I’d be so disillusioned and devastated if I was a female athlete… What even is the point? It’s rigged against you before you even try 😞

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Every time (every day?) I think about this I think 'what would I do' if I were a woman weight lifter going to the Olympics. . . or an archer. Would I refuse to go; go, but refuse to compete; compete but be deliberately half-arsed to make the point of, 'well, what's the point?'; go but do my damnedest, even though I know I still can't win against a stronger man. . . And then I feel sick because this is all hypothetical for me. But there are women out there facing this impossible and often dangerous task. Weight lifting - the playing field isn't level. Rugby - the playing field might kill you!

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The obfuscation makes this SO much worse. Does govt. and large corporate have serious financial gains to make from this or something? Why go through so many hurdles to makes sure this issue bypasses everyone?

Our general public are just nodding their head with a smile, it's madness.

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I think someone somewhere is thinking, "If we can get people to ignore the bloody obvious, we can hornswoggle them about anything!" This is why feminists use the word Orwellian so much.

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There's a famous quote from Voltaire. "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."

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Voltaire had his problems, but I love that quote, and it is TRUTH.

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Jul 7, 2021Liked by Genevieve Gluck

The stifling of free speech is terrifying and devastating. The only place on the internet that wouldn't censor this type of colaborative investigation for "hate" is Kiwifarms, and the TRAs wage a constant campaign to have it deprived of the structures it needs to run. Last week they spent a load of energy and money DDoS-ing it in an attempt to take it down. They've succeeded in making normal people think it is a hive of Nazism. Meanwhile individual activists are at the mercy of big corporations -substack here is the recipient of sporadic campaigns to get Glinner deplatformed, and youtube holds the power over gender critical voices like Karen Davies. The reddit purge is famous.

The good news is, two athletes in the Olympics pretending to be true and honest laydees is better than one. Men in all nations care about things like medal tallies and I can't wait for the unfairness to be not just against women (who cares, right?) but directly affecting their own national team.

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They can run but they can't hide from Nutmeg's and JL's sleuthing skills 😉

Kudos once more for a job done proper ✌

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If I was an up-and-coming young female athlete, I would find this so deflating. The point of training hard and giving it everything you've got is that you have a shot at the top spot in competition. If young women have to now factor in the possibility of males entering their categories, what exactly is the point?

And both these examples (Hubbard & Barrett) are much older than their competitors. They've had a massive lifetime of benefits from testosterone. Lowering it in accordance with IOC rules is just box-ticking, the advantage remains regardless.

Cheating by any other name.

You can bet if these males bring home medals, every country is going to start scouting for them.

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Perhaps it's past time for women to form their own Olympics just as women formed their own tennis association. The IOC is so corrupt it's barf-worthy.

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Exactly that. Why are testosterone levels (which can be manipulated for test purposes anyway) seen as *the* factor? Well, we know why but shame on the powers that be are going along with the lie. Looking at you, Sebastian Coe 🤨

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The cynic in me suggests that having male prisoners in women's prisons or incidents of assault by males in women's spaces will just go in the news as part of the constant background drip of violence against women and won't outrage enough people quickly enough. However, I think the presence of male athletes in female divisions at the Olympics may actually be something that peaks a lot of people. It's highly visible, people care about sport (sometimes a lot) and the concept of fairness is key. So part of me is almost thinking: the more there are, and the more outrageous the cheat, the harder it is to ignore or excuse away.

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Well, it was almost invisible with this guy, so who knows how many more there might be who haven't been revealed? What I can't get round my head is the complete absence of any shame in doing this. Why can't they sense that what they're doing is unfair, where is the self respect that says "I can't do this and feel good in myself knowing that I have a secret advantage over my competitors"? But no. My need to feel validated must come before anything else.

I'm not sure it's true that people are not specially outraged by men in women's prisons though. But again there's clearly a conspiracy to keep it as quiet as possible so we don't get to hear of it.

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"What I can't get round my head is the complete absence of any shame in doing this"

These male athletes eradicated any sense of shame the moment they decided that they could appropriate womanhood. And why aren't men ashamed to steal our identity? Because society has already reduced women to pornography and sexualized objects that they feel entitled to possess.

