I am new here and I haven't always thought positively of Glinner. My instincts were that trans people needed kindness and I took the easy route of thinking of him as a baffling example of someone who was once widely admired but who spiralled into insanity. I was wrong.

I'm sorry Graham.

I cannot keep pretending not to understand what I do in fact understand. I wanted to learn about the experience of transwomen. I lurked on forums like r/translater (a subreddit for older transitioners) and yet the more I read the more it felt like these were men masquerading as women. There was the comment from someone who regretted their decision to live as a "woman" because they felt that they could no longer act like a promiscuous gay man. There was the person who wrote about finding the courage to go outside dressed in women's clothing but who soon revealed that he did it because he found it sexually gratifying. It was highly sexualised and it felt less like a place I could learn and more of a wanker's realm for those who like their "women" with a little extra.

More and more I found—and this is an unfortunate term given scientific research into the microbiomes of neovaginas—that these "women" just weren't passing the smell test. I was lost in an uncanny valley. It's not that I think women unique and delicate creatures, or that I believe you are not capable of acting with cruelty but two decades and more online has shown me that those angrily calling others "c***s" and making threats of violence are invariably not women.

And then I see this "discussion" on Mumsnet and it has the trifecta: evasive answers, heavy moderation and most infuriatingly, maddening condescension. Even a chuckleheaded moron like me has read enough to know that women often feel like their anger is invalidated and that they get told to play by rules that don't apply to others. I have just witnessed it first hand and from two other women too! Be kind?! I'm afraid at that point my patience evaporated like piss off a hot griddle and I had to log off. I don't know how you all put up with it.

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'How we put up with it': The Evolution: discombobulation, anxiety, fear, paranoia, writing, writing, writing, anger, anger, despair, hope, anger, anger. Every day I have a little conversation with my husband that goes something along the lines of "I cannot fucking believe we are having to fucking philosophise, with men, about what a woman is" and "I cannot believe 6 years olds who can't tie their own shoelaces are being led to believe they are the opposite sex, or that 14 year olds who have never kissed anyone are embarking on medication that will make them sterile"

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Oh, I forgot: donating to crowdfunders

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Just on that subject. I never normally sign petitions (for various reasons, but one being that I think they are often ineffectual and the 'market' is flooded with all sorts of petitions and Worthy Causes and Justgivings etc at any one time) but I did contribute to Jenni's fund on the Democracy website. When I contributed on Saturday night, it was showing as having reached 38K+ already - I was greatly cheered by this - but I checked it just now and it's gone down to 36 ish+ Anyone have any idea why this would be? Are Fair Cop able to access funds for her straight away for her legal representation, which might explain the drop of a couple of thousand since the weekend? Or do they have to wait until the target amount is met?

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No idea, sorry.

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Feb 1, 2022
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That's my guess Jill, since there are a number if other GC causes ongoing people who donated may have thought it was probable that this case will be dropped and wanted to move their money to another cause

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Ditto...same conversation with husband, daughter, brother.."I can't fucking believe it" (fill in the gap for the shock of the day).

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Welcome Sean, I'm pretty new here and it's such a difficult thing to deal with. Thank you so much for posting.

The "be kind" comment did my head in too. I am finding it quite difficult to express my anger tbh. It can come out in a variety of ways.

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"Be kinder" was what Caroline Nokes said! Being kind is no longer sufficient!!

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Stella said 'be kind'; Nokes 'be kinder'.

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It's like dumb and dumber

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Thank you. Hahaha. What a pair of deliberately obtuse women they are. :(

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Also, Stella sees herself a crusader for breastfeeding rights (and quite right, if a bit self-regarding in her case). Maybe she'd give the teensiest bit of thought to all those teen and twenty-something breast amputees the trans cult has recruited.

Led to cut off their breasts. Breast amputees by contagion, by persuasion.

They will never feed a baby. 'Be kind', and lying about the definitions of 'woman' and 'man', have been appallingly cruel to these young women.

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We're all slightly insane, OK some more than others and the gin helps massively. Joking aside(not joking about the gin) we've been doing it all for the same reason, some were peaked via twitter, some from actual real life™️ experiences etc, we want to protect women and children, we're tired of homophobia thinly veiled as "progress" tired of the rights of women being trodden into the mud, and ever so tired of men telling women what a woman is. Join us, we have biscuits (and gin)

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Lovely to see you've come round to good sense. I had similar reservations a year ago, although not quite as strong as yours. Once our eyes our open, we cannot shut them again. Let's hope we can open more eyes.

