I always enjoy JL's contributions because they're not only eloquent but they're always expertly evidenced; there's never any grey areas or mere hearsay. Kudos.

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More invaluable journalism. Thank you JL. This newsletter is filling a gaping hole in holding these organisations and institutions to account.

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"...A bill of rights for ‘women’, that includes its definition of ‘women’ a subsection of men, is not really a bill of rights for women...."

A thousand, million cheers of joy over your words, JL. SPOT on!

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THIS, JL, THIS!! Not about CEDAW, but about Stonewall.

Brilliant thread. https://twitter.com/Jebadoo2/status/1394759522124812293

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Not one of those barristers is fit to be on the working group..it's astounding that these women are so involved in their own erasure

Or maybe they like the politicians are being paid generously to lobby..

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Determined to keep us down and prioritising men’s needs being a priority and women’s reality and needs being erased and secondary aren’t they. Can’t be good for anyone particularly the children given Mothers time and resources are primarily expected to be used for children.

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...Sounds good, doesn’t it? Just one problem; The CPT’s definition of ‘women’ appears to include men... There's always a sting in the tail. I keep thinking that we will one day reach the end of a dark tunnel and men will, once more, be men, and women will be women, and paedophiles will be scum who go to a prison that depends on whether their biology, (number of ribs and genital attributes at birth), fits a sane profile. I once remarked, in the comments section of a national media website, that our society is based on old rules with new rules glued on or nailed to the sides of those old rules, but what we need is a radical re-evaluation of social laws. For example: Why and how did the politicians ever get to sell off the psychiatric hospitals so their rich friends could make money converting them into housing for the wealthy? We need a society that is able to exclude the habitual criminal through some radical transformation of society that says "Protect the rights of sane people before the rights of the criminal and the sex/gender obsessed dangerously insane". Protect the rights of children against those who define themselves by their sexual identity. Let's face it, let's face facts. Those who are so obsessed by what gets them sexually aroused so they can think of nothing else, are hardly fit to be dictating policy regarding children. Children should be protected until they are 18, as the law says in the UK (it is a misnomer to think the law states that 16 year olds in the UK can openly consent to anything, they can but only under certain circumstances). Rational Women need to be able to have groups that psychologically damaged men cannot join, no matter whether those groups relate to feminism, or lesbian based politics, straight, mixed, whatever. The fact is that gender dysphoria must have its power taken from it to preserve the views of sane ordinary people no matter whether they are children, men, women, straight or gay

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It always goes back to trying to nail down a definition of "women" from the woke that isn't circular or based on stereotypes. If feminism includes all "genders", then it's not really about women, is it. And if it isn't about women, then what's the bloody point of it?! This is why capture is so insidious and an affront to logic and reasoning, not to mention safety.

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The loss of women & LGB's rights as well as free speech is part of this larger campaign to trans children. LGB Alliance Australia have done an amazing job explaining why and how in this 9 minute YouTube video https://youtu.be/nkSiidVyHSE

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Tribunal happening right now on Youtube.

I'm fuming, having only just realised that the official CEDAW fights only for women and girls, has nothing to do with gender at all. Yet, this People's Tribunal, using CEDAW's name, fights for MEN who pretend they're women, alongside women ourselves! I'm one of the 1950s women severely affected by the loss of my State Pension for 6 YRS, most of us never having been informed at all, I only finding out by chance...devastating our lives, even after we get our State Pensions, as so many in deep debt....and I find it truly offensive that Transworld is, it seems to me, trying to get in to official CEDAW by the back door as it were...using this group to do that.

Thank you, JL for this blog...

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