If people can't see how damaging and dangerous this ideology is, particularly to children (with the Cass Review, with the wheels coming off the Mermaids gravy train, with the ever burgeoning number of detransitioners and clinicians speaking out, with predators like 'Sally' Dixon constantly in the news etc etc) by now then I am bewildered. But even if they cannot be guided by their conscience enough to speak out, surely they can be persuaded by their wallet?? The Ted musical will make money. Of course it will. There is SO much love for Ted and people will be queuing around the block to see the show! (Sonia and Jimmy know that too - otherwise why the grim determination to hang on to it??) And, if nothing else, does nobody give a toss about the legion of fans - new and old - who are longing for Ted to see a stage? Perhaps your talented colleagues could at least spare a thought for them?

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It may seem bewildering, but people do have an extraordinary capacity for willful blindness when it comes to divisive topics, if they have already decided which side of the divide they are on, or if they don't wish to pay the social price of taking an informed stance.

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Yes. "Decide where you stand, then listen to no one" seems to be the thing to do.

I'll listen to anyone, about anything. Why the resistance? Perhaps the fear of making [supposedly] solid ground shaky!

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Graham, have you started writing a book on all of this?

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A book is a good idea Graham. Trans with One World and Material Girls with Fleet got published, they were wiling to stick their necks out. And I know it might seem really cringe worthy but people love celebrity memoirs. There's a lot of shit being made up, you may as well put your own truth out.

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His own truth is the truth.

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I know, badly worded sorry. "Own version of events" then I guess, if that doesn't sound too forensic!

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Haha, no I just mean 'own truth' is very woke - you know a man is a woman because he says he is type of thing.

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I should add, it was in no small part seeing articles about Graham and SH years ago that made me interested in this. As in "WTF now? He got banned from Twitter for THAT?" I won't be the only one.

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Same. I was just astonished that the co-writer of Ted had become an activist on this. It's just the most amazing story. I've just subscribed here, having been reminded to do that on YouTube. No thanks to a musical, but yes please to a book or more TV.

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Or indeed a musical?

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A Gender Wars musical? A book would require less involvement from others.

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It would, I agree, but would love to see Graham succeed in reaching all available forms of artistic expression and making oodles of money which he massively deserves.

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We here could all help him to fund a self-published book if publishers were too scared to take it on. Sorry Graham, if I’m getting carried away, but your talent is too good to waste.

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I'd buy any book Graham wrote, he's such a good writer too, and super funny. A musical about this situation, I'm not so sure, but a book definitely, even a short one. Is there enough of a GC contingent that we could write/email those who want to cut Graham out and give them what for? Say that if they produced the musical without him then we would boycott it? I live in the US, so the FT musical wouldn't likely ever play here, but who knows, Americans like me might want to visit London to see it. If Graham decides to take their dirty money though, he should hold out for way more than 200 grand. What a bunch of scoundrels, cowards, and hypocrites. Don't they realize that if they got behind Graham (and women and children) finally, all would be forgiven (well, more or less)? Sorry for going on.

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That's a good idea. I love Alan Bennett's diaries (in fact many diaries). We'd all buy The Glinner Diaries, wouldn't we...I found the Michael Palin diaries really interesting, about Python. And of course there would be Ted memories which we'd all love to hear about.

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Absolutely! He could write about anything and I'd want to read it. Doesn't have to stick to any subject, but Glinner Diaries would be interesting for sure. I hope he has them in the works already and just isn't telling us... I'd buy an ebook too, if it was available.

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A huge issue here is that Graham is so kindhearted that I feel one day when this is all over, he will forgive those who betrayed him, but they should never be forgiven and never allowed to forget.

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Although nobody connected with pink sausage news should be forgiven, ever.

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Understandable. The thing is, you need to hold out the carrot of forgiveness anyway, or they'll use "a grudge" as an excuse for digging in against Graham (and others like him). Believe me, I'm from an Irish American family and I know about grudges. No need to forget though.

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It disappoints me hugely that Arthur and Neil aren’t doing the right thing here. I’m fervently hoping that something, anything, is a tipping point for them.

