Mr Menno is a Treasure, Russell T Davies is an arrogantly ignorant gobshite. Shame because a lot of his output is good. Was he DRUNK that he had to slur LGBA founders as UGLY & LAZY? That’s a petulant child talking not a grown-ass man. πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž

But 😘 to Menno πŸ‘

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He was definitely under the influence. Unfortunately not enough to be incoherent.

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Enough not to be TOTALLY incoherent. I found much of his ridiculousness regarding three letters quite incoherent!

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Such a shame that Russell is like this, I've loved his work (big fan of Doctor Who and Torchwood) but his opinions make me feel icky now...

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Just watched it brilliant

He just looks and sounds deranged mr Menno I love you as well as you dear Graham

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Can’t believe he never mentioned lesbians at the start of his speech (rant). Mr Menno - brilliant deconstruction and commentary on what ended up being a virtue signalling diatribe. Shame on Russel T Davies.

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Excellent explanation.

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Good ol mr menno. I particularly enjoy his It’s Ma’am! Compilation.

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I want to try Mr Mennos idea of asking if they will advocate for straight people too. Add all the letters as Davis recommends and there's no need for a movement because everyone will be included.

Daft eejit!

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Wonderful, as always, and so informative too. Russell made a complete idiot of himself over the LGB Alliance, making me squirm with embarrassment for him. I didn't know that The Lesbian Community came forward to nurse and care for so many gay men during the AIDS epidemic. Well done to them, and thanks to Mr. Menno for getting this truth out there, another deliberately hidden truth about lesbians, to add to the list of ever-growing new discoveries of the hidden truths about all women.

I found Debbie Hayton's link, which Mr. Menno refers to in his video, and I'll put the transcript here too, in case it's behind a paywall for some:

'The Sinister Attacks On The LGB Alliance, by Debbie Hayton


"Lesbian and gay rights are still not secure in the UK. This week the LGB Alliance – a group used to being smeared and misrepresented – came under further attack. With astonishing impudence, the LGBT+ Consortium, Gendered Intelligence, the LGBT Foundation, TransActual, and the Good Law Project ganged up with Mermaids UK in a staggering appeal to strip the LGB Alliance of its charitable status.

The legal action is being brought in the name of Mermaids UK, a controversial charity that works with transgender-identified children. If it wasn’t such a serious attack on a legitimate charity, the appeal would be laughable. It’s clear from their submission that Mermaids doesn’t much like the LGB Alliance, but hubris eclipses accuracy in their grounds of appeal.

In their submission to the court, Mermaids suggests that β€˜around 70 people’ at the launch of the LGB Alliance in October 2019 resolved to set up an organisation to β€˜advocate for trans-exclusionary or gender critical beliefs’.

As one of the 70 people present that night, I can assure Mermaids that it was fully trans-inclusive. It even heard from a transsexual who is also same-sex attracted (to be clear, a transsexual who was born male and is attracted to other male people). The meeting wasn’t public, though, as Mermaids alleged, it was strictly by invitation only, and we were urged to be discreet.

As I reported at the time, the caution turned out to be wise: the fall-out following the meeting was unforgiving. One Guardian columnist described the creation of the group as β€˜frightening and nasty’ before announcing that β€˜There is no LGB without the T.’ Exactly why there can be no LGB without the T is never explained, as there are plenty of trans-specific organisations that focus on the T without the LGB.

But legal action costs money. The fundraising for Mermaids’ appeal is being handled by the Good Law Project, led by the barrister Jolyon Maugham (who is most likely known to readers for clubbing a fox to death).

The crowdfunder is also vicious. It quotes from a speech made by Bev Jackson – co-founder of the Alliance – at a public meeting close to Grenfell Tower. The transcript records Jackson’s pledge for the LGB Alliance to build an organisation β€˜to challenge the dominance of those who promote the damaging theory of gender identity.’ In a fit of apoplexy, the crowdfunder suggests this means the LGB Alliance’s purpose is the β€˜denigration of trans people and the destruction of organisations that support them, in particular through political lobbying and campaigning for law change.’

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Jackson is completely right. This theory – that we all have an innate gender identity that alone determines whether we are men, women, or something else – has compromised LGB rights. Stonewall has swallowed this theory whole and has abandoned the concept of same-sex attraction. It now spreads the ludicrous idea that lesbians can have penises and gay men can have vaginas. Against such nonsense, the LGB Alliance was formed.

The theory does not help transsexuals either. I do not need some female gender identity to be trans; I am trans because I changed my body to become more comfortable with it. It might now resemble a woman’s body in some respects, but I will never be a woman. Understanding and accepting that truth brings me peace and security. Those who base their lives on gender identity can never prove their assertions, and are therefore vulnerable to rejection from anyone who does not share their faith. That is no way to live.

The hate brigade was out in force the night of Jackson’s speech. While those in the room engaged in rational discussions, protesters outside made a racket and silly youngsters let off smoke bombs – an idiotic idea and outrageous so close to Grenfell Tower.

There may be no smoke in the text of the fundraiser but there is a lot of hot air. Whoever conflated Jackson’s opposition to gender identity theory with the denigration of trans people needs to take a lesson in critical thinking. Their text is an attempt to denigrate rather than educate. With a sprinkling of weasel words and fictitious attacks, this propagandist hoped to stoke their followers into a frenzy and part them with their cash. In the end this worked: over Β£40,000 was raised within the first two days.

Considering how ridiculous the appeal is, we can only hope that it will be laughed out of court as it should."

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Cluster B histrionics right there.

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Perhaps a new storyline, for RTD, with the wet knickered OJ starring, staggering towards the Stonewall obelisk !

I think I’d watch that πŸ₯΄

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Thanks to Mr Menno. Calm and sensible and to the point.

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Russell is a tit

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Transgenderism is just the latest brickbat in the bullying championships, just another way to hit people one doesn't like over the head. I am so sick of bullies, they're all a bunch of vicious cowards, and for people to stand and cheer bullying makes me bloody sick.

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Am I the only person watching R T Davis ranting here and seeing a similarity with Hitler's angry ranting at Neuromberg?

I'm not saying Davis is a nazi or like Hitler but that angry address, supposed to portray passion, looks more like oppression.

The standing ovation at the end of his address didn't do anything to alleviate the impression.

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Also, many thanks yo Mr Menno for the clear breakdown, commiserations to the lovely people at LGBA for the totally unfounded lies hurled at them from people like RTD who know better, and thank you Graham for keeping up the fight. You're all hero's

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Well done to Mr Menno for that absolutely brilliant video of Russel T Davis making a complete clown of himself ,as did most of his completely stupid audience !! Hope many more people see this. As a " straight " woman ,I fully and unequivocally support the LGBA ,including by donations , and will contine to do so in the future. Spurious attacks on them by Stonewall and their like will ,I hope ,only serve to increase support for the LGBA ,as any thinking person can surely see the complete wrong think of the Woke brigade ,and see through all their very obvious lies

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I was looking at the branding of the sponsors, and the way their names kept popping up on the video of the awards ceremony. Jaguar and Virgin think this is all fine and dandy do they?

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Not keen on Menno. Just my opinion. Big fan of Russell T Davies as he brought back Dr Who but he’s talking bollocks on this occasion. Maybe he should stick to producing brilliant television. He’s good at that.

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Mr. Menno is another super-hero...

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