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Cathartic to say they are’t women they’re men

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Great post Sean.

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Yes. Thank you Sean.

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Please can Moley mock up a front cover for Wankers Realm magazine in the style of Womens Realm.

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Well said, Sean! And kind of you to admit you had it wrong about Graham. These types of people are quite efficient in their efforts to smear anyone that dare opposes the gender cult. They have done a number on Glinner and many others with their campaigns of hate--Making people like Glinner who are well known out to be unhinged, obsessive, hate-filled monsters that want to "punish trans people from existing"

...The truth is, once you've seen the reality of what these fetishistic narcissists are doing you can never unsee it.. These just aren't transsexuals who women have coexisted with for ever, but men with a fetish that consumes them with a burning envy/hatred for women, our bodies, our anatomy/physiological processes ---Our very being. They are typically straight men who call themselves "lesbians" or "transbians"...demanding access to women's bodies while at the same time hating women thoroughly.

These autogynophiles very often have other paraphilias such as exhibitionism, pedophilia--the list goes on and on.

The last places these deranged men need to be are in womens shelters or having access to anyone's children to groom or brainwash.

I'm glad you've seen through the muddy waters they created and that you are here. None of us hate trans people, but we all hate transgender ideology--which incidentally is harming transsexuals, as well.

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Feb 1, 2022
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Well said! Totally agree 👍

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What an absolute traitor she is to women ,she and other women like her who are happy to sacrifice women's rights and safety to please predatory men.In addition to that ,what this ideology is doing to children is utterly appalling and unforgivable. Shame on all women.like this. However ,watching speaker's corner on Sunday and the Newport protests yesterday ,both organised by Kellie Jay ,cheered me up no end. Women definitely won't wheesht !!

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It's depressing how many women are such traitors to their sex. Some have defended Saville, some twats write to convicted rapists and murderers. My own sister (in her early fifties at the time) once claimed that some women like being hit by a man . My mum and I quickly put her right on that one. I couldn't believe her absolute stupidity. She knows better now but how many women who don't speak are out there victim blaming. Awful.

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Yes it is. I suppose it's a warped attempt at self preservation to side with the abuser rather than standing up to them. Just look at what's happened to JK Rowling! And it's psychologically comforting to pretend that only some women are at risk - those who "deserve" it. It is bloody awful though.

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Middle class women with nice lives and no experience or imagination about other women’s lives/suffering. Caroline Nokes binning rights that protect less fortunate women. Like a modern day female Scrooge saying no rights for you bah humbug.

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Is she getting paid for her stance on this too? Money talks (nonsense, in this case).

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You know, I wondered about that too...

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No. She owns the feminist clothing business https://www.adulthumanfemale.store/ and I imagine that it is doing rather well. In the last 4 years I have bought feminist T-shirts, hoodies, tote bag, umbrella, pens and stickers, because we need all those for campaigning. Otherwise she funds all trips from her own pocket. She went to the US last week - perhaps WoLF paid for that. I don't know.

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Oh I meant Caroline Noakes. Does she get paid, for example, by big pharma or whoever's agenda she is pushing here? Ian Hislop was talking just last week about this form of corruption amongst MPs so it wouldn't surprise me at all. As for Kellie Jay, good on her! She's so talented at marketing so more power to her elbow!

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So much for "declaring all interests and gifts". Only if you are honest, of course.

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We've got local council elections coming up soon in Scotland. If none of the parties can correctly define the term 'woman', I'll be spoiling my ballot paper. Again.

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I was doorstepped last week by two Labour local councillors seeking re-election. I am normally solidly in support. BUT in the last four years they and their Leader have totally refused to talk with me about this question, even on International Women's Day (which I gatecrashed one year!)

I am about to e-mail their opponents - both male and in PR - to ask "What is a woman?" and see what THEY have to say......

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I do believe Alba are clearer and more helpful to women on this one. Some Tory politicians are also more honest about this question.

