The trans lobby outfit, Stonewall, can't even quote the Equality Act 2010 correctly. They say the PSED is:

The public sector Equality Duty requires all state-funded schools, colleges and settings in England, Scotland and Wales to:

• Eliminate discrimination, including discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender reassignment

• Advance equality of opportunity

• Foster good relations between different groups of learners

What s.149 of the Act actually says is:

(1) A public authority must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to—

(a) eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act;

(b) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;

(c) foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

What they miss out and what they mis-state is revealing.

1. It applies to all public authorities, and in the 'exercise of its functions'.

2. The duty is to 'have due regard to the need to'...

3. The 'discrimination, harassment, victimisation' is as prohibited under the Act: some discrimination is entirely lawful under the Act, eg, single-sex spaces, so the prohibition is not absolute.

4. The duty covers all protected characteristics, not just the selected ones they give. Those protected characteristics include sex.

5. The 'groups of learners' are those who share protected characteristics', not just arbitrary groupings.

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Done, letter sent. My MP is Guy Opperman in Hexham.

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Thanks for this. I will write to my MP Caroline Lucas. Louise Ashworth Ford

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I'm definitely putting three kisses at the bottom of my letter ;)

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Thanks for template and links. . . so easy to do. Did in less than 20 minutes!

Time well spent. . . I don't want this crap in my kids' schools. . . they're there to be educated. Not gaslit and misled. . . and abused! Thanks again.

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Last time I wrote to my local MP about issues relating to trans activism he just ignored me. Do you know who you write to in Scotland that is more directly involved with schools? John Swinney, perhaps? Any advice greatly appreciated.

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Finally today (4th Feb) I wrote using an edited version of the letter to 2 MPs (I have a second postcode.. not mine) and the Councillors on the Schools and Education Committees of their respective boroughs, and the Regional Schools Commissioner.

I reminded the Labour Councillors that 2 of their number in Cambridge have resigned in the last two years over this matter and Conservative Councillors that Liz Truss has got off to a good start in Sept 2020 with good support from the Dept for Education, but it is time to carry this further.

I headed my e-mail "Stop Stonewall gas-lighting schools..."

I will chase the Councillors for a reply

We must try to cut Gov funding to Stonewall, Gendered Intelligence, Allsorts and all the other hydra heads of this monster! The lists is here: https://www.transgendertrend.com/department-for-education-rse-guidance-schools/

This is a start.

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I think these things need to be a great deal shorter to be more likely to be read (though I appreciate that we can edit them).

Anyway, two of the four politicians I emailed have replied so far - one fairly positively, one awfully:

Cllr James Chiriyankandath (Labour), Haringey Council:

"I note with concern the important points you have raised and have asked for a response about what action the Council is taking to ensure conformity with the Equality Act and DofE guidance."

Catherine West MP (Labour), Hornsey and Wood Green:

"Trans people are amongst the most discriminated against groups of people and the levels of mental health distress, self-harm, and suicide attempts amongst young Trans people are unacceptably high. Whilst I appreciate your concerns I firmly believe that Stonewall is doing necessary work to ensure education settings are more aware of the unique challenges of Trans children and I firmly support their continued involvement and the Government’s engagement with them going forward."

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Could we have a similar line included about Wales please? DfE guidelines don't apply here, unfortunately. Suggest @merchedcymru as the point of contact.

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