Feb 8, 2023Liked by Graham Linehan

There are plenty who pretend they cant see/hear the problem but there's something supremely creepy about admitting you can see it, and then pretending to not understand it. Unfortunately for Vine, what's changed since Elon Musk's takeover is that now he can be presented with evidence and it won't be deleted by twitter mods. Also everybody can now see that he blocks those who present him with evidence.

Funny how somebody who should be very media-savvy, is so publicly digging a huge hole for himself.

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He's not going to be bothered yet, the hole isn't threatening to limit him or, God forbid, swallow him up. It's not stopping him from doing what he wants or having what he wants. But I believe that the ground is beginning to become unstable under the feet of Vine and other members of the spurious liberal elite. Fuck them, fuck him, fuck his lies and his denials. He doesn't know how to read a situation. What's happening here? And an exchange actually has to be had explaining something that does not need to be explained to him. Vine is a worthless prick, he's already been caught out as one, and eventually I hope it's the reality he lives. He's worked hard for it.

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Yes. It’s capital letters WEIRD.

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He has become one of the most obnoxious Men on the tv and radio. His shows are dreadful and only serve to promote himself. Vacuous and puerile.

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It's as if he gives social media a mouthpiece - he purposely presents ignorant opinion and pits them against informed expertise and facts as if they are equal. His vacuous pretense at never knowing what the issue is always annoys me, never more so than with this. He had Owen Jones on the other day (I unfortunately caught the show) parading his ignorance and opinions on financial issues. Loathsome and odious men, the pair of them.

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Yes I'm really not a fan. Who is?

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

Regarding the LGBT crossings, I have no problem with the messaging. I live in Camden and want everyone to feel welcome and to be able to live in the community free from harassment and abuse.

But I live with a visual impairment and every time I cross them the coloured lines cause a visual disturbance. I wrote to Camden council and the person who responded said he would make a note of my complaint but that no one else had complained about their accessibility, only their messaging. I would feel exactly the same way if the coloured crossings were to celebrate Disability Pride. It's not the messaging that bothers me, it's the accessibility.

I looked at the Equality Impact Statement and it showed that Transport For London's disability advisory group and the RNIB had both raised concerns about disability access. Seems this was ignored.

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Reasonable adjustment means they will re-instate the black and white stripes. Anything else is a human rights abuse of people with a visual loss. Councils are meant to understand human rights since they put out the statement T"rans rights are human rights" all the time. Disabled rights are in the same legislation as trans people's rights and more do in the Equality Act 2020. Hopefully RNIB and Disability Rights UK will push for the change back.

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Sorry to hear about your visual impairment.

It's a pity you don't have a problem with the messaging though. Can I ask you therefore if it's o.k. by you with people getting special funding from councils not because they have it harder in life due to physical disability, but because of who they want to sleep with?

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I'm opposed to being asked to accept a political message when I negotiate crossing a road. I went to a cashpoint recently and there was a message on the screen telling me that the how proud the bank are to support everything LGBT, accompanied by the Pride and trans colours. I want my bank to deal with my money, I want them to protect it and do the same for everyone who banks with them, irrespective of their sex, gender identity, sexuality, etc. I don't want a moral lesson from a fucking bank, or a road crossing, or the carriage of a train, or police car or any fucking single retailer. I want to be treated like a customer or a user, that's it, no further adornments least of all a moral, ideological judgement.

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Mickey Z had a great post about corporate virtue signalling, diversity, etc. I feel exactly the same as you do while knowing that the virtue signalling means absolutely zero when it comes to genuine justice and truth.

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Entirely agree.

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The bombardment , especially from those in power ,the media, now its ATMs & pelican crossings.

Me thinks , they do protest too much.

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Do you have an Equalities Champion in your council. Everything should be run by that person. I know we have one in Edinburgh but not sure if every council has to. If you don't get any joy maybe the Local Authorities Ombudsman could help.

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This messaging I’m afraid, is about dominance and money. That’s why you were dismissed by your council.

There was a story on this substack a few months ago where a blind woman complained to her council about a rainbow crossing and her difficulties with using it, and was called “transphobic”.

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So disappointing. When will people realise how poisonous gender ideology is, the idea that endorses a child’s self hatred of their own body, and they go on and on about high suicide rates of trans young people. Why is that- because all their peers and people they respect are clapping and effectively chanting ‘hate yourself, hate yourself’. And they listen and they do. And it breaks our hearts because children are our greatest joy and the best thing our species can create- and these people want children to want to change themselves instead of loving them unconditionally for who they are. Its fucking child abuse. Why do they want to change children into something that isn’t real. With drugs and knives. Unforgivable

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We used to tell suicidal kids "it gets better". Fuck I miss those days.