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nobody has mentioned 'deadnaming' yet (i dont really know why the use of their male name is called that) - but i'm sure their desire to hide their male past and ongoing 'feminised' male future is at the heart of 'the delusion'/deception (i use the term deception in a loose way - they may only be deceiving themselves that they are female). and if they are agp - then their 'secret' being revealed by 'deadnaming' would attract more attention to their personal narrative/life - and might be desirable as an affirmation. maybe these men are too involved with their outward image to really consider thoughts of unfairness or shame, that women might feel in a similar position - and i would suggest that women think of unfairness/shame in regards to this 'cheating' because of the way women are socialised from girlhood into womenhood.

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They have the audacity to think that taking estrogen and going for 'sex reassignment surgery' -really just making them eunuchs - is proof and journey enough to womanhood. They don't see women as whole human beings, just an assemblage of appendages, parts and behaviours that they can pick and choose from and no one should dare notice or care about the actual difference between them and us.

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yes i think you are right about them thinking that a woman is 'an assemblage of appendages'. i suspect this reading of women's bodies comes from being visually educated about bodies as children from pornography (and media/fashion/advertising images influenced by porn)- without any understanding or analysis of what is being visually communicated and why. cropped images focus on 'the details' that arouse their interest (as fetish). for the agp male is probably an addict of his own desiring nature. and these

men consistently dismiss their pastiche of the transition into potential fertility (menstruation) and post fertility (peri/menopause transition) of women - as if potential mothering (parenting) has nothing to do with being a women.

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I'm really hoping it holds up true. Personally I don't care about sports, but I do care what it means for everything else. I'd love for these guys to thrash so we can wrap this discussion up already.

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The mainstream media's intentional obfuscation when reporting about "trans identified" males & XY DSD athletes horning in on women's sports is appalling. It's like all press outlets & so-called journalists have signed a pact to deceive the public.

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The press is bought and paid for. A German journalist Ufkotte wrote a book about his own purchase at the hands of the CIA, and I wish I could get a copy but the CIA has prevented its publication in the U.S. In the Jensen/Linehan interview on Resistance Radio they mentioned how information that was purveyed 10 years ago would not be allowed now, and having just watched Capitalism A Love Story I know that the press coverage in 2008 of the bank bailout would never happen currently.

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There are real world consequences for women when the biological differences between men and women are ignored.

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Good work. I searched for hours to find out if this was a woman. Like you all I found were some vids but the voice clips were so short I couldn't really tell by the voice.

Some pictures looked really masculine whereas others looked pretty fem.

Theyve really covered themselves.

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Thanks for the brilliant detective work, Nutmeg. No Canadian news outlet has reported this, at least that I've found. So another talented woman has been erased to make way for a man, and all female archers now have to contend against records set by a man. I'm so disgusted.

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Brilliant post on Mumsnet about this:

Yesterday 19:48


I’ve loved the Olympics since I was a little pony mad girl, watching my heroes show-jumping in Los Angeles. I’ve always watched, and I love discovering and getting obsessed with slightly obscure sports. I love the ceremonies. I love the stories of grit and determination, overcoming obstacles, heartbreak and bad luck, comebacks and almost never weres.

It’s never been perfect, of course. Remember it was only in London in 2012 that women were able to compete in all the sports, and also it was the first time that all the participating countries fielded women.

2012 was the first Olympiad to actually have full female representation

And now this? Less than ten years to roll back that massive achievement and make sure that women don’t get a fair go again.

Balls to you, IOC, you mimsy quisling fucks.

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I love your insults and I will borrow some from Caitlin Johnstone the Australian journalist (she was describing the people having hysterics over "Russian interference" in U.S. elections): idiots, morons, drooling imbeciles, ...

foam-brained human livestock, tinfoil pussyhat-wearing delusional conspiracy

theorists, ..., oafish

slug-headed slime creatures, energy-sucking ... wastes of space and

oxygen, and an embarrassment to the human species. That about sums up IOC.

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I didn't write that post, but I do read Mumsnet. I've been banned 3 times from there. 🤣

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I fear the men taking women's places in these Olympics will be framed by most liberal media as "well, it's just a couple, isn't it nice that we're being inclusive." As ever, women are expected to budge over and be support humans.

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I am so fucking angry about that Toronto Star article I don't know what to do with myself.

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The issue is the trans athletes have done nothing wrong. They have kept to all the rules. The fact that they're competing in a female category and it's unfair is irrelevant. I remember reading the rep of IOC saying a while back that the rules weren't about fairness, they were about inclusivity. Possibly the second person has a GRC.

How can the IOC rules be changed so it is fair to females? It's already clear that male advantage persists past 3 yrs of suppressing testosterone.

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