Obliquely warning Afghan women that, unlike the violent prison where they live, they can aspire to live in a giant urinal where all female identity goes down the drain.

And to the Glinner subscriber at Heathrow, I salute you.

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Yes the Heathrow subscriber has my utmost respect and support if needed.. what a woman!

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Thanks for sharing this.

I do wonder, and have often done over the years, how popular becoming a woman would be if it meant never leaving your home, having zero bodily autonomy and being a house slave. Not forgetting to cover yourself head to toe so no one can celebrate your amazing femininity and stunning lipstick shade Queen! Very unpopular. AGP Bastards.

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Well, those men-pretending-to-be-women think they are "real" women so any rule about women being kept at home by laws, urinary leash, lack of political representation etc, wouldn't apply to men-pretending-to-be-women. Only to Women. We all know that gender ideology knows full well who are women and who are men.

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There is a ‘branch’ for want of a better word of AGP’s that do fantasies about become a ‘good Muslim wife’ forced to be a slave to their husbands every demand?!? Demented right?

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Because it's just fantasy for them. A game. This is just further proof that they have no empathy for, or understanding of, women.

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oh and this would sort the genuine trans women from the awful AGP, MRA types.

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It’s also in Nestle PR. Describing How their underpaid farmers in South America are excited to be embracing gender diversity. Like subsistence farmers don’t have enough to contend without being told they’ll be kicked off their land if they don’t adopt some privileged western fashion for fetishing synthetic sexual identities. They don’t need more options for gender expression. They need proper pay and unionisation.

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The medical-industry complex has also been prescribing antidepressants to people who don't have enough food.

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Not much has changed since the milk formula once forced on developing countries

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They pivoted. Dressed it up in new clothes so to speak.

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Its absolutely farcial. There are few people as atuned to the biological reality of sex than salt of the Earth farmers! Now wealthy Londoners who grew up sheltered and over protected may be easy to manipulate with bs, but South American farmers? I doubt it!

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have you seen whats happened to bigunion in the uk.

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No, can you provide a link?

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the british council really needs to think about what a woman might be

Do I have to identify as a woman to apply for this opportunity?

No. This programme is for artists who identify as female-identifying, women-identifying, queer,

trans, intersex and/or non-binary

from the creating heroines project (with nicola streeten making comics/zines)



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"Identifying as female-identifying"? So now identity spans to people who identify as identifying as female or as a woman. Voilà, the ouroboros of gender bollocks, everyone.

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i have found some gender critical farming docs online (very descripitive) but i'm keeping mum.

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As I don't identify as female or as a woman, but am actually a woman, would I be eligible? They literally DON'T SAY "women".

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Aha! How dare you! Stating the obvious! We all need some lessons in identity politics. Get us some intersectionalism. We don't actually exist unless we consciously, knowingly, identify as that thing or characteristic. And tell others, that's really important, the performance of your chosen lived experience. Life is just all perception right? I think any of the protected characteristics are up for grabs and can be self-identified into. Well, actually no, it appears it's just sex. The cases I know of people claiming to be ages they are not have been thrown out thus far. And people pretending to be a different ethnic background and race to how they 'feel in their soul' have been roundly condemned. The DWP famously hound people for fake/real/fake disability or illness, but there has been a broadening of what disability means to include invisible vs visible. What about the rest? Gender Identity is not listed as is why there is such a push to change this and bring in self-ID.

How do we assess these? Ourselves? Do others assess us? Is there such a thing as objective reality? Do we need a certificate, evidence, interview, test or some legally recognised form of proof of these? Go through a process? What constitutes a belief (see Maya Forstater case)? Do you have to be shown to 'live' as this? How do you 'live' your race? Do you eat certain foods and wear certain clothes? What are your practices?

Under the Equality Act 2010 there are nine:



Gender reassignment

Marriage and civil partnership

Pregnancy and maternity


Religion or Belief


Sexual orientation

It is looking like the literal erasure of women. Invisible women. Sex matters. This dancing around and screwing with what we are and call ourselves; it's a free for all. Hey anyone can identify as a woman, and in to our sex!

It's happening with competitive processes, applications, funding, statistics, censuses, shortlists and for awards (nominally and historically for women), and that we are now the only ones that will therefore be excluded and ineligible. But they've opened it up to be fair and nice, and that's equality and diversity, so that's ok.