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Murdo Fraser did not get round to ask about women being harassed by the thought police https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/scottish-news/msp-vows-keep-fighting-answers-26106052 let's hope he gets to speak soon

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On the subject of Eddie Izzard, just watched the recent "Stay Close" (very bad, avoid at all costs), in which "she" plays the role of an actual man. I thought that was a total no-no these days, where characters can only be played by people of the same race/disability/gender identity/yada yada.

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Eddie is a woman for the clothing (and possibly the All Women Shortlist), a man for the higher-paid work, and trans for the sympathy

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He wants that AWS so much!

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Eddie's desperately trying to be relevant again, instead of embracing being an "action transvestite" Eddie's decided that being twans is where its at and this will get them in with the young crowd. It's backfired as it's lost him a lot of fans, myself included. I wonder how he sleeps at night.

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Went off him for the same reason. The old dress and mascara look was cute when it was for the fun of it. Turns out he's just a total tool.

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Here's where I went off him - when he recounts in his autobiography his use of the women's public toilets at Highbury Fields, and then moans, and stereotypes when some teen girls have something to say about it, making himself the victim:


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I thought he was quite good in that film with Judy Dench playing a man.

Fairs fair

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Was Judi Dench playing a man?

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If it's the film full of evil Nazi baddies washing up on the shores of Sussex or somewhere to an all-girls boarding school where Eddie plays a male (because he is one, of course) teacher, no. Judi Dench is a well-meaning but wrong-headed headmistress at said school. Who learns the error of her ways just in the nick of time. I'm afraid I thought it was a load of old tosh. It had a feel of The Famous Five or Secret Seven but with a glossy BBC style budget and was chock full of Nazi girls and sympathisers and something, something, something, but I was on a flight watching it and a bit boozed (I don't like flying) so I was grateful for the distraction and none too picky.

First post here!

I can't actually bring myself to read the Mumsnet thread because, well, because... so I'm grateful to all of you - and very grateful to Graham, in particular for all of this - for wading into it for me.

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Be kind! Did one of those two dimwits actually say that?? In my experience, it's the nastiest of narcissists who exhort others to be kind while being far from kind themselves. I have a relative whose social media posts are full of such nonsense and she's quite the monster herself.

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MissyD, sad to say that one said that, and the other sad 'be kinder' and also implied the calm, rational, assertive questions were a bit shouty.

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Passive agressive bollox.. let them be kind.. I've had enough

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Agree with you about the film - bad joke sorry

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Haha! Sorry! Bit slow here.

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He is too male a male to even think of being a woman even if it was magically possible which it isn’t

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That was probably the finest Texas Two-Step around the question it's been my solemn duty to witness.

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God Lord. It was as bad as expected. We have both a 'be kind' and a 'be kinder. No Stella and Caroline, YOU be kind. And the chippiness from Stella! Major logic failures from both of them. So disappointing

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I would have asked about the use of the Jo Cox Foundation's Women in Politics training programme being used by a middle aged transidentifying man, and then that man trying to shame and bully Rosie Duffield a few years down the line

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We’ll be kind as soon as you are just.

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Bollocks! What she wanted was a chat about how to get more ‘people’ involved in public life…not more adult human females. Idiot. Makes me cross.

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This anecdotal statistic from one of the Mumsnetters in that webchat is absolutely horrifying!

"Around 50% of my daughters’ friends in her all-girls school now identify as boys or non-binary. I am a teacher and in the last year we have gone from two to over 70 non-binary and trans teenagers, all but one biologically female. How do you explain such a flight from womanhood and how are we supposed to make politics or motherhood attractive to girls if we can’t even make it clear to them that they can’t flee their biological sex in this way?"

This is awful too

"My autistic daughter was harassed and bullied at school to come out as trans by her group of five non binary and trans friends. She was told that JK Rowling was evil and that "all cis het people are evil." Her mental health has been severely affected and on some days she struggles to even go into school. She says that kids go to the LGBTQ group at lunchtime and come back with presents like rainbow shoelaces and giant rainbow flags. Several of the girls are now wearing breast binders."

Neither of those posts was addressed, needless to say.

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I’d have loved rainbow laces at that age. This is grooming surely ?

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If is certainly about it being a fun "club" which has cool stuff. Lots of teachers love it I'm afraid.