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It does me too, so I can't imagine what it feels like for Graham. Keeping their distance might be understandable if he'd been taken in by some weird cult with a belief system made up of delusion, supremacy, authoritarianism and detestation that represents a serious danger to people, but has a massive amount of influence nonetheless. That didn't happen though, not to him anyway.

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Who are Neil and Arthur please? Is it Neil Hannon?

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It appears from my search that they are Neil Hannon as you said, and Arthur Matthews. Glad you asked, as I didn't know either. I think Arthur is a comedy writer and Neil is a singer/songwriter, both associated with Father Ted.

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God that letter made me want to cry. I am so sorry Graham. I cannot believe that you have been more or less alone (within the Father Ted/comedy ‘family’ at least) in opposing this lunacy let alone that you’ve been hung out to dry for it. Just appalling.

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It is very painful when such disloyalty is shown by friends. Just like Sinead O'connor is being vindicated now finally, I've no doubt that you will be too some day and people will be sorry that they didn't have the courage to stand by you when you needed them most. I've so much admiration and respect for what you do.

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Glad the Free Speech Union are going to help you. I think you have a good case. Good Luck. X

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A 28 year old lad I know,dismissed all my concerns. He is totally sold on the gender ID concept . He said he wished I'd never told him my views. This stupid cult has permeated every level.

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My daughters are the same, willing to be blind to everything in order to be kind to trans. But don’t worry, Tina, you have likely planted a seed of doubt in this young person’s mind and he might yet teach self-enlightenment because of that.

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I hope so ,I learned a lot from older people and am glad they challenged me. He is in an online bubble really,rarely meets any humans and doesn't listen to anyone who challenges his views. ( He does not work ) .This would have been impossible for most people of my age.

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Remember hearing there’s no Father Christmas. I wish nobody told me that, it spoilt my life

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What, I know gender identity ideology is a myth, but no Father Christmas (i.e. Santa Claus to me)?! Say it isn't so.

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It remains a puzzle to me why so many intelligent younger folk are not seeing this cult for what it is. There is a very real generational divide, with older folk tending to be looked as we did our own slightly racist grandparents whom we knew to be wrong.

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Maybe they trust too easily and like thinking the best of people. Be fair to them the truth is unbelievably awful

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Unfortunately at times like this you realise who your friends are. It can be painful to have morals but it is always worth it in the end.

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I am so sorry to know you are also struggling due to the Ideology Activists damaging our reputation. We fight on. Together. Much Love.

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Good Luck. Glad the Free Speech Union are backing you. Hope you win. X

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If you need any help in this fight, Graham, you have an army of followers . Let us know what we can do.

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Yep, we are right here. Eating chocolate. Drinking tea. Furiously typing!

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You have a spycam in my kitchen?!?

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Yes! Do the dishes!

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I don't understand why you are being so cruelly treated. I very much hope the tide will turn.

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I think people love a scapegoat to taunt and sneer at as part of egocentric virtue-signalling. You are so much better than them Graham. You are deeply principled. When the world wakes up, you will be vindicated. You'll go down in history. You are one of the most important people fighting this. It will just take some more time. Hang on in there.

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What’s black and white and red all over? Pink ‘News’ -- when its shamelessness is finally made irrevocably apparent in absolute black and white terms. And red, when they are publicly forced to undergo their ‘walk of shame,’ and the realization of their crimes against humanity floods through them.

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Graham, I think the main thing you are up against is the fact that it is so very rare for a man to fight as openly and stridently for women's rights as you are doing that your former colleagues and friends, male and female, encouraged by the misogynist mob, are able to dismiss your actions and words, however courageous, sound and fair, as the work of an unsound mind. History will prove that it was their minds - and hearts - that were the problem, but it will take time. It took female feminists 40 years of solid campaigning to have 'Page 3' finally shut down. In the meantime fight for your musical with your new friends and fans behind you.

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Are you aware of this, Graham? Seems to be a miracle that it hasn't been cancelled. https://www.blackpoolgrand.co.uk/event/a-celebration-of-father-ted-with-joe-rooney

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He had a Father Ted podcast recently - did he invite Graham on!?

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Wow, good for Father Damo!

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