My three year old niece would, when she was two, answer the question “are you a girl or a boy” by exclaiming that she was “a boy”.

My sister, her mother, would laugh (which may well be why my niece would say boy) and say “no, you’re a little girl”.

My niece happily acknowledges that she’s a girl now when asked the question. It makes me shudder to think that other children may have been put a course of lifelong misery because they either didn’t understand a question asked of them when 2 or deliberately gave the wrong answer to make people laugh.

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My daughter told me she was a boy and I put her straight. She was two. I could have taken her at her word and pressed and continued to ask her daily if she was a boy and she probably would have agreed with me because she was two and I’m her mother.

Trans kids and vegetarian cats spring to mind.

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We all know who is making the decisions and it ain’t the cat.

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"it ain't the cat" - haha! Maybe that'll be the next thing, pets deciding children's gender identity. Only cats know a child's gender identity. Don't question the cat.

Nothing would surprise me. Nothing!

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The bit that got me in the Ted talk video is where she says she told her son it was ok to like girly things and be a boy. I'd love to see a time where we don't have to pander to idiots like her spouting antiquated crap like that and being taken seriously. Why does she even get an ear, without that kind of regressive thinking being challenged?

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It's really not hard not to lie to children.

I don't know why they make out that biology is so unimportant when they're so keen on drugs and surgeries to modify the body. Why all the irreversible damage if gender trumps all? Oh yeah, to line to pockets of the mega rich.


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Do clinicians faced with an anorexic/bulimic child affirm the child's sincerely held views that they are fat? Do they offer appetite suppressants and arrange stomach stapling operations? Do clinicians when faced with children who slash themselves offer the more efficient knives? I think not. Gender reassessment of confused, unhappy children with mental issues will be regarded by future generations as wicked as full-frontal lobotomies (often carried out as miracle cures with the consent of the victims and their families).

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So this is what it has come to: lesbians openly weeping at the idea they have to explain this shit again.

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'I want to walk you through the process...'.

We know the 'process'. You mutilated and trans'd your child. Frankenstein's monster!

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Thank you. It's Mermaids in this current form that needs to have its charity status removed. How much organisational history have they scraped? Somewhere kicking around at the back of my mind was the 'old Mermaids' then this incarnation of 'new Mermaids' and I hadn't realised they were one and the same. Can we tie 'affirmation only' to a particular point in time, person, and to Susie herself? How that 'small proportion' was boosted to large numbers, a growth of 3000% or 4000% in young girls/Mermen and the concomitant growth in Susie's personal income, 'new Mermaids' raking in nearly a million a year in 'donations' then spreading this in 'training' to ensure further business 'growth' and secure her fat pension.

They are growing and encouraging 'dysphoria' and confusion and labelling all that 'gender dysphoria'. Not 'saving lives' or 'preventative health care'. Where is the evidence for those claims? We have robust figures for other health outcomes yet Mermaids are allowed to make theirs up. I want data, not the telling us how many people they've exposed to propaganda in government and education.

I'd like a further response from the NHS and HEE following her cancellation of that conference earlier this year. How she refused to appear on that panel and managed to cancel all that CPD in one fell swoop. They, 'trans staff' and embedded activists are misusing internal NHS whistleblowing processes and making patently false claims that listening to others and not harming children makes them 'feel unsafe'.

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I think they have connections with Wpath?

All seems very dangerous thinking. We are lucky to be in the UK with our laws and legal system. Been a bit slow but marked difference now

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Yes. I'm unsure how directly (have to check here and Reduxx) and if that's individuals or those who fund but they cross post, recommend each other and use and refer to each other as 'evidence' of need or delivery. Most 'trans' organisations seem to use WPATH 'standards of care' as the and the only 'standard' and the UK follow the US in that. I think it may have been referred to in the RCOG draft green top guidance, but then I've just tried to check and look here https://www.rcog.org.uk/site-errors/404.html, it's been removed. I know the consultation has closed but I'm highly uncomfortable with how things of public importance quietly appear then disappear like magic. How are we supposed to keep up? I suppose we're not.

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These are the homophobes and the people reinforcing gender stereotypes, this opening the door to even more people wanting to transition themselves and their children. Sickening. And do important to get information like this ( thanks Graham) out there

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There is a direct line from Mermaid's destructive 'gender' agenda to Kate Harris in tears having to defend a lesbian's right to self-definition. I'm sure her tears were tears of frustration and anger that the insanity had reached the level of a woman having to clarify in court exactly what is a lesbian. Michael Gibbon KC, counsel for Mermaids

later apologised if he had “raised something inadvertently upsetting”. Inadvertently upsetting? How much more could he possibly minimize his insane undertaking of defending Mermaids' contention that a man can be a lesbian woman?

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Yes, exactly my thought. How can you rephrase something utterly false and deeply offensive to make it any less false and less offensive?

