The organisers have indicated to all the young people planning to attend that event that everyone 'outside' hates them and that they are in mortal danger. From one organised safeguarding concern to another, all completely confected, and designed to what end? To keep any children who identify with this 'community' in a perpetual state of fear and isolation. Classic cult MO.

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At some point people have to recognize that you cannot negotiate with mentally ill individuals who've lost their minds.

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The tq+ groomers need to be stopped. The harm this pernicious cult is doing to children, women and lgb people is off the charts. They followed their usual smear campaigns the disgraceful bigots and mysoginistic twats! Shame on them

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Wholly and completely sickening.

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Let the fundraising commence!

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I'm an American, but I think the cultures in England and the U.S. are similar. It seems to me that this entire situation is fraught with dangers.

First, it takes adults to organize such an event. Why should anyone assume that the gay and/or transgender adults organizing this event have completely pure motives insofar as these teenagers are concerned? Children in that age group can be very attractive to adults.

Second, the LGBT teens who would attend such an event would probably also be looking for sexual opportunities. This raises the question of whether adults should be encouraging sex among teenagers. Also, are gay thirteen-year-olds and gay sixteen-year-olds a good match?

Third, although the event is for teenagers, both their non-gay peers and adults would be able to see who is coming and going from the event, meaning that many of the teens would have their sexuality publicly exposed.

There was a time in Western society when adolescents were considered game for any adult seeking a partner. It seems that the only way to remove the controversy from events like this is to return to those days, but I don't think that society (on either side of the Atlantic) is ready to do that.

My mother was born about 1920. There was a male teacher in the local high school who would simply select a girlfriend for himself from among the incoming students. My mother was selected to be this man's girlfriend (his previous girlfriend was graduating). They had coitus, of course, and the relationship was hidden from the parents. The other teachers knew what that teacher was doing, and they disapproved of it, but they felt helpless to do anything about it. This was a Southern state, and what the teacher was doing wasn't against the law (those laws came later). The obvious point here is that adolescents, even if they are growing quickly and seem like adults, need to be protected. My mother was never asked if she wanted to be this teacher's mistress; she was just told. She was too young to know that she could say "no".

I think that Wicklow Pride needs to think twice about staging any events for teenagers. The teens in the area will know that Wicklow Pride is there, and they can reach out to the organization if they feel the need to.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Martyrtown is OPEN for business 24/7, $, $, $.

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A "disco for 13-16-year-old gay teens"?

Does no-one have a childhood anymore?

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The smears will continue until substantial libel judgments change attitudes.

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These events are wholly inappropriate. I am glad it has been cancelled. It is a grooming opportunity and another example of how these alphabet agendas are forced on communities.

The immigrant issue is also forced on communities.

More examples of out of touch authorities.

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Well, I need to answer that, insofar as immigrants are concerned. We live in a world in which dictatorships and wars abound, and every country has an obligation to bring in refugees. That is something that people do for other people, and it must continue.

Insofar as adults creating social events for gay kids, that's another matter. The kids themselves can (if they don't mind being public about their sexuality), create their own intra-school clubs. But adults arranging these events? That strikes me a fishy.

There is an additional complication to this entire topic that I forgot to mention: Gay kids don't impregnate each other, which could contribute to promiscuity among gay kids, especially boys. Of course, they can still spread sexual diseases.

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from the Dublin Rape Crisis Website:

‘ According to Irish law, the legal age for consenting to sexual acts is 17. This means that it is illegal to engage in sexual activity with anyone under 17 and for a person in a position of authority, it is illegal to engage in sexual activity with anyone under 18.‘

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Tens of thousands of parents, school administrators, and kids disagree with you, and only their opinion counts.

Teen only events have been going on quite safely under your very nose for decades!

The horror!

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I’m lost as to what is the point of the article, someone smeared someone? About what? - a kids social event somehow linked to Ukraine asylum seekers in Ireland?

And this:

“A disco for 13-16-year-old gay teens is a safeguarding nightmare. The age gap is something even kids understand isn’t appropriate. There's a high risk of inadvertent breaches in privacy and confidentiality, along with the danger of alerting predatory men to the sexuality of still very young children.”

At least in the US, Gay and Lesbian kids routinely have dance and other events in high school for this age group - a two-second Google search for “Gay-Straight Alliance” will show endless variety - without catastrophe. They’ve been having them for perhaps two, maybe three decades. It’s been a while since I was in high school but my rural southern Bible-belt high school has had them since the mid 1980’s.

“Alerting predatory men” and “kids understand the age gap” - I’m afraid indicates a rather bizarre take. Is that a quote or the author’s opinion?

If opinion its sadly outdated.

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13-16 is wholly inappropriate, regardless of what "routinely" happens in the USA. 13-14 and 15-16 is much better.

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A friend spent 5 years in prison as a paedophile for offences committed 40 years previously when he was a very childish 16 year old, and the subject was 12. The younger boy, and the age gap, made the activity a serious offence. The "offences" were the kind of fooling around gay boys do as they are exploring their sexuality.

The danger in this kind of disco it that as attitudes and laws change, the future may become more conservative and (sometimes with a compensation financial incentive) "victims" come out of the woodwork. Look at what is happening now as transitioned young people start taking legal action against entities that were ostensibly acting quite legitimately and with "consent".

Adolescence is a time of rapid change, and affects individuals quite differently. There are maturity gaps even within those one year ranges, but at least they are reduced. Anything to reduce any kind of potential for current and future intimidation should be in place.

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I think you're missing the point. Just because you have these things in the USA, why does that mean you're unquestionably right and the rest of us are wrong? Does this apply to all parts of your culture and society? Seems rather like exceptionalism to me.

Why organise an event for children based around sexuality? We don't do that with straight teens. None of them are supposed to be having sex. We're not talking about clubs for hobbies: computers, model building, sport, drama etc.

It isn't the kids themselves organising this - so who is, and why? Such organisations and events are a target for predators - take a look at LGBT Youth Scotland.

Homosexuality is legal, and it is becoming more and more socially acceptable. Part of growing up is learning to get along with people, learning to live and let live, Why do we need to create and separate off a group based on age, developing sexuality and some tacked on dodgy identity theory?

Surely the goal, at this age, is for all kids to become more tolerant. I can't see any benefit to ushering any minority into a segregated group telling them, and those around them, that they don't belong.

Over in the States your Prog/Lib/Left is still almost wholly captured by Gender Woo so you're not allowed to think about this, but try now. What exactly does sexuality - definable, observable, testable - have in common with TQ+? Why are you saying to young same-sex attracted people, you belong with those people over there? When you think about it in those terms they have more in common with heterosexual kids, whose sexuality is definable, observable and testable in exactly the same way as their own. Why are you saying to a boy who finds himself attracted to other boys that there is a strong possibility he is "really" a girl?

I mean: what could go wrong?

Governments around the world are questioning, and rejecting, the whole concept of Gender Identity along with the medical and social models associated with it. The evidence that it is dangerous nonsense is overwhelming. Only the fact that influential people are in too deep is keeping the whole rickety edifice standing. It won't for much longer.

Of course we're not in utopia. There is still prejudice, and there must be services for kids who are suffering because of their sexuality for whatever reason. But a disco explicitly othering them? What is the purpose? Why divide them from the people they grew up with? These kids should not be purposefully ostracised, separated from all of their existing networks, told they are different, that they need a safe space.

You're creating an opportunity for anyone to inject whatever they want into a child's conception of themselves and how they feel they should behave with others. Why would you tell a 13 year old girl that she is part of a community with a 50 year old man who identifies as a 13 year old girl? Allow yourself to speculate.

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