The kid involved at Loudon was found guilty today.


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I hope the school board is next.

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Oct 26, 2021
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Or what age he is

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Oct 27, 2021
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Obscene is a good word for it. Also scandalous.

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I can't believe I'm asking this ... was it a walkout in solidarity with the victim or the perpetrator?

I really don't know anymore 😕

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In the video clip I saw the kids were chanting Loudoun protects rapists. Good for them.

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Yeah a lot of what you would think would be normal human behavior has been turned on its head- it’s a reasonable question.

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Solidarity with the victim(s), and fury at the school district.

The FIRST assault, at the first school, was skirt-wearing dude at age 14. School district Supervisor, in response to a direct question, denied any such assault, when in fact he later admitted he did know of it, and simply misspoke.

Instead of being charged though, dude was simply transferred to another school, where he committed a SECOND assault of another girl. Still wearing a skirt.

The hearing on the FIRST assault was yesterday morning, Monday 25 October; guy was found guilty of non consensual sexual assault, 2 counts.

The hearing on the SECOND case is in a few weeks. Sentencing will also be determined at that hearing.

It is acknowledged that the first victim and perp knew each other and had even had sex previously. When she was assaulted, though, she said no, was raped, and was injured, and was taken to the hospital. The juvenile court judge found perp guilty of rape/nonconsensual sexual assault.

But the point in Loudoun County is that where self-ID for using toilets is school policy, girls' safeguarding is eroded. You can’t challenge someone in a skirt any longer. Boys in skirts entering the girls' toilets is normalized, which presents a risk, to all the girls using that toilet.

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That word, 'misspoke', is that the new word for 'lied'?

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That whole mess is crazy, not least because the dad getting arrested at the school board meeting was one factor in the National School Boards Association to write to the Justic Department requesting help from the FBI, and characterizing parents as terrorists. Now they have had to apologize: https://www.osba.org/News-Center/News_releases/20211022NSBA.aspx

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Still get a slap on the wrist. How old is he?

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If he's over 14 he will be tried as an adult and as an adult he is alleged to have raped a minor.

Raping a minor in Virginia is a minimum 25 years.

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Presumably under 18 but they'll try him as an adult if he's over 14.

That's how they roll in Ol' Virginny.

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....and just like that the BBC is transphobic!

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Wow, a bunch of men and their female lackeys automatically and without examination of any kind disbelieve and refute multiple women’s accounts of abuse and rape. Glad to see things never change.

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Brilliant, Graham. The BBC wakes up and does some journalism. Finally.

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I'd like to think so but I'd be surprised if it's not anxiety about losing part of its income. It's going to be just as anxious to avoid accusations of transphobia, even though the ones that have come so far are infantile and risible. I expect more trans related output from the BBC that is very different from this.

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I'm upset to realise that I am absolutely, unrepentantly homophobic! I'm a straight male who refuses to have sex with other men, simply because they are men!!!

How dare I exclude half the population based on my regressive genital prejudices??

That is the logic here! When did staying in a coercive relationship start being a womans obligation?

To misquote the wonderful Rex Landy: "They can Fuck Off. They can Fuck Off until they can't fuck off any more, then they can fuck off some more..."

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Yes ,and obviously all heterosexuals ,like me ,must be transphobic for the same reasons you described above. Well said

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It’s *so* interesting that a change of policy at the BBC (presumably from high up?) has such rapid and wide-reaching effects. We all know how craven and captured most big tech is (Twitter, Google, … er the online-only Independent) but all that ranting is just ripples in a small pond of stale piss. Now that the BBC is catching up with some newspapers (Times, Telegraph, even the Daily Mail) in covering this in a *clear* way, the public won’t have it. The BBC article actually spelled out what the “cotton ceiling” refers to. And any sane person will be completely repelled by it.

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The reaction of TRAs is straight from the eternal patriarchal script of questioning women making allegations of rape/sexual assault.

Gaslight, ridicule and accuse them of lying.

Too many lefties signed up without reading the smallprint. Now locked in unless willing to pay price of cancelling contract.

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What happened to "lived experience" being the determinant factor of truth?

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patriarchy defines what is valid lived experience. Transwomen = men = patriarchy

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This is carbon copy of reaction to women who reported rape and sexual assault back in the 50s. They were asking for it, they were too ugly for anyone to want to rape them, it didn't happen, it was wishful thinking, they were man-haters, they deserved it, they were lesbian and needed to be raped. They're screaming their woman-hatred from the rooftops.

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Iit’s mine blowing that it’s still happening. When I was in my 20s I thought that women’s rights were heading in the right direction, things were completely fair but things were getting better. Society is completely regressed and we’re having to restate the same things.

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Oh, Rachel...transwomen are men and statistically they're the ones doing all the raping.

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Wouldn't it have been nice if just one of those people had said something thoughtful? Something that suggests that, just maybe, what they support gives some men camouflage to assault and rape women who dare to make themselves unavailable to men. Something that suggests a little bit of humility. I know that some of them will be backpedaling like fury in a few weeks time, but it would have been good to see some neurons engaging now.

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The entire 'trans' myth would vanish in a puff if the least particle of truth were to come near it. That's why 'no discussion'.

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Hopefully this is the first of a whole load of chickens coming home to roost at the BBC - they have had a huge amount of influence with their various broadcast pieces.

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I’ve just left positive feedback at the BBC for the article- I’m worried the only people they going to hear from are TRAs.

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Me too. Only takes 30 seconds.

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I left positive feedback ,too

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I did too earlier.

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When are trans people going to figure out that 99.9% of the population is not interested in sex with raging narcissists?

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Now “believe all women” means all women have to be claiming men are doing something.

80 victims just can’t be believed.

What court of law would accept a mere 80 witnesses?

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How odd that now the BBC is twansphobic seeing that for the last 5-6 years they have been pushing the T agenda including getting behind the transing of kids willynilly - seems that now the cognitive dissonance has reached epic narc proportions.

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Even the responses are confused, some are dismissing the survey as unreliable or untrue, others implicitly accepting that this does happen to lesbians but that it's justifiable behaviour

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Autogynephiles are the most manipulative and abusive of men. Ask lesbians. A BBC reporter did just that and we can all see the backlash today. Beyond that, ask the wives and children of autogynephilic men. Ask the Trans Widows about the abuse to which they and their children are subjected by such men.

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Narcissism is about control. A most destructive and self-destructive form of control. I can vouch for the fact that my trans ex-H let his anger take over his life: he went from teasing, to taunting, to refusing to engage with any of his friends or with me or his children with extraordinary bursts of sullen rage. I had never witnessed emotional degradation like this and he was clearly mad. He had tried to defraud me and the DWP and HMRC. He tried to take a slice of my house with 4 planning applications on it in 5 years. He is so deeply insane that, 15 years after he left, I still have only the most sketchy details of his childhood sexual assault, and absolutely nothing about his gauche development as a very self-conscious youth. He hid his uncertainty well until he was in a marriage, when the veneer of confidence collapsed. I am certain that he behaved in the same cycle in previous marriages. When he needed to engage with the outside world he was intelligent, quietly spoken, professionally competent, really charming and attractive. But then he would gradually change into a monster. I had not studied psychology so I didn't see this coming. The most painful thought is that he turned into a self-centred psychopath when he had made enough money sponging off me....

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I’m sorry to hear you’ve been treated so badly 😞

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