The TWAW mantra has certainly created a whole generation of deluded TIMs. Even if you've had extensive cosmetic surgery, most people can still tell. If that hurts your feelings, then take it up with your allies who keep lying to you and enabling the mass delusions. Being able to distinguish male and female is an evolutionary survival tactic, it is not transphobic or hateful. In fact at the end of that exchange we can clearly see who is being hateful.

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I’m so cheered up by the wonderful pile on to Elijah Wood for agreeing with some American comic who was slating Caitlin Jenner’s stance on transwomen in sport. Everyone is calling out gender ideology because sport is the one arena where it’s obvious to everyone that men are not and will never be women.

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I'm struggling to get my head round the anger at the bi dude. By definition, any guy that doesn't have a problem with your dick when it comes to having sex, is gay or bi.

Was he going to wait till he was getting banged <I>then</i> call him a f****t? What exactly was his endgame?

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It is terrifying what they are teaching in Medical Schools. The BMJ has even had to do an editorial reminding the medical profession that biological sex exists, is not the same as “gender” and is rather important to safe practice and research. The UK, or England at any rate, seems to be the last bastion of sanity in the Anglosphere, desperately holding the fort against the woke horde determined to drag us all into the abyss of unreason.

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Reminds me of 'The Better Half: On the genetic superiority of women' (2020) book written by a male doctor in his 50s (Sharon Moalem) who describes the blatant sexist teachings he was subjected to at the med school he attended in the 80s at a top US university, with the male teachers blaming the X chromosome for all the physical ills that men suffer, teaching he shows is completely unscientific and wrong. The de-sexing of medical terminology today is just the 21st century's version of denying the significance - and superior genetic strengths - of the X chromosome.

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I was just about to buy Kathleen Stock’s new book. It’s disappointing to see the AGP problem is dismissed in it.


I’ll probably still buy it. Seems like required easing at this point.

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A real clown school... how about a gender neutral ant (name). These true believers have way too much free time on their hands, to come up with this nonsense. Note that the field has been trying to adopt phylocode (rational naming)... but fuck that of course... when you can make an ideological statement. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/57006348

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That text tête-à-tête was like a puppy love romance gone wrong 😂

If any TIM believes men "don't know" then they're not the full ticket. I say "if" because who knows what the hell they believe, right? I suspect they don't believe half the shit they espouse but if they *do* genuinely believe it, we all know why.

It's the incessant infantilisation and false compliments they receive in their online echo chambers 😜 I'm sure it pops up on everyone's timeline intermittently for comedic reasons. You know the drill: "You go, queen!" "Sooo pretty in that dress!" "Wow! You look FINE, girlfriend!"

Shit like that.

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Before it's deleted....Joss sings on Twitter. Close your eyes & all you can hear is a tone deaf bloke. Delusional on every level.

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"Julia Long answers her critics"

Email from Kelly-Jay Keene-Minshull


Live at 9pm tonight (Mon 10 May)

Julia Long is a woman you can trust with your rights. She's an incredible asset to every last one of us and lives by her words. A fiercely intelligent woman who is rather unapologetic in recognising and naming male violence and the systems that uphold it. When most of us were blissfully sleeping under rocks Julia was highlighting the danger of this existential fight we see before us.

Over the last few years Julia has received the most destructive horizontal fire from other lesbian academics and media luvvies. Often accusing her fearlessness in naming men as men as being unkind and unnecessary. Just last week one such academic included a targeted attack in her newly published book.

Julia has always stood in the way of the creeping erosion of our rights and I wanted to give her the opportunity to answer those critics.

You might not be a lesbian, a separatist or a feminist, I'm none of those three, but if you care just one tiny iota about women's rights you'd be a fool not to listen to what Julia has to say.

See her tonight on my YouTube channel, you can use superchat to ask questions or submit them, ahead of time, using the button below.

My channel is linked below also, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe.



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Hi Graham, I wondered of you might put a stronger warning on a Tweet like the one of the trans women masturbating out in the open in women’s restrooms.

I know you have a warning, but sometimes you can be a bit hyperbolic (no offense), so I just thought it might be written material which might make me not want to be eating while reading it.

I didn’t really check the linked Tweet of the feminist who shared it (I don’t know if she warned about the video content either- I can’t remember and don’t want to click on it again). I still didn’t get it, and clicked on the man’s Tweet, documenting this self-made illicit pornography.

I actually did get sick to my stomach. It was triggering in the literal sense of the word (of my PTSD). I can handle written content- though it’s probably not good for me, I feel I need to know (and I’m a radfem, so I’ve been abreast of this for quite some time, and follow radfem goings on, and am not about to let PTSD change that; in fact, it helped me solidify my radical feminist beliefs and alliance). But the videos were too much for me.

So I thought I’d ask for a bit of a stronger warning.

On a related note, I don’t know why everyone on here isn’t discussing THAT. It is, in my opinion, by far the most outrageous news item on here (yes I know the dismissal of sex in medicine has far-reaching consequences, mainly for women...I guess the dozens of videos of trans women masturbating in women’s restrooms is just so much more viscerally disturbing).

When “we just want to pee” becomes “we fetishized women’s bathrooms and locker rooms, and we just want to jizz in front of you and your daughters, in your space, while filming the whole thing.”

That women haven’t said anything when encountering these trans sex offenders in our spaces says a lot about what women don’t say, and also a lot about her climate of fear among women regarding this issue.

These videos should be sent to law enforcement, and also, to every politician or institution that has ever said “trans women are women.”

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please sign this petition for reporting child porn on twitter, this is by a woman named Eliza who is helping with the John Doe case suing twitter for not removing image of his violation https://www.change.org/p/twitter-inc-make-reporting-child-sexual-abuse-material-a-two-step-process-on-twitter

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From: @NHSEastEngland (!!!!!!!!!!!)

"It's important to be "approachable by both women, birthing people and the staff is really, really important. Working with people from different working groups making sure you're apart of that multi disciplinary and inter disciplinary is really, really crucial."


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Slings and Arrows is brilliant. Thanks for the reminder, I will watch the whole thing again. James - I envy you the experience of viewing for the first time.

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This is one of the best articles I have ever seen on the subject. It is well worth reading ALL of the links in the article. I am truly in awe of people who can bring this information to us in such an astute way

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Why do doctors and pharma sell gender reassignment treatments and not explicit sex change treatment. Is it because it easier to push a cure to change gender, rather than something real like sex, which is a promise even couldn’t deliver on. I think we should force them to change the wording from gender to sex and see how quickly they backtrack.

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