Unfortunately intelligence isn't a barrier against being suggestible, influenceable in the direction of belief in a socially contagious mass delusion. Intelligent people can unfortunately imagine themselves to be above falling for delusional beliefs. It's part of why things have got to where they have with belief in gender identity.
There are as many potentially suggestible people out there as there are humans, it seems to me. A lucky few have better critical thinking skills than others, yes, but none of us are immune to the power of suggestion.
or in simplistic terms - there are more gullible bleating idiots out there than anyone would ever have hazarded a guess.
Idiots and apathetics, dictators have relied on them as their base forever.
Unfortunately intelligence isn't a barrier against being suggestible, influenceable in the direction of belief in a socially contagious mass delusion. Intelligent people can unfortunately imagine themselves to be above falling for delusional beliefs. It's part of why things have got to where they have with belief in gender identity.
There are as many potentially suggestible people out there as there are humans, it seems to me. A lucky few have better critical thinking skills than others, yes, but none of us are immune to the power of suggestion.