want to know how she was persuaded that her assumption was wrong. Personally I will continue to believe that it was a male with a GRC who could prove their "legally female sex". Otherwise why did a visitor call them by a male name?

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I agree, no one would say someone was the opposite sex unless they were absolutely certain of it.

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I think the entire bloody thing is MADE UP BULL****.

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This is exactly like wondering if the man walking down the street with a gun in his hand is a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun and you won't know which is which until he starts shooting people.

Colin needs to fuck off and continue fucking off until he reaches his fucked off destination and continue fucking off from there.

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Somehow, you wrote the most perfect sentence in the English language. Congratulations 🎉🎊🥳🍾🥂

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Are we certain the accuser isn't a bad faith actor?

Be cynical. That's my motto.

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Thanks, Anthony, for being skeptical!

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Its prudent to keep scepticism in mind when dealing with gender politics or any gender related issues. In this instance, I think it's very sensible. The account here doesn't strike me as credible or authentic. It sounds a bit like bullshit, serving as a reminder to 'cis' women, especially the ones who might be bigots too, that their judgement isn't that great, they don't really know a woman from a transwoman, from a man or transman. They should shut up and let the interlopers have their glittery misogyny fun.

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Yes to this! My viewpoint is that anyone who lies about their sex will lie about anything and everything; lying is their normal mode. They are without conscience.

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It pays to be !

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At least this woman is mortified and truly sorry about her (alleged) mistake. I’m still waiting for Katy and the rest of the penysterics to admit the women at the wi spa were right and that the trans there was a perv.

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If you believe this ever happened.

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Totally agree ,Graham. If this horror isn't stopped ,some people will lose their ability to distinguish between a man and a woman ,to the detriment of women and children.We all need to keep focussed on biological truth and stay real !!

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At least outside of the modern West, most of the rest of the world won't have this problem, I suppose.

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Really? Was the aggressive patient really a woman? I know certain illnesses can bring out the worst in a person but the behaviour and vommrnts of the hospital staff would bear out the impression of "Albert" being a man. Did the hospital do a quick change of patients in the beds once Baronness Nicholson got involved? Or are they doubling down on the twaw mantra? Something seems a bit off here

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*comments. Not vommrnts

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This whole situation makes me vommrnt! ;-)

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I don’t know where to start with this. Let’s address Colin’s new profile picture. The male pattern baldness is showing Colin. You may want to invest in a weave or a wig. That’s not going to get any better for you guy. Mean?? I don’t care. Colin is a vile vile man

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I don't understand why the hospital staff didn't tell her she'd made a mistake when she expressed her concerns.

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Yep - and discharged her on the spot. The denial of care was the truly shocking thing.

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my first thought ,odd and confusing

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She reported they called or implied she was a bigot.

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This person doesn't know what 'emasculated' means, because what is an 'emasculated woman'? A 'woman' who has been castrated can only be a post-op TW, so is this what she's trying to tell us and she's been bullied into it?

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Ha! Yeah, that annoyed me too.

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Throwing you another fiver so it's on public record that you are aware of your years of abuse and harassment from various anonymous Twitter accounts being documented at the account @glinnerslibel. They will continue to be publicised as widely as possible until such behaviour stops.

Obviously, you already know this, but so far you've been too cowardly to acknowledge, admit or deny the volumes of explicit evidence of your abuse.

You probably still will be, along with the usual deflection and attacks on unrelated personal or creative qualities. But at least now it will be very obvious to everybody watching that's what you're doing.

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Alan, the best thing is when you give me money for me to be able to say this. Fuck off, you creepy, stalking no-talent, family-abandoning arsehole. Shouldn't you be working on The Womb's 75th album? Maybe you're just about to break big!

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What about all your abuse documented at @glinneribel though?

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ok, groomer. How is the Lostprophets singer? Holding up?

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Ok great, so we've got the deflection and personal attacks out the way, exactly as predicted.

Now what about all your abuse documented at @glinnerslibel?

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No, I'm not finished. Why did you have to move to another continent when you left your family? What's the story there?

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And why do you keep doing comedy when the audience is clearly uncomfortable and unsure where to laugh? Isn't there something else you could try out? Maybe not babysitting.

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It's no mystery why he capes so hard for men in dresses. It's also tied into the mystery as to why he had to toddle off to Australia.

I worked this out ages ago.

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Alan, I think you might be going a bit deranged. Take some time off social media and engage with the real world.

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Thanks for the fiver - every little helps in the vital campaign against this ghastly and monstrous industrial exploitation of human vulnerability; please do throw another fiver MrMennos way- he too is doing a great job https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUf6vrb7ejg

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I looked at your Twitter and your receipts are dog shit. The stuff you've posted consists of tit for tat spats that no one cares about, even if Graham is behind it.

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Alan seems to think saying "bollocks" to someone is libellous 🤪

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Dear Alan,



Go and have a nap poppit.

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Dear Alan,

Do you have repetitive strain injury because I'm sure you've said all this before. BTW define abuse!!

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The first of Alan's receipts for "anonymous Twitter accounts" says "Hi Colm, this is actually Graham Linehan...". Get a grip, Alan. You're being ridiculous.

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Dude, have you ever considered taking up a different hobby, just for a change? Macramé, perhaps?

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And don't you just love that he liked his own comment? Where's William Ferguson when we need him?

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Here's the thing you need to understand about The Knob:

It's no mystery why he capes so hard for men in dresses. It's also tied into the mystery as to why he had to toddle off to Australia.

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I am so sorry I missed this.

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Smells like bullsh*t to me. Colin using a fake story to promote his misogyny. Presumably he has nowt to say about the countless documented cases of men in women's wards assaulting women, masturbating and practising voyeurism

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Regular narcissistic male, make him woke

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He possibly could have written the tweet to, if he, or his mates, have sock accounts. Just a thought...But yes, well said!

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Another cherry picking ‘ah gotcha’ moment for Colin. Once again conviently sidesteps the bigger picture where it fits, narcissistic rape apologist he is.

Oh and What is wrong with his face?!

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How does she know this "woman" is genuinely a female ? Is this story even true ? After all the lies spouted by the tras ,I am very sceptical about anything they say .

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Colin is an unreliable source.

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