JL, I cannot tell you how much in awe of you I am. I think I would have poked my eyes out with a blunt spoon rather than research this. Childline and the NSPCC are specifically there to help vulnerable children . If this is their way of helping, it's not only the women who are losing their safe spaces, the children are too. I really wish the MSM would pick this up and run with it. On the other side of the coin, any parent who is abusing their child, would automatically try to steer them away from childline for fear of discovery. What scenario is worse for a child who needs help? Staying silent and just putting up with it, or looking to (for example) childline and getting captured by gender stasi? This absolutely breaks my heart, but thank you for your hard work.

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Oh thank you so much. That's really kind of you to say so. I'm a tough old bird and have a strong stomach. But this stuff is so alarming, isn't it? I'm old enough to remember when Childline first started and how they were swamped by calls from desperate, vulnerable children. It's heartbreaking to see what has become of the very organisations who should be protecting and defending kids, not supplying them with message boards to discuss breast binding and me in women's underwear.

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I too used to think that I was a tough old bird, having experience of life, good and bad. Whilst I am concerned about the erosion of womens rights, my main concern is for young children, who depend on adults to steer them through their adolescent years into adulthood. I remember the beginnings of childline, and it comforted me to know that vulnerable children had a port of call, and the protection of other adults when they needed it. This is not protection, in my view. It's just another arm of the TRA's who appear to be everywhere. If I had a voice that would be listened to, I would be asking childline who moderates their boards, to ensure that children are not being given incorrect guidance particularly, as you mention, with regard to breast binding. It's extremely dangerous. Where is the protection that Childline claim to give children in this instance? It makes me want to scream from the rooftops. But, of course, I am just a woman, and am probably over-reacting. <---- sarcasm.

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Yes. Let's just provide paedos with several effective avenues of access to vulnerable kids, shall we? Nothing to see here - move along, people... /sarcasm

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MSM is really culpable wrt to breast binders - they are unequivocally harmful and are a scandal that would generate many, many clicks, if any of them were brave enough to do their job and investigate it properly. As are puberty blockers etc, but they are harder to come by and not as widely accepted, even celebrated (I know! Horrendous). As for the NSPCC board members: how do they sleep at night?

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I know somebody who wears a binder and when she started a job that entailed a limited amount of physical activity, she nearly fainted because she couldn't breathe. She asked "the community" for help and what she got was "buy the next size up". Nobody, not ONE PERSON, suggested that she should not bind her breasts. It brings to mind the old "it hurts when I stab myself with a fork - don't stab yourself with a fork then".

With regard to your question about the NSPCC board members, there's two potential answers. Either "they don't care enough to do their own research" or "you cannot argue with stupid". ;)

Your points are well made.

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Thanks! In a parallel world, the Guardian had remembered to ask “Who benefits?” and published a damning expose about the manufacturers and sellers of binders, and following it, doctors and parents have called on the government to ban the sale of them.

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In my previous Twitter iteration I @'d them multiple times to ask when they were going to sack the man who filmed himself wanking and pissing in rubber at work. So they blocked me.

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Yes, very mature of them! I'm surprised that this scandal didn't absolutely tear the organization apart, tbh, but people are so busy they don't have the time I guess. That said, I can't help but feel that the NSPCC are heading towards an almighty crash with regards to an inability/lack of sheer will to keep vulnerable children safe.

They are courting a huge scandal by keeping those particular message boards up, I feel.

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Well done for putting the piece together JL, what are you doing with this research in addition to publishing here?

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Thank you, Not Carole. I'm afraid it's really difficult to get mainstream outlets interested in these stories. Thank goodness Graham is brave enough to publish them!

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I'm just copying it to my MP Nus Ghani along with my Women and Equality submission thing from today, for what it is worth.

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Thank you so much. I really appreciate that.

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It’s very disheartening and a grave risk to women and children and indeed other men. Much like the historic abuses being dealt with in some places now how has this all been allowed to happen again and in plain sight and while silencing women and dissenters? It is literal “evil”and will quite clearly end very, very badly. The sooner the better and before too many young bodies and minds are twisted and women’s progress and rights blocked and impeded. We must continue not to allow this crap to be normalised but what a tiring and disheartening hill to have to die on when there is so much else to do and the perversions should be self evident to any rational person. I bet we’re all feeling pretty sickened by the extent of it by now. I know I am. I’m pretty happy to bring back firing squads now as it’s to awful to go over and over. Probably not the best response but the proliferation via tech seems to be too big now so that may well have to go as well to protect humans and ourselves and our young. I don’t feel like going out anywhere after being exposed to all this do any of you? It makes, not only my skin crawl, everywhere including services and institutions, feel very unsafe (even more than usual if that’s even possible) indeed particularly for women and kids. 🤭 The message is clear nowhere is safe and trust noone. Just accept being commodified, sexualised and dehumanised. It poses and liberalism but is in fact regressive and very ,very dangerous totalitarianism and thought policing. Orwell come to pass in full colour and with gory detail. Gender idealogy being accepted everywhere is extremism. If women were not prevented from participation (except the chosen few compliant enablers groomed and paid to comply with the destructive patriarchal systems) THIS COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED. It is end days stuff at every turn and we all need a plan now for our survival. Modern society has clearly driven people mad and for centuries since communities where destroyed, moved off their land and would deal with anti social aberrations in their own way.

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I am Australian (which probably explains why I've not heard about this before) but a naked family swim event?! I don't think that nudism is necessarily a bad or sexual thing, but come on! For many attracted to that sort of thing, it absolutely is. What a monumentally inappropriate thing to hold!

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You may be Australian (!), but you are absolutely right that this is a perversion. NO healthy family would think to go to swim naked in a public swimming pool in Stoke (nowhere special). Red flags everwhere!

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I had this link sent to me on a tailored BBC email yesterday. I'd never asked them to send me anything specifically on trans ness, but boy does it conflate gay and trans. I've withdrawn from their mailing list. https://view.e.bbcmail.co.uk/?qs=5ef61ffe3b4acf9a916b502309afceaa69d7a159c5351a4599178aad2e737b4b30f2bbf029f3f9006f74c68f3d90f704b0dfbb5318251f809ec0b46ebc8064b665b17099c2c69332

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God that's so depressing.

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Transphobic parent = any parent who has concerns that their child has been captured by a destructive and regressive ideology.

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