He was meant to be in my local library today but now cancelled due to weather (Eunice is obvs a bit of a RadFem).

Loads of us have complained to the council and got nowhere - this is in a rural Conservative area.

Ru Paul has made everyone think it's harmless fun when it's just grooming children to disbelieve their own instincts. Totally inappropriate for kids. Still don't get how black face is deemed utterly offensive ( and rightly so) and yet drag is encouraged.

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

People need to stop lumping LGB with.TQ + and realise that both groups have completely different aims. Trans ideology is the most homophobic movement seen in modern times ,at least. Stonewall and others are still hiding their agenda behind the group it seeks to erase while stabbing that group in the back. That article by James Lindsay is truly terrifying and he's spot on. This is the most evil movement we've ever seen. A War on Women and Children can never be anything less. Society needs to wake up here before it's too late !! Where are the Politicians ?? Shame on them for allowing this ! They will NOT be forgiven ,👎👎👎

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Feb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022

"These events will capture the fun and gender fluidity of childhood."

What. Fucking. Gender. Fluidity? Gender fluidity is a "contested idea," which is a polite way of saying it's very stupid but we can't prove or disprove it. So why are schools allowing it to be presented as an objective truth? You have no more right (or are least you're not supposed to have the right) to present your subjective, feelings-based idea as "education" than a Scientologist or a Flat Earth Theory follower or someone who's into 'healing crystals' does.

That apart, how many adults working in schools that hire drag acts find it really creepy that these men are so keen to influence children, but are scared to say so? I wouldn't be surprised if most of them do; you'd either have to be mighty dumb or mighty naive to not hear the alarm bells.

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

One of the key events of the Southbank Imagine Childrens Festival was an event called ShayShay’s Shape Shifting Shenanigans. It turned out this was a 2hr performance by two drag queens and a women, about being from the sea or the sky, it included reading out a story called Julian is a Mermaid, in which ‘they’ pronouns were used for the boy in the story throughout, and the main point of the performance was that children were shown/told that they could ‘be’ sea or sky or both, in the same way that they could be a boy or a girl or both. (This was actually said at the end of the performance).

This is indoctrination of our children and it seems nearly inescapable!!!

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Libraries have built up well-earned public trust over decades of good work. That’s ruined now too. Everything “woke” touches is diminished, degraded, defiled, and delegitimized.

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Sheila Jeffreys' argument that drag (whether done as part of 'trans' or otherwise) is womanface which ought to be condemned just as much as blackface, is very strong.

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What on earth are the libraries thinking of? And why do parents of small children take them?

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The caption under the third photo in the BBC article reads "Aida H Dee says society had progressed so much in the last 50 years and is excited to see it go further." Is he showing his excitement in that photo too?

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If a man shows how excited he is to be with children in this way, he should never be allowed to be around children. Do those who organise there events never think? How can they ignore something so obvious? They need to be cleared from their jobs as they too present a danger to young children simply for their ignorance. Will it take the abuse of a child/children for the authorities to decide to take action?

Sometimes I am ashamed to be British

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Put me right off my lunch

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That is just vile.How can any parent think this is okay ?? He doesn't even hide it !

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So, all these places are happy for a man who performs a sexualised parody of women to come and read to kids, but I don’t see any women doing sexualised parodies of men reading to kids.

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Here's the link to the York Art Gallery drag event (for 4-7yrs) if anyone wishes to raise concerns: https://www.yorkartgallery.org.uk/curious-takeover/

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Who is responsible for safeguarding at these Council Libraries?

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What are these parents, library authorities and schools thinking (or should I say, not thinking) - purposefully bringing their children/ exposing them to these grooming fests?! 😱 Am so angry, I could spontaneously combust !🔥

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Drag is adult entertainment, kids shouldn't be anywhere near drag or drag Queens, drag Queens shouldn't be grooming kids or Reading them "stories" it's not cute or fun or progressive. It's predatory behaviour, it's telling kids that their fears or worries about certain adults are wrong and bigoted, and if their parents feel the same that the parents are wrong. Did people just forget that at least one of the drag Queens doing this in the US turned out to have been a convicted sex offender? That often abusers seek out work or volunteering that puts them in close proximity to potential victims? Like for fucks sake!!! (sorry for profanity, long day)

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