The current incarnation of Amnesty has shown itself and it's repulsive. I hope the reaction of everyone with a moral conscience will be a reflection of that.

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We can hope, and I do, but that the chair of Amnesty's LGBTI network is 'Lui Asquith, Solicitor at Mermaids'?!!?

Holy shit. Talk about capture.

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I was so shocked to see that name it couldn't register. Shocker isn't it but does explain it all.

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I no longer support Amnesty and a slight change of direction but I listened, while driving, to Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 today. I was dismayed to find he listened to the argument for trans care in primary health care services and reducing long waiting times including access to puberty blockers without any presentation of the concern for children's development of given such drugs! I feel a letter of complaint coming on.

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Didn't listen but Mumsnet is telling me Jolly Fox Killer was spouting 'safe reversible pause button'. That is SO 2018

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He had several men phone in saying they are waiting ages for appointments. He called each one a woman’s name. Sounded very weird. Jo M stressed the delay was political - all I could think was politicians have now read Helen Joyce and know it is AGP. Think someone should send book to Jeremy Vine. It sounded barking mad - listen on catch up

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I have written to the silly man several times. He knows. He just doesn't give a shiny one.

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Paid a lot to play along probably

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Did Vine adopt his special soft 'talking to a transwoman' voice?

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Yes it was horrible. What’s wrong with the man playing along with this delusional stuff

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Don’t blame you I was astonished he is doing this still. Is it him or a producer I wonder?

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Tish, you are brilliant. Thank you. Manesty are a TRAvesty

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This is such a good blog site, please donate if you can

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They're also antisemitic. I haven't donated to them for many years.

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Brilliant, as always, Tish. Shon Faye...the very man who told women to enjoy our 'erasure'. "I'm a woman because I say I am I am sorry you've lost - even law says so - enjoy your erasure." You can see his tweet here...share it out everywhere possible: https://twitter.com/hairyleggdharpy/status/1005520600222326785?lang=en

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Here's Sean in 2014, telling us about his makeup, and that men should be allowed to wear makeup. I couldn't have agreed more with Sean. He just had to take his specialness just that leetle bit too far though:https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2014/dec/06/my-life-in-makeup

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The internalised homophobia is writ large here. You don't hav eto be Freud to work it out. So because Seans' dad was a homophobe. Sean's now a woman and we women have to tolerate him

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I feel like validation of one group (trans) is high up Maslow's hierarchy of needs. They are psychological needs - social acceptance, esteem and belonging are quite high up the needs list. It shouldn't ever trump another groups (women) physiological, safety and security needs lower down. They've threatened our legal security as well as physical safety. They've threatened our lively hoods if we speak out which impacts our basic physiological needs.

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I ran rough figures on death rates - women get murdered at over five times the rate that trans/non-binary people do in this country.

This is based on the 8 vs 1800 murder figure I read recently and today's rough populations of both - then converted into percentages.

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In 2019 I believe there were 241 women murdered, Penny. There was just 1 trans person murdered that year, none in 2020, none in 2021...but there will have been hundreds of women murdered during those years. I think it's way, WAY higher than 5 times. Also, in the 10 years preceding 2019, on average, just 1 trans person was murdered per year.

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It's possibly way higher though

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From 2008, 8 trans and 1800 women were murdered. Just looked at rough populations to get the percentage

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I called Amnesty International and spoke to a woman about women's rights being eroded and how ridiculous it is that men are invading women's sports. She seemed quite open and agreeable with me. Then she said that I'd "probably have to get used to it". NEVER

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I pretty much stopped supporting them because of their anti-Semitic stance.

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Can you tell me more about their antisemitic stance? I never supported them because they seemed creepy to me.

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Everything Israel does is evil according to Amnesty International, especially when the Palestinians start firing rockets into Israel and Israel shows remarkable restraint when what they should rightly do is drive the Palestinians into the sea.

Israel has responded to these attacks by warning Palestinian civilians that hey, you better get out of this neighborhood because we're about to bomb the hell out of it because Hamas is using it as a forward operating base and they have no compunctions whatsoever in telling their people, THEIR OWN PEOPLE, that they're being used as human shields.

Israel has shown more duty of care to the Palestinian people than their so-called leadership Hamas and what does Amnesty International do?

Blame Israel for "atrocities" that only Hamas, which has committed all manner of war crimes, seem to bear witness to.

There's a word for this.

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I think you should watch this:


And then I think you should take a good look at your house and think about it being bulldozed. Rockets bear no comparison to the bombs Israel drops, and the Palestinians have the right to self-defense.

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

You'd think twice when Katyusha's are falling on hospitals, schools and even your house.

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Really, how so?

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I got the measure of Amnesty UK when they ditched women like Gita Sahgal in favour of the defensive jihad of islamists like Moazzam Begg. What they are now is hardly surprising.

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Really odd people work for Charities - mental health is often much poorer than other workplaces in my experience. I don’t know why

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Perhaps it's what a minister told me about people in the "caring" professions having not been nurtured in childhood (she was including herself as she was raised without a mother). My experience of social workers is that their mental health is not good though they fit in well enough to a sociopathic society.

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A job I wouldn’t want to do. Speaking freely would be impossible

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Not all but quite a lot

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