Roisin is right about the mix of motives for the 'trans' activists, but the Australian and New Zealand experiences have been something else again. For older commentators, think back to the miners' strike and the agitators and professional troublemakers who were used there. The same thing is happening with this movement, and you have to ask: cui bono?

However, women were kicked, punched, thrown to the ground, spat on, called filthy names, arrested, force fed and treated like recalcitrant children during the Suffragette era, so it is nothing new. Women's freedoms and rights are a massive threat to the control freakery of some men: some of them are scared wee boys; others are sadistic and narcissistic psychopaths who get their kicks from hurting those less able to defend themselves (cowards, in other words); while others, still, are incels and grievance-mongers. What they all have in common is their detestation of women having anything - especially a voice - to call their own.

One commentator on-line (male) put it more earthily: many are driven by the fear and rage of not being allowed to express their own sexual desires in any way they want, and women and children can go hang. Another, clinical psychologist, Jordan Peterson, has stated that psychologists have to go into some very dark places, in exploring (some) male human sexual proclivities that have been under the radar, but which are surfacing now (I'm translating his words). He is under no illusion that many of the 'trans women' we are seeing in the public square now are autogynephiles. Behind them, however, is big money - probably big enough to buy co-operation from state apparatus.

None of this is new. The ends of the Ancient Greek, Roman, Assyrian, Egyptian and many other empires, saw exactly the same sexual licence, uprisings and crushing of rights, such as they were then. Nihilism breeds chaos, and the 'trans' movement is nothing if not nihilistic. The murder of children and oppression of females, who had few rights, anyway, were also features. The murders of children are now ritualised by mutilations into the 'trans' state - a mass delusion and social contagion - and the subjugation and oppression of women is as old as humanity itself. Some men - many, at one time - have always been jealous of our life-giving abilities.

Every religion has an Adam and Eve couple at the heart of it, and every religion blames the Eve figure for the Fall of Man. I rather suspect that Man fell all by himself, led by the appendage between his legs, and a story had to be concocted that both blamed the female while also reducing her to subordinate status: the old Adam's rib narrative, that is biologically the opposite of the truth of human biology and creation.

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Wow! This would make a fine opinion column in a respectable newspaper. Thanks!

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i live in new zealand. we have appalling statistics for domestic violence here. and have had for many years. also a massive amount of people on prison per head of population. our culture is private, conformist and very punative. our isolated nature and conformist culrure made us a perfect testing ground for social experiments. WEF popped jacinda here and took away democracy effortlessly. and now here we are. we are lost. we really are.

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Mar 25, 2023
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thank you. i worked as a barrister (court lawyer) for many years specialising in family violence eventually leaving law when the legal system became so corrupt it became too difficult to get justice. but, on a positive note, i now teach yoga and feel like i make a positive difference. we shine our light as best we can.

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i think i would fear for my safety at one of KJK’s events. Loads of masked men chanting, knowing that they hate me. Worrying that they would follow me back to the train station and beat me up. I really admire the women who go to these rallies.

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I admit, it really shocked me to go to a different event, not a KJK but a wimminy one, then be relentlessly harassed and barracked all day. Hour after hour they stayed outside and when we popped our heads outside they were still at it. I was intensely grateful for the building walls and protective rings of staff. The protestors used all the usual tactics - noise, threat, numbers, distraction, anything that will drown out and distract. It's PsyOps. I wasn't in any way prepared for it in person - the levels of very basic loud, angry, simple violence from a group a whisker away from us did shake me. They followed us around the site and hammered on windows and I wondered if they'd break. The atmosphere was tense but purposeful and it was a very strange thing to experience in person. The security and other attendees were superb. It felt so primeval and animalistic to be under siege - those people and their male ringleader(s) were so unhinged I wasn't sure at what point it would tip over. And it's the mob women who enjoy politely joining in with their overspilling hatreds that are as scary for me. I think the look on my face must have told a tale. I don't like to assess how I would need to physically fend someone off if I need to.

Some of us who have been trained in, or experienced and lived through some things can seem to spot each other and in how we then react to situations. I was hugely grateful to others who are resilient enough to manage these events well. Unlike these recent ones. I tend to plan my routes carefully anyway, but there was an added sense of something where we accompanied each other on the way in and out and kept checking everyone was ok. It took a few days for me to be able to relax.

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goodness, thanks for this.

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I’ve been to a few Standing for Women events and it is always massively poignant and empowering. Always reasonable to do a risk assessment and keep you wits about- and walk to train station with others, covering up any slogans when alone. But I am past caring what might happen to me. I go armed with an umbrella and some body spray. It is a hill I am willing to die on and I will give as good as I get.

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What happened in New Zealand was unbelievable. Has made me thoroughly ashamed of being a Kiwi. There is zero free press over here and the government and the press have totally swallowed trans ideology. The main newspaper over here simply refers to KJK as an anti-trans activist associated with Nazis, without any reference to women's rights and the protection of children. I'm actually ex-pat English and due to the lack of freedom of speech (or even freedom of thought) in NZ for the first time since I moved here 20 years ago I'm feeling homesick.

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I was astounded to see Kelly-Jay described as a ‘self confessed transphobe’ why are they allowed to make up print these ridiculous statements?

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Thanks very much RM.

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KJK’s rallies show how unhinged the other side is. Unbelievable in 2023 that people feel they can just drown out others trying to exercise free speech, especially women talking about the rights of women and children. It’s outrageous. We live in a very dark age.

The police need to start arresting the trans activists in their droves. TRAs know they can get away with anything. It’s the equivalent of state sanctioned intimidation and the silencing of women. The police need to start showing up in riot gear and In numbers to protect women- and to cart the TRAs off if they threaten violence. Passing a law banning the wearing of ski masks or balaclavas at protests would also relieve the terrorists of their anonymity.

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Thanks for the re-post RM. A very interesting analysis and useful following Auckland. We do need to get the true message (not the lies in the media) through to the public. When the Scottish public found out about the double rapist being sent to a women's prison they made their views known and Sturgeon fell.


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Can't share the post 🥲

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Mar 25, 2023
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Reminds me of the best line from "Paint Your Wagon" when the guy falls through the ground to be confronted by Lee Marvin who says, "Welcome to Hell!"

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Mar 25, 2023
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Women and girls are already being killed - this is just another putrid branch of that same rotten tree and in disguise. Until more people see that none of this will stop.

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