I’m so sick of this. Trans women have all the benefits of male socialisation. I saw this when my daughter was working as a model in fashion week - there was a model she really admired who was getting booked for all the major shows. “She’s great - she just takes over when she comes into a casting, so funny and confident, she just doesn’t care what people think and doesn’t take any shit” said my daughter, admiringly. None of the other female models were like that, most concentrate on trying to please, to be what the designer is looking for, and terrified of being seen as annoying. In fact, said my daughter, she acts more like the male models who really don’t give a shit. You’ve guessed it - the funny, confident young model on all the catwalks was Teddy Quinlivan, who came out as trans a while later. Trans women really don’t need extra help. They don’t have to juggle careers with having babies; they haven’t been brought up to stay in the background or ‘make someone a good wife’.

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Why is it always women giving things and space up to non women? Why don’t men do this?

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Cos holding open a shop door for us to pass through has exhausted their generosity

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It seems to me that some misogynists are pushing forward an agenda to smash womens rights and are using the tactics of diversion and confusion to do it. Like I said in another post. Divide and rule. Take a genuine opposition movement like the feminist movement was. break it into pieces by getting that movement to argue amongst itself and factionalise. Then smash the pieces into smaller pieces until the feminist movement has no more opposition. Look at the history of women's. What a history that is. There is real politics, and real opposition, and now that is being diminished by male clowns, dressed up, and playing the system with no real history to them.

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oops that should read "Look at the history of women's rights"

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So sick of the 'Rights aren't pie' brigade. They absolutely are when you're giving 20% of the pie to trans and NB photographers, you're denying 20% to women. Ditto sports, women only prizes and shortlists.

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No such thing as proportional representation when it comes to gender woo and female impersonators.

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We need to attack this assault on women at its root - language. Trans women are not any sort of women. They are men. Men deserving of the same civic rights as any other humans, but men, nonetheless. If they want to live as if they were women, whatever the fuck that means, dresses, makeup, fine. But they are not and never can be women. That word is for us. Words mean laws, and laws mean what people can and can't do in a civil society. So men who want to be women, call yourselves something else. We've had enough.

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I use transIDman/men and


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In my younger days I was told by male photographers, ‘ you don’t look like a photographer’. I said ‘what does that mean?’

I knew what they meant though: I’m short with breasts. To ‘look’ like a photographer you have to look like Annie Leibovitz- tall, flat chested, skinny. You know, cos breasts prevent your camera from working properly, or something.

In fact all women photographers are non-binary, just by virtue of our job.

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The net effect of men refusing to give up their privilege, continue to benefit from and exploit women’s reproductive and unpaid labour and literally move themselves to advocate to change this and improve the material conditions while listening to women about our differing needs instead of talking over us then it is effectively erasure and, yes, hateful. A pat on the head as someone is sent of the the gallows or a friendly smile and wave is “quite”unsupportive. The analogy of how the German people enabled Nazi atrocities is a good one.Empowering women to organise societies allocations, as women have insight by virtue of being Mothers to both men and women, instead of oppressing our voices is the only way society is going to get out of the patriarchal death spiral it’s in. If this doesn’t happen then life as livestock on a dead planet is not one worth perpetuating anyway.

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I got a job as a photographer in 1981, seems like we had a similar timeline.

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You've just made me realise that point, what an excellent post

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What don't Women Photograph not understand about statistics? 20%, or a fifth, of prize money to be diverted away from women is clearly disproportionate. Are trans women now 20% of females in society? I don't think so.

More bonkers decisions from people afraid of a lobby born male but determined to stamp out biological women's hard won, and now further eroded, places.

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They say ‘at least’ 20%

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I just looked to see if Women Photograph have a contact email so I could write to them, but no, only for those who wish to donate or subscribe

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Good luck Kerstin

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As if I wasn’t peak transed enough

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Open Society sponsored organisation. They have no choice over how they disburse that money, it comes with an agenda. I listened to a Miranda Yardley recording last night, I have great affection for him, I met him in a pub at the beginning of my awakening and he is my type of guy, music wise, dress wise and maths wise....eh? Here is the video. If you can't listen to it all listen to what he says and see how much he means it, in the last ten minutes, about the complete lack of respect for women. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFHxaoDWiUM

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I've got a lot of respect for him too. He's never said that he's a woman, and said he doesn't mind what pronouns you use about him.

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I’ve come to despise the word femme. “femme voices” is quite the stupidest thing I’ve read in a while

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All of western civilization seems to have forgotten the root of why women are under represented outside the home. It’s biology! If women want kids, we have to give up what are the most important years for establishing and forming a career by either splitting our focus between work and home, or not working at all. A lot of women choose this and that’s fine! It’s great even! That’s just the facts of life.

Awards and groups for women exist to give women a chance to compete fairly in the professional world. It’s just like sports! Women are at a biological disadvantage. They have constraints the best father in the world will never have. Society has lost sight of this and, bolstered by a strain of feminists, decided the reason women are held back is “men hate us.” I think that’s untrue in most cases, counterproductive in most others, and opened the door to people who look like women claiming they need the same help as women because “hate and discrimination.”

It’s biology. Biology. Biology! We have to keep drilling this home! Everything else is window dressing.

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How depressing.

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The figures would be horrific even without the element of trans-tokenism being applied. It is the same in all the arts though. There is something I often wonder about though. Does it means the same to win an award by being a mere token? If I wrote a book, or painted a picture, I would prefer to be rewarded because the work I did was good, not because I am some token people can use for their virtue-signalling advertisements, or because I cheated my way in. It would feel cheap to me.

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It's relentless. All areas. Item on BBC online today quoting organisers for Glastonbury & other music festivals discussing their committment to achieving 50/50 representation of male & "female & gender diverse" performers ...

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