I am so thankful for people like Alison who have the strength of character to stand up to the stonewall bullies and sue them. Case by case they are going to be exposed for the insane homophobes that they are.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022

Fantastic news. The fact that Stonewall charge money for these schemes then walk away while the business is found liable says it all. Surely their grift is over now??

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Imagine having to pay damages precisely because you followed the guidelines from an organisation that said it knew it all - I don't think you'll ever ask them for advice again. Nor will a lot of people who until now paid them to make sure all they did was by the book.

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More fool them for following ‘guidance’ from a seedy protection racket like Stonewall. They are supposedly the top QCs not the Stonewall clowns. I wonder how many clients of that Chambers will be impressed at their performance in this case 🤣🤣🤣

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I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell 'em... and this letter from a nice Nigerian prince...

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A book that should be titled "What NOT To Do".

Hey-- maybe people could pay 'em for THAT! Stonewall telling them what to do... so they can then do the exact opposite.

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Yes, doesn’t it feel really similar to a direct sales operation? People and organisations have no doubt purchased lots of dodgy stuff this way, relying on the marketing message they liked the sound of. Employers have bought a leaking bucket compliance wise. I hope they feel buyers remorse and experience a new humility, instead of the boastful smug behaviours which have impacted so many women at work

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Yes, that's our hope, isn't it?

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I’m curious about the Stonewall Protection racket. How can I find out whether an organisation is still involved? I’ve got an organisation I’ve just joined and they’ve still got the logo on their letterhead.

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In that case it almost certainly is still part of a Stonewall scheme. Organisations like Stonewall are pretty picky when it comes to others using their logos without authorisation and usually take legal steps against what they see as a wrongful use of their logo.

You can just ask Stonewall, though. Just sound innocent and friendly and they'll tell you everything about their orgs involvement with them they can legally tell.

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If it is a large organisation it might be on the list which Sex Matters took from Stonewall's 2015 published list: https://sex-matters.org/stonewall-champions-list/.

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That list has shocked me. I knew a lot had signed up but that is more than I understood. We have a long way to go yet.

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Yes. There were 850 names on that list. Quite a few have left - mainly in central and local Gov. These are the ones which are crossed out.

It is extraordinary to me that so many remain on the list including, egregiously: (1) Universities inc Oxford and Cambridge and (2) the entire legal profession including Judges. They have all swallowed this illogical ideology which can be discovered by just thinking about the DEFINITION of the word "gender". Critical analysis, anyone??

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To be fair, Stonewall's trans gravy train was just starting to roll in 2015. Most of the organisations and companies on that list had probably never even heard of trans issues at that time. They got their "education" in the following years.

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Orgs have had 7 years to look properly at what they signed up for: to question the amount of time and effort from senior staff devoted to satisfying SW's demands..... for what? Gold stars or brownie points? SW's advice is so obviously (1) legally incorrect (2) an exercise in data acquisition (3) enforcing a doctrine which reveals abject immaturity: a refusal to "grow up" and accept adult sexual responsibility.

And the "whole world" has fallen for it?!?

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From any rational point of view this is horrifying. Says a lot about how well pressure towards social conformity works - particularly in a capitalist worlds that has successfully charged the individual with supervising his or her own conformity (and exploitability).

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This has made my day. I am so pleased and relieved for you.

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i love that ThankyouAllisonBailey is trending on twitter.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022

Fan-flippin-tastic! Massive Well Done Allison (and thanks to everyone else who has supported you through this tribunal.) Allison, step by step you are helping make the world a safer and saner place for everyone!

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Great news for Alison ! Shining a light on Stonewalls practices in any way is a victory .

Picture the chaos in the Stonewall office ! All those hurty feels ......

Wondering if Court Chambers can take Stonewall to court now ?

Courage calls to courage indeed .

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That court cases have to be held to establish that speaking truth is not a reason to make women lose their jobs… (or be attacked for it) l. The most fundamental fact about human existence and the mammal kingdom, that male and female exist, should not be allowed to be spoken of… where the hell are we heading ffs 🤦🏼‍♀️ ? And why do some want to destroy the very truths of our society?

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Another sigh of relief.

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I can't like this enough.

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I think I have something in my eye… that’s good to hear, massive hugs, you deserve it 😊

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Excellent news. Thank goodness

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Shame that it didn't completely knock Stonewall out too. But clearly the Robin White 'get your camera to freeze and say nothing' school of lawyering worked. At least this time.

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MyLovelyHorse Allison has put another huge crack in the Stonewall toxic dam of nonsense and brutality. It hasn't fallen down just yet but the pressure is building all the time..........

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Stonewall will do the rest itself, and it will be finished. Alhamdulillah!

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The eejits are already trying to spin it as a win...


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As stated above: Their approach to what people commonly call reality is somewhat original.

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Now trying to get their acolytes to complain about the press reporting stuff that they don't like


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yeah well nm them - they would wouldnt they .... !

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I'm waiting for Jolyon to speak for the belly laughs.

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But then again, I think it's rational to hold a legal chamber entirely accountable for its actions. It's reasonable to assume that they of all people should have recognized that whatever Stonewall was telling them is BS. I mean, who do you trust to know the law if not a body made up entirely of lawyers?

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Probably all too busy counting their cash and chasing after junior council (only joking lads)

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Wonderful news ❤️💪

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I am so happy about this. Thank you Graham and everyone who have supported Alison.

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Allison's brilliant win today against Stonewall's silencing of feminists and brave women like Kellie-Jay Keen must prompt the question: can Twitter be next? It has silenced Graham and thousands of others because it backs a nonsense, dangerous cult.

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Not that I think what Twitter did and still does is fair or justifiable in any way: I just see no way to hold them accountable legally. They are a private institution, membership is voluntary and Twitter's policies in themselves do not make people lose their jobs - although they certainly make it harder for many people to make a living. That's quite different from being an employer or a governing body such as a legal chamber.

I do think that we need clear rules and regulations for social media. They must ensure fairness and freedom of speech, as well as mechanisms against disinformation campaigns - goals which are to some extent at odds with one another. They must also ensure that we have legal recourse against arbitary decisions and must establish clear legal accountabilities. But these are ultimately political decisions that must be brought about by political pressure. Courts of law are not the arena in which these issues should be addressed, save perhaps some very specific cases.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022

YES! Congratulations to Allison and her legal team. It's sad that Stonewall are still not held accountable but GCC like so many others that sign up to them should realise the mistake of choosing virtue signalling and tick box diversity and inclusion over actually upholding the law and their psychological contract with all employees, including those that are gender critical and refuse to bend the knee.

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