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It sticks in the craw doesn't it? Badly chosen choice of words there. His 'something' too. No, not 'something', it was very specific. The very premise of this whole charade. More weasel words to get out of any hint of being accused of badgering the witness. Like discussing rape and inferring it was brought on the victim by their own actions might be 'inadvertently upsetting'. For many the 'truth' is only what some clever argument can prove. It's intrinsic to everything about this batshit place we're at.

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Appalling thing to ask. He was proselytising surely

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The course of autism in girls is documented to include discomfort with the developing female reproductive organs during puberty. Many of us recall waking up to breasts, suddenly one morning, as if the little (or big!) mounds had been plopped on our chests by the visiting (not tooth, but puberty!) fairy in the night. We are unprepared for the male attention we suddenly receive. Why isn't this studied, why don't we have more books and films and HELP for adolescent girls?

Susie Green's misinterpretation of her young son's play is beyond stupid. Was it Barbie dolls? Was he fascinated with the over-sexualized doll's profile? She has no idea what he was playing at, and where oh, where is that father today? His relationship with his son (and wife) were obviously messed up.

I'll try to post the 2019 study of autistic girls by the 3 Polish doctors on my blog today. I taught children on the spectrum for 13 years. There are many, many strategies to work on the over-sensitivities and emotional challenges. As a special educator, I am outraged at the coercive exploitation of children with special needs or even "quirks." These Greens will live forever in my personal version of Hell.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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"At that point, Tim decided that I must agree with him, apparently, and then all the "girl toys" or "girly toys" as such were taken away and put away, and Jack was made aware that this was not appropriate. And suddenly, a confident, happy little boy became quite quiet, withdrawn, very clingy, and tearful. I didn't like it, and I didn't think it was right. And really for me, the point at which I really put my foot down was about a few weeks later, I think, and my mom phoned me and said, "What's going on with Jack?" and I said "What do you mean?" She said, "Well, I phoned a couple of days ago to ask what Jack wanted for Christmas, and he took the phone out of the room, and he said, 'Can you buy me Barbie Rapunzel? but can you please hide it because if Mommy and Daddy find it, they're going to take it away'" And I realized that I was shaming my child and their toy choices, and the toy embargo stopped."

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Damned Barbie! Thanks for this research, Lawrence! What wretched people!

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Thank you for sharing your story.

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I hope you have recorded these Graham incase they get taken down.

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It continually surprises me that some of this content stays up, online, in light of everything going on!

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Thanks and you're so very right on how Mermaids has changed.

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Susie Green just loves being on that stage. She's so smug, wallowing in it.

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Not about Mermaids, but the new WPATH guidelines are out.


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Ah 'Tanner stages'. All this needs to be reviewed urgently and all matters of 'consent' like with Gillick competence. It's a damn mess, as with adult safeguarding, competency, capacity and who and how decisions are made.

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I couldn’t see it all , twitter kicks me out after about 10 seconds , sickening though

I’ll say again history will not be kind but there’ll be a lot of damage done that’s irreversible 😔

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Thanks for that.

I've downloaded the whole document but James' summary is horrendous.

They've even removed the recommended minimum ages!

Why can't everybody see what we can all see?

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Omfg , thank you , I think ! That’s completely horrific

If I sign up for this does it mean I’ll see twatter in its glory without having to join ? I have no wish to be a member of this particular cult

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No, someone who has a Twitter account (I don't) has to use the threadreader to save the thread to a webpage which can be read by anyone. Also useful for saving posts which might disappear.

There is an extension called "breakthrough Twitter login wall" which you might like, I think it's available for Chrome and Firefox browsers.

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And whoosh right over the top of my head that went 😂

Thanks though

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I think there’s a connection though?

Shocking stuff in the guidelines, I think Eunuch identity is there

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Susie Green is on WPATH's Standards of Care Revision Committee:


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I didn't want to look and didn't want to see her name. How in the hell has a mother who did that to her own child risen to such prominence all over the world? She worked in IT admin for the CAB!!

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The Guardian article reports the loaded questions put to Eileen Gallagher, LGBA Chair of Trustees, but none of her answers.

Not biased in the slightest!


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Agree but it was something. I usually trust that journalist and hope that she is getting as much as she can out without being bullied by Owen Jones, Kath Whiner and the US faithful. I don't trust the Gruan as far as I can throw them nowadays and they've shown themselves to be happy to propagandise and lie. But even in this short article and for an unbaptised casual reader it does show the ridiculous state of affairs fairly well. It's good they concentrated on what happened to Kate, despite Eileen's answers being ignored. Maybe she was given a word limit and tried to focus on a lesbian being harangued about the nature of being a lesbian. I hope that's the case.

She kept writing and investigating about Windrush, and didn't let up despite being advised to and meeting brick walls. I really hope she gets her teeth into this 'trans activist' mess and is as dogged about it. She wrote 'The Windrush Betrayal: Exposing the Hostile Environment', and it's a pretty hostile environment that we find ourselves in here. It's definitely not 'both sides' which has been the lazy media line for too long.