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Girls are anyway brainwashed to hate their bodies by the so-called "beauty" industry, while the junk food industry makes sure they'll be obese (if not anorexic). While social media supplies them with humiliating porn to reinforce their future gender stereotype as women, plus bullying too if they don't fit in. Add indoctrination at school with gender ideology, and children of both sexes are well prepared in terms of anxiety and insecurity to be preyed on by the trans industry: as lucrative prospects for drugs and surgery -- possibly as lifelong patients. It's trans capitalism: with start-up funding by US billionaires, and early use of the UN to plan government and institutional capture in 47 countries globally: with transactivists springing pre-written legislative proposals on unprepared governments before they woke up to figure out what was happening. Yes of course it's child abuse.

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yes i agree completely, well put.

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Well done Graham. Let’s see now if Jeremy asks any more disingenuous questions about this issue.

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You bet he will !!!

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

I can’t stand Jeremy Vine. Anyone who ignores what’s going on in Scotland at the moment with a rapist and child abducter posing as women, should hang their heads in shame.

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Hi Graham

Thanks for this.

I saw you at Glasgow on Sunday, I soooo wantesd to come and just give you a massive hug to say thankyou for all the hard work you do but I was way too shy and figured you wouldnt appreciate a strange woman hugging you like a wierdo!

BUT, thankyou thankyou thankyou for all the emails, the you tubes, all the horrible disturbing stories and images you have to subject yourself to keep us all abreast of this crap. It really is appreciated so much. You are truly an amazing man. Please don't stop fighting for this. We need you!

Re Vine- liar, vacuous, shallow- just deliberalty being obtrusive to keep his stupid ratings up. He blocked you because he didnt like what he saw- e.g.the awful and sickening truth

As for coloured Zebra crossings, seriously my blood just boils. I thought we were supposed to be in an economic crisis. Local authorities are so strapped for cash that vulnerable people and even more vulnerable children are on massive waiting lists to be allocated a social worker, the frail elderly can't get enough care yet they can find the money for these bastard rainbow stripes.

I wonder if camden Council will paint the crossings with suffragette stripes on international women's day next?

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So disappointing, I used to love Jeremy Vine’s show now I don’t trust him. Reminds me of Caitlin Moran. Journalists too scared to look at the truth

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I like a lot of Caitlin but she made a big woke mistake using the word retard.

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He's nothing more than a shallow poser.

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Yes, a twit!

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You’re very kind lol

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Yeah, bit of an understatement, eh? I'm so done with these cowards!

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I know abuse and perversions have been going on for eternity but I just don’t get how it’s now being slapped in our faces and we’re supposed to accept it , my gob is smacked and no doubt it will be smacked some more in the coming future

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I did not get where I am today by ignoring abuse and perversion. Hang on, perhaps I did.

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I did reply but it’s gone !?

We’ve always had gays lesbians and fetishists and to a point it came to be acceptable but now we have abusers and peadophiles and we’re just supposed to accept it

Don’t fucking think so , come anywhere near my wee granddaughter or anyone else’s in my vicinity and I won’t bloody care which estate I spend time in

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I just don't get the stupidity of wading in and then immediately bowing out? What is that all about?

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The essence of virtue-signalling - no actual virtue or application needed. He thinks he's getting all the reflected glory of being on 'the right side'. We see through him.

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Goading and taunting and mocking - he’s a TRA

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Vine will eventually ‘choke’ himself with this feigned innocence act.

I’m always struck how knowledgeable he appears to be, on subjects he’s more than aware of, and agrees with totally.

‘Can someone tell me what is happening here?’ Disingenuous twat!!!

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Little knowledge is a dangerous thing when you try to play dumb

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That’s something he’s got off to a fine art!

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He knows perfectly well what’s going on, otherwise why comment, he’s goading women. Someone check his hard drive.

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It’s exactly like TRA tactics, act wide-eyed, wait for the comments and then the suspension happens.

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Reality averse.

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Good for you Graham. He's another f#cking coward.

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How can anyone look at that heart breaking picture and just ignore? Takes a very cold person.

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J Vine has 2 daughters. You'd think he just might be able to Imagine one of them having an unnecessary double mastectomy. But it's probably beyond him.

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It sounds as if he is saying that the bright crossing paint is doing a positive thing “keeping horses from bolting”. Those look like mounted police to me (correct me if I’m wrong) and police horses don’t “bolt”. They don’t need to be kept from bolting, they are the most calm and nightly trained horses you can get.

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Maybe oh Jeremy thinks “bolt “ just means to move forward quickly. They’re balking, which is, to be sure, not bolting. Oh Jeremy should investigate whether they are homophobic horses. Scandal at 11.

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Horse is scared of the crossing. Has more sense than our other public servants though. Seems to know it is dangerous

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I know! What? Make it make sense, Jeremy!

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“Highly trained” not nightly trained lol though maybe that too

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Must hire Mermaids to retrain those horses!

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And there wouldn't have been a problem if they had had decent riders. See my comment below.

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Someone called Mary donated £1000 to Maya Forstater's legal case in the name of Jeremy Vine and Owen Jones. Well done, Mary!

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