
Things seem to be changing - a more positive outlook perhaps.

Cancel that asteroid, quick!

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

The comments made have all been the same tired worn out phrases - lived experience, trauma, harm blah blah blah. The non binary thing is really starting to get on my tits (real, heavy, starting to sag) - non binary is a made up oppression. They don’t have to go through anything other than piss people off by insisting they are called an array of made up grammatically incorrect pronouns. Or put up with a confused look when they declare they are non binary and people outside the gender ideology debate look at them quizzically as they have no clue what it means. Declaring I’m non binary doesn’t stop periods, mood swings or hot flushes. Believe me - if it did, I’d be the first to declare my queerness to Twitter!

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Unadventurous punks

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

What's changed, in the EHRC, Maggie Chapman is that David Isaacs is no longer chair of the EHRC. She says the EHRC is not impartial - it was not impartial when he was chair of the EHRC, David Isaacs was Chair of Stonewall for many years. 'Impartiality' schimpatiality - hoist by your own petard Ms Chapman!

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

She doesn't like women very much. And she definitely doesn't like women with more power than her... Amazed that she can stand being in the same room as Lorna Slater MSP and FM Nicola Sturgeon. She screws her face up when in such a circumstance and looks like an orc... It is a wonder it has not been noticed as she can't help herself.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I was trying to get some sleep but kept finding myself back at the Gwent Cop Shop wondering what would happen if the sex roles were reversed.

The man they have arrested is locked in the cell and they go off to search his house. They find posters "No Women in Men's Prisons" and stickers "A Penis is a Man's Thing".

He's been in the cell for hours and they take him out for questioning.

Officer : "A Penis is a Man's Thing". "That is very offensive. Do you realise how offensive that is?"

It doesn't work in reverse does it? That's because the whole thing is a Men's Rights Movement.

An American man whose name I've forgotten has just been banned for life from Twitter for saying:

"The greatest female Jeopardy champion of all time is a man.

The top female college swimmer is a man.

The first female 4 star admiral is a man.

The patriarchy wins in the end"

He could have added "The Winner of Golden Globe Best Actress in a Drama Series is a man."

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

EXACTLY. It's a new and novel way to demean and harass women, and punish women who object. It should be funny; it should be so utterly ridiculous that those who normally draw attention to idiocy should be all over it. Instead we have Dara O'Brien agreeing that it is not-at-all-odd to refer to Eddie Izzard (a transvestite) as 'she'.

It's the most extraordinarily cunning way to hide woman-hating under a cloak of 'progressiveness'. Same-old-same-old, dressed up in a wig and a dress.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

So true. I need to remember this flip at all times, it seems simple but it's easy to forget when TRAs are screaming at you. Thanks Christine!

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Jan 28, 2022·edited Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Halle-feckin'-lujah! I love it when grown-up's reprimand the kiddies and remind them that rationality is what we use to make decisions these days. We don't sacrifice goats to appease the gods or take orders from the people who think a man is magically turned into a woman by dressing like his favourite porn star.

I also love how the people who preach Tolerance & Inclusivity are furious at a decision to protect equality and human rights. Keep it up, dahlings - you'll never know realise how much it helps people to understand who you really are.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Seems like equality & human rights aren't what the troons are after, unless they can expand it to include waving their erection around in the girl's changing room. Tick Tock dudes, we see you 👀👀

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Jan 28, 2022·edited Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Wow, what is Maggie Chapman’s problem? Listened to the Radio 4 clip (interviewer was very good), and she could barely breathe. Would love to know what originally compelled her to bend the knee to this Ideology. She’s gotta be the most handmaidenish of handmaidens. Didn’t know much about her until now, but found this on womenarehuman website:

“Maggie Chapman, Member of the Scottish Parliament for the Greens and secretary of the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, came to Wadhwa’s defense, stating, “The Scottish Greens stand in solidarity with Rape Crisis Scotland, Edinburgh Rape Crisis, survivors of gender-based violence, Mridul Wadhwa, and trans people across Scotland.” The Greens previously stood with Wadhwa in opposing the law that allows rape survivors to choose the sex of their examiners.”

She’s in pretty deep, and I guess she’s sensing that now.