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Off topic but relevant.

If anyone hasn't seen it yet, the Tucker Carlson documentary 'Transgressive the cult' can be seen for free on this link


Whilst it veers into religion at the end, it's a good overview of the whole issue re harm to children so it's good for peaking anyone you know is wavering.

I never thought I'd be recommending anything by a darling of Fox News but we live in strange times!

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All the good stuff comes from right-leaning platforms now. I've made my peace with that! Whoever wants to expose child abuse is in my good books :) The right will need to do something atrocious for me to hate them more than I hate the woke left right now.

Not sure if you're in the UK but I see a slight change in the Guardian in the past couple of days. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/sep/14/lie-of-gender-identity-spurred-founding-of-lgb-alliance-court-told - I think this headline is quite surprising for them!

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Hi Kay, yes, I'm in the UK.

I did indeed notice the change of tone in the Guardian. I was so surprised that I actually looked up Amelia Gentleman, the author of the piece. She worked on their Windrush exposé so is an established and obviously respected journalist there. (Also, she's married to Jo Johnson.) I take it as a very positive sign that change is in the air.

Fortunately, Mermaids and their allies are going so over the top in the tribunal hearing that they are exposing what we've all been saying to wider view.

I agree re the right / left point. I will vote with my conscience on this single issue rather than my traditional allegiance or wider policy issues.

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Amelia is great - and been quieter of late. I saw her talk at a Windrush event and she had, and has, followed that with a personal interest and properly investigated over years. It upset me that the Guardian employs those windbags like Owen Jones which obscures what other proper journalists like her do.

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Fingers crossed sense will prevail in the press! I think once public opinion shifts, that will help.

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Oh great to hear she is a respected journalist there. That means a lot. I must admit, I have been wondering whether any of the journalists at the Guardian have been in disagreement with much of this and have been itching to write some more objective pieces. Obviously they are all about pleasing their readership, which every paper is, but their readership is the delicate woke left so I think they need to be much more careful. The thing is, surely the Guardian will have lots of gay and lesbian readers to please, too, who care about the correct definitions?

The tribunal tweets have been just what we all need. An own goal indeed...

Absolutely. I actually think that to vote Labour right now (when their views are still this crazy) is to sell out women and children. It's not even as if I feel they would do significantly better on the economy. I really don't. Labour is so middle class now. Angela Rayner goes on about being a working class girl but believes trans women are women. We all know giving men women's rights hurts vulnerable women more than privileged women, i.e. prisoners, rape survivors. Where is her commitment to working class people?

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That was the second article I've read recently (I've been looking for the other one and can't find it) which took a more balanced approach. Obviously the delightful Owen Jones is still there but possibly his wings have been slightly clipped after the bullying allegations.

Labour are a serious disappointment. I really expected that Rayner wouldn't stand for the Newspeak cult rubbish. Jess Phillips too - though at least she does acknowledge that biological sex is real and important.

One of the things that I have realised about politics through following the trans issue is that our politicians outsource most of their thinking to their SPADs. In Labour's case it's clear that the majority of these are recent university graduates who are steeped in gender ideology and who would happily have donned black balaclavas and waved flares at Kathleen Stock.

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Oh that makes sense, indoctrinated SPADs. I just can't imagine having the audacity to say TWAW out loud, on national TV or in parliament. I'd be too embarrassed, but shame doesn't seem to stop them!?

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All the parties have at least a few zealots in the frontline but I think most have been lured into the deep holes they now find themselves in by lazily accepting the 'it's just like Section 28', 'be kind', 'most marginalised', 'most likely to be murdered / commit suicide', 'just like gay rights in the 80s' rhetoric as advised in the Denton's document etc.

They didn't do their homework, they accepted the briefings put in front of them by advisors and their favoured lobby groups, they didn't bother to engage their brains, they didn't look to see if there were implications and complications or if there were other voices going unheard.

And of course we've all seen the insidious nature of the ideology, it always expands its reach and its demands. And by the time some realised, the stakes had been raised - they could see the treatment people like Rosie Duffield were getting.

They've screwed up and many of them know it. Let's see if they can dig themselves out of that hole. I'm prepared to be magnanimous to anyone who's will stand up and say 'i got it wrong'.

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Cult. It's a cult.

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Well, touring Twitter looking for Mermaids supporters has been a tough pursuit.

I reckon I got it down to;

Frances 'trans all the tomboys' Coppola (https://twitter.com/Frances_Coppola/status/1570431333507399680?cxt=HHwWgIDQnca-pcsrAAAA)

Owen Jones (https://twitter.com/salltweets/status/1570551651064508416?cxt=HHwWgMDT8fmZ3MsrAAAA)

Monty doesn't seem to be taking part.

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