I was on an online training course the other day, in many ways brilliant, but I nearly puked when the trainer suggested that it was important to get kids to think about diversity and inclusion when undertaking a creative task in a modern languages lesson... eg by suggesting "how would they make this 'ideal house' they've just designed welcoming to the LGBT people who might live in that district?" The 'correct' answer being that they would decorate it with a rainbow flag ... cue opportunity to teach them the word for 'rainbow' in the language !!!! This was his first example which has literally nothing to do with building a house. And everything to do with indoctrination. (His second example was about teaching the words for ramp, accessible, wheelchair - much more relevant. If not necessarily crucial for beginner learners). For the record I would never shoehorn rainbows, LGBT rights etc into any of my lessons.

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This has really got out of hand. What about the other parents, how do they feel I wonder.

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My God! Caroline Noakes isn't even trying, surely she could have come up with something better than suggesting arguing about the definition of a woman plays into the hands of men. I wonder if Caroline sees men as a set of categories, no definition needed. In reality, Caroline knows very well what woman and men are. She knows what Eddie Izzard is, but perhaps she's aiming to be as big a bullshitter as he is.

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As her boss is, maybe?

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I know that PP always says she can tell a man or woman at 10 paces and whilst I think 99.9% of the time this is the case - and I don’t wish to be unkind but I simply look at Caroline and listen to her attitude to women and girls and I have to wonder to myself …how easy will it be for (now or in the future) for males to essentially be wolves in sheeps clothing and harm the interests of females while posing as a females - this issue is called to mind when i see her for some reason

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Little Red Riding Hood got it right, didn't she? Be more Little Red Riding Hood.

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THAT is the comment of the thread: not "Emperor's new clothes" It is PURE Little Red Riding Hood.

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The fairy tales have a lot to teach us. Which is why the seem to be discouraged now I think.

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Luckily for us many of the modern trans don't bother shaving, losing their beer guts, or cutting their private parts.

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Dear Caroline, I think you're a much bigger danger to women than the majority of men that discuss these issues online.

But kudos for the deflection tactic.

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And still..... the ambitious Liz Truss and her deputy Kemi Badenoch "get it". We all owe them a great debt of gratitude for warding away "gender self-ID" in 2020.

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And her appointment of Baroness Falkner as Chair of EHRC

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I don’t know. Truss is willing to *say* right. But not do right - cutting funds to girls’ education from the aid budget, for instance.

On the other hand, a politician acknowledging that *women have cervixes* is an advance - and amazing that we’ve come to this.

But here we are.

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Well, yes, that's the problem with have with the Tory party. They're the only party willing to acknowledge the reality of women while also setting out policies that harm many less-well off women. We're so stuck here, but she has stuck up for us and 'got away with it' because even most men in her party think this transgender shit is mental.

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This is a great couple of comments from the mumsnet thread, about the webchat

"Even though I expected it, I am still floored,

& disbelieving, and left with a hollow depressed feeling when I'm faced again with the reality that we have politicians, who claim to speak for women, who will not define a women as an adult human female.The reality of this, still leaves me reeling, & has fundamentally & permanently altered my view of the world and people"

"Share this feeling 100%. Some days are harder to take than others, and the fact that this webchat went to from TWAW to be kind to we're deleting any post about trans issues has actually shocked me. Fuck knows why but sometimes the absolute deletion of women is so clearly drawn that it shocks all over again".

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Ah, the familiar 'chiding' from the Mumsnet moderators!

The webchat reminds me of this shitshow of an NSPCC webchat from a few years ago: https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/mumsnet_facebook_live/3343961-Facebook-Live-about-talking-to-kids-about-staying-safe-from-abuse-with-NSPCC

Women not allowed to ask about safeguarding children in the light of 'gender ideology' telling them they might be the opposite sex, and men who claim to be women access female spaces.

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Someone who doesn't know the difference between men and women is even more thick than your usual useless politician.

"The webchat is part of the work we’re doing to explore the barriers for women and mums and see what can be done to encourage more of them to get involved."

All this lets have women and diversity etc is a joke if they say anything against this ideology they will be made to regret it!

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What men are these? Playing into their hands are we? And it what way? So many questions, so much to unpack.

Ah-ha! The men that want us to argue about the definition of women are the ones that want women to have a biological based definition - to defend women's rights, spaces, voices and refuge places.

Because the ones that don't want us to want us to move over for them.

I've totally worked this one out!

She's talking about you Graham - we're playing right into your hands 😂😂😂

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