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probably not - how you could you prove you were a woman as the british council don't seem to know how to define/acknowledge an actual biologically sexed woman, other than as a negation - not of men, but of people that identify as female/women.making the british council's definition of woman seems rather nebulous, rather like the 'un-trans-woman' of tachell's imagination. if actual biological women are not recognised as actual women - but something other and unnameable/undefinable. we are not just invisible, but identityless. Paperless. stateless even. we are totally f**ked!

to understand the importance of 'recognition' in philosphy- see the lord and bondsman chapter in hegel's big book of 'enlightenment'. marx was a young hegelian philosopher before he took up journalism and his seat in the british library. (marxists call this idea the master and slave dialectic). foucault thought there was some room for 'powerplay' (as a bdsm player he was living in a world overrun by fantasy). unsurprisingly judith butler is also a big fan of hegel, focusing on his work at university and permeating throughout her strangled sentences- i think she quotes this section in 'undoing gender'. in hegel's theory- basically two 'counciousnesses' (not yet defined as the lord and bondsman - suggesting that men and women are all born with an equal 'position' in society, which is blatantly false and the usual ivory tower pontificating). these consciousnesses size up to fight but the Lord/master/bully 'conciousness' does not 'recognise'/acknowledge the other 'consciousness', in the bullies eyes the other is only worthy of enslavement and bondage. naming the enslaved one slave and silencing them.

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The look on the woman’s faces! What the hell was it all about?? My brain hurts! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

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Yes, the woman shaking her head. Also, it's not as if they've no knowledge of art (good art that is, not crap). Patronising and moronic

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Because that's what disenfranchised, displaced Afghan women need: lessons in conceptual art. Whatever next, pole dancing classes?

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its not even useful to art students - unless you are interested in what politics is behind the cirriculcum.

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Yes, and a 'sex-worker' kit no doubt

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Duchamp created his art as a complete piss take of the art establishment but arrogant, stupid people who have no understanding of humour took it as genuine. A bit like how men who take the piss out of women are now also seen as genuine artefacts and women are treated as the discarded, worthless, boring old functional urinal for men to piss all over in this bizarre analogy! This is the Emperor's new clothes that only the very priviledged and pompous can play along with, like Duchamp's moronic art critics. This is a far cry from the women fleeing the Taliban, who are visabilty unconvinced by this ridiculous and embarrassing nonsense. And who can blame them!?

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No. Duchamp stopped being shocking a while ago if ever. How the **** did that get funded. Did they get a lesson in irony and context too? Is that British Council? A charity? Where is this? Those poor women. I was shaking my head too. I wish they knew that no, that's not what I, or many of us believe. Using the words 'revolution' like that? Oh just like all other revolutions eh. Just WTAF. This is what the Western World and Art and Culture is? I need to find more ways to disagree. 'No' just isn't cutting it.

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i think british council, who have been pushing the well known essex potter / ex performance artist / cross dresser's work for a v long time (long before the tv stuff). grayson perry is v intelligent and articulate, but is really quite quiet on the gender ideology.

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Oh I wish this wasn't true if it is. British Propaganda Council, they never do dodgy stuff do they? Nice, well-paid roles though. I forgot 'British Values' is another industry.

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I've got a nasty feeling I recognise her too. Or is it just the type? I'm sick of being preached at.

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duchamp was the establishment.

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Much like trans activists, he was a faux revolutionary, protesting against the establishment whilst, as you say, actually being part of the establishment. He took everyone for a ride.

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I wonder how many trans “women” who self identify in the West would suddenly rediscover that they are actually men, if they had to live under the Taliban.

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Great question

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I was bethering with a Mozambican pal about gender identity extremism a couple of years ago. In all seriousness he opined that if the men there tried the TWAW schtick on woman, they would beat them with sticks.

One interesting article & one funny in new edition of Private Eye:



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My Omani doctor friend who studied in Pakistan (Lahore) also said, on experiencing street harassment for the first time here in the UK as we ventured into town, but why don't they beat them with sticks? She couldn't believe we were expected to put up with it.

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Great links, thanks!

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wow this is so absurd. I wish I could laugh.

