I’m peaked today. Pronoun wankers/bollox journalism/blatant gaslighting for nothing more than sexual fetishism. The world can just fuck off today. I’m only talking to my cat.

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thought the Times was on our side? he/him is a massive prick

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the ruling by the ipso - the complaint point 6- 'the main purpose of his action was to draw attention to straight men using a lesbian dating app by self-declaring that they were transwomen'. graham said the main purpose of the action is questioning the actions of straight men, not the actions of transwomen. so it is a diversionary tactic to then focus on graham's subtle and complex understanding of transwomen/Tim's in regards to 'gender ideology'. if the ruling had not strayed from the issue of the complaint (ie the accuracy of the news story) that the actions of straight men who enter spaces supposedly for lesbians might be analysed, and why straight men might be interested in lesbians. for you only have to look at or read erotica/porn from the last 200+ years to understand that straight men are aroused/fascinated by the actions of lesbians. and thanks graham for speaking out.

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🚩He/Him pronoun wanker

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“The publication also noted that, at the time of publication, the complainant’s Wikipedia entry included a section titled “Anti-transgender activism”, which included the complainant’s “comparison of the medical transition of children to Nazi experiments on children, and [his] suspension by Twitter for 'hateful conduct'”

They’re actually using Wikipedia for genuine info?! Well that’s a bloody joke.

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Almost universally critical reader comments under the article (the ones not deleted as yet). I sense more of a grassroots groundswell against gender ideology as time goes on. Keep chipping away at the edifice Graham.

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"Westminster used to agree on LGBT+ rights. What happened?"

Women Won't Wheesht!

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Two sentences in and he makes it about him 😁 Yeah, won't be starting my free trial to read more of that self-indulgent tripe 👍

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He probably figures he's better at hit pieces than debates

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I think they'll need to rebrand as Bluenews to reflect the stereotype of those they are alienating their traditional supporters for.

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This pushback will continue until the end of time if the likes of Pinknews and Stonewall continue to deny that this "inclusion" agenda is about men crossing boundaries to engage their fetish. Yes, pushed by big pharma of course, but the unwillingness to call out grooming, gaslighting, coercion, and tell people they aren't allowed to question what their eyes tell them, is beyond contempt.

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He/Him bit made me laugh out loud

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Sometimes you do have to wonder what other viruses may have escaped from a lab somewhere, given the contagion that is turning seemingly sane people into trans-fascists who support child sterilisation.

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Well done! You didn't prevail, but a blow was struck for civility. I can't believe the parsing required to interact with patriarchal institutions. So glad you are representing those of us who are reacting to the emotional gestalt of assaults on our humanity and can only scream in frustration at those who choose to be oblivious to the obvious. Also, you are known for expressing difficult themes through humor, isn't that what satire is and isn't satire a protected form of speech? Admittedly, those males who posted photos of themselves seemed to be satirizing themselves.

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You’re still there! Twice!

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I'm glad Patrick added the he/him. His name is so ambiguous 🙄

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