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What was her problem? Sheer panic.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

No panic from Ms Chapstick! Just rage that a man questioned her on her belief in the Church of Trans. She doesn't like women... But nobody gets to question her! I know I have worked with her and if she didn't want to do something it was like dealing with a 2 year old. She has no right to be a politician as she doesn't know how to behave...

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I stand corrected! I was hoping it WAS panic really though! Ha!

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

She speaks like that even when she is chilled with a glass of wine in her hand!! She is a very strange woman!!!

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*steers clear*

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Has a 'trans' child? or just trendy children. Has 'nice trans friend'. (I also have nice male friends... but they aren't women).

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Although if Wadhwa is the friend, it's manifestly true that he is not a nice person

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It was suggested that females side with males against other females to gain power from those males. (Plus social conditioning that females grow up with) It probably pops up in social identity theory tbh *sigh*

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I'm not sure but I think she might be the same woman whose argument was demolished in a TV debate against MSP Joan Mc Alpine a few years ago. She ended up looking a fool against Joan's rational , evidence based argument. Of course ,after that ,the SNP made sure they got rid of Joan in the next election !!

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Yeah click the link "who claims to believe there is more than two sexes"

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I think so, I think the clip is in the twitter thread

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Came to say the same thing! Handmaidens are everywhere these days. What the effing eff? It's like feminism never happened.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

The histrionics are quite entertaining on one level, I must admit. Not one dignified or professionally phrased statement of disappointment amongst them. It’s total theatrics.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

The evil at the heart of this movement is becoming ever more obvious day by day so it's completely unforgivable that some MPs continue to defend it.So shameful 👎👎👎

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Mr Wadhwa has found his champion in Maggie Chapman who for some bizarre reason is protecting this creep? it would appear that birds of the Narcissistic Personality Disorder flock together.

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Both Chapman and Lorna Slater ( scottish green co leader ) are the enablers in the fraud of Mr Wadhwa getting his jobs with Tayside RC and Edinburgh RC . I would love if Chapmans obvious panic in her word salad interview on R4 yesterday or Slaters arrogant contempt for anybody who disagrees with her is one day repeated in The High Court in front of a jury. I think we're at the stage now where we cant totally rule it out this happening , but a few months ago ? Not so much .

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

thank you for this info - I didnt know about the other NPD transmaid but its all about colluding to enable this vile mans fantasies - yes I think the court cases cant be far off now especially as the ECHR have stuck to their guns .

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He is a man and she doesn't like women in the same way Margaret Thatcher didn't like women. I know, I have had to work with her in the past. It was definitely an experience but not a good one.

She needs a "guid skelp on the arse" as she is another of those folks whose parents never said No.

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I was about to post about my embarrassment of so many women doubling down on woo woo - then remembered EHRC has tremendous new women doubling down on the actual law. Well done to them 👏👏 they have played a blinder. Makes me feel proud. Clever women are brilliant 👏👏

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Haha, sorry but 'dipshit'? Haven't heard that in decades! Had to laugh. Where does that even come from I wonder...

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Why should a counter-factual/delusion/lie/pretence/untruth be enshrined in law?

For me, this is all the GRA does.

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I know it is a bit like “woman ltd” -

I’m so angry with the likes of Stonewall my suggestion is GRA administration at companies house in Cardiff. Annual returns of living like a woman

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I have had the dubious pleasure of working with Maggie Chapman (or Chapstick as she became known) before she stood for election. She was untrustworthy and very "airheaded". There was always sn excuse for why she couldn't do what was asked of her... Basically because she thought everyone else was stupid and not as knowledgeable as her. Unfortunately for her, we were all brighter and better informed than Ms Chapstick. She was firmly pushed out of her job with her minion... Then she stood for election!!

In the sensory sector in Scotland, her name is mud!! In fact most people would not waste their urine on her if she self-combusted...

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Love the pram lol 😂

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Jan 28, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

The Guardian article on the subject is infuriatingly dishonest too spouting crap about trans rights and not a word about the safety of children and women. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/jan/26/uk-equalities-watchdog-urges-scotland-to-pause-gender-recognition-reforms

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What do you expect from this rag? They have been pandering to this ideology for several years now. Probably told to by their powerful, yet diminutive uber-YouTuber and columnist...

Their reports and articles are that one-sided on this subject, it's like watching a World Cup Qualifying match between Germany and a Puffin Island IX.

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Here's an interesting article about the CIA and U.K. media.


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Thanks, will check that out.

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