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the video has a bbc stamp on it- but i dont really understand the context, unless its a how not to teach video? its beyond insensitive and a trivial topic, why talk about such meaningless artmarket art. i mean why does anyone really need to know about marcel duchamp's 'urinal is art' joke (if they are not an undergraduate), when he was notably a far better chess player than a serious artist.

however the myth of duchamp's genius conceptual art really comes from the hype around goldsmiths uni art dept under michael craig martin control, who moulded the yba's (like damien) to produce advertising friendly product. The post-skill and post-teaching style of university art education was v different from the polytechnic style. as ideas/concepts/theories are meant to inform the 'research based' art students are expected to produce. the teaching i received did then inc french critical theory (foucault and his heir apparent deleuze). moving forward queer theory must be everywhere at art uni's (uk)- for the first time that i found out about the pronoun thing was at a top uni for art history courtauld institute conference (kings cross).

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Ah, you poor thing, like me, hamstrung by a false belief in 'context'. French critical everything really seeped everyhere in UK education and has had half a century to work its magic. I never got my head around Foucault and DeleuzenGuttari dominating so much. I think I've written essays on them for my sins. When some pseudish man (always men) mentions it now (yes they still do!) I find it hard not to laugh - it's usually a way to signal they're a much better person and more educated than everyone else present, like some rite of passage. And I need them to 'frame' my thinking. Why, thank you kind sir.

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Jesus. When you go other countries: ASK, don't tell.

These people have their own art, and if you go there why wouldn't you want to learn about it and what it means instead of imposing your own? Barf.

Every revelation about the activity in Afghanistan is more embarrassing and horrifying than the last. This entire situation was 100% avoidable.

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But, but, but, my exchange student from France told me ALL CULTURE is from Europe! You know Europe, that peninsula attached to Asia.

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It makes me think of my extremely generous and well-meaning great-aunt, who was deeply conservative and could not see that her experience of life was not universal. I remember we were talking about what would become known as the Stolen Generations - where fair-skinned First Nations kids were ripped from their families, taken to missions and ultimately sent to work in white people's homes in an attempt to "breed the blackness out of them". This was government policy. These kids and their parents suffered untold trauma. Many of these kids were physically and sexually abused. My great-aunt was genuinely bemused at my anger over this and said, "But it was good for the children. The missions taught them handicrafts!" My mum responded, "Their communities already had their own handicrafts."

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...handicrafts. That's her takeaway. 😕 She has a similar tune as some my Jesus-obsessed relatives. I can't summon the energy to decide whether to chalk it up to malice or to stupidity.

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Yep. I think it's a complete inability to conceive that people of different ethnicities and/or religious beliefs (or lack thereof) have their own life experiences and rich cultures and history, and that what is foreign to us is normal to them and vice versa. I went through a phase where I found this aunt, loving and generous as she was, really hard work. She died suddenly when I was 19 and I felt terribly guilty about my attitude towards her in the preceding 2-3 years, but my god she had some thoroughly noxious views. Another conversation I remember was when we were on a tram (she had no kids or grandchildren of her own so invested a lot of time in us, taking us out to movies or other activities) and she expressed resentment that a group of Asian people near us were not talking to each other in English, "it's just jabber jabber jabber, you can't understand a word". I asked why she thought we needed to understand their private conversation that didn't involve us, and said that if I were in France (I was studying French at high school at the time) and met another English speaker, I'd be speaking English to that person. She was like, "oh. I hadn't thought of it like that."

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You and I could have swapped aunts and carried on BAU without noticing any significant changes 😆

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My mother-in-law complained about women on the bus speaking their own language. This from a woman whose family probably continued to speak German long after they emigrated to the U.S.!

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I thought it was a comedy sketch. Was it a comedy sketch? Please god make it a comedy sketch.

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In order to sleep tonight I am going to make myself believe it's a comedy sketch.

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It's small wonder why these people want nothing to do with us.

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When faith/religion and bs ideology collide faith will win.

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And I’m agnostic

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What? You mean these backwoods goat shaggers know what a woman is?


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I just wrote something about the current form of colonialism and it’s links to gender identity and the CIA

I was going to turn into a video essay and still might.

It’s here if anyone wants to read if


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Thanks Becky! Medium is notorious for deleting accounts when they post material it does not approve of so please do think of publishing it somewhere else as well.

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