Not only is this about girls and women who are being mutilated but how triggering is it for women who have had to have a double mastectomy due to breast cancer. It is not inclusive. It is not smart. It is only about profit at all costs Do they think we are stupid? Rant over...

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Absolutely this. They are being impossibly cruel by celebrating wholly unnecessary surgery which, for so many women, has been vital and life-saving and incredibly traumatic.

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They think we can be ignored, whilst they focus on those they believe they'll make money from. None of these companies give a shit, well, that's no revelation. But neither do the other organisations and individuals making a profit from gender 'ideology' bullshit. The mutilation and psychological trauma they are responsible for, such as the pharmaceutical companies, medical practitioners, clinics and so called therapists, etc.

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How come men get to "normalise the bulge" and cannot shut up about their "girldicks", but women have to get their breasts cut off to be considered true trans?

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It's one of the many Schrödinger's Trans conundrums. How come middle aged blokes need no hormones, hang on to (and seem incredibly proud of) their cock and balls yet we must celebrate them as stunning and brave laydeez for popping on their wife's knickers and some lipstick. Whereas young girls must be pumped full of testosterone and go under the knife asap or they will kill themselves. It's pure woman hate. Just repackaged in a pink and blue box.

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Which also brings the stats to mind: allegedly fewer than 0.01% of trans-identified males (with GRCs or not) have so-called "gender reassignment surgery" for removal of their genitalia.

In their own words, 99.99% of them have "girldicks". Yet have the nerve to demand that people call them women: bearded ladies included.

And incredibly, many politicians have agreed that "women" can have penises: in a mad, mad, mad, mad world.

But "trans men" cannot possibly keep their breasts. The old double standard is live and viciously kicking.

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Exactly this! (See my comment above!)

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Have you got a link to that figure?

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Very astute observation.

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Crass. Vulgar. Thoughtless. Cruel. Dehumanising.

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normalising the mutilation of a healthy body. Unforgivable

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I agree wholeheartedly, CB.

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JFC , Braun won’t lose me as a customer as I don’t need to shave ( I need to wax my tache but that’s a different story )

I just don’t get how these multi million (billion?) companies are pandering to a vocal minority

I’ve just answered my own question really ,small voices like mine don’t count , but big shouty in yer face freaks do

Backed by huge pharma

I just hope folks wake up soon

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I honestly think they're starting to.

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But some of it is backfiring quite badly: like the Budweiser "Bud Light" faux pas that actually lost them far more existing customers than (so far as I know) it gained them new ones.

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And Roisin Murphy's new album is the highest charting album of her career!

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Which is great! But somewhat spoilt by her record company's declaration it would donate all the profits to trans charities. The message didn't reach enough buyers to purchase from her backlist instead...

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No, it's fine! She posted on Twitter to say that this was just a rumour and there was no truth in it. Some scurrilous woke Canadian music mag printed it but didn't concern themselves with actual facts. So shop with impunity!

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Thanks, that's great news -- been put right by Dusty Masterson too. Glad to hear that Canadian music mag's spoiler tactics failed so badly

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I think that was a piece of misinformation that they were going to do that. YoisFe to purchase her new alby😎

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Bloody predictive text. That was meant to be you are safe to purchase her new album!

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Great, I hope that's true. Thanks for a welcome correction!

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Did I read it wrong ( probably ) but this isn’t going to happen

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Not going to happen 😀

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Small minority of one probably , I liked kid rock before but now I love him , yes I get he’s a dick but whatever

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023Liked by JL

I'd like to think they are, there are alarm bells going off everywhere and red flags flying furiously. The nasty contents in this particular Pandora's box is opening wider and more stuff is coming out. In addition, people are going to become increasing aware of the damage being caused to immature bodies by puberty blockers and cross sex hormones, as well as the mutilating surgeries, of course. There are going to be so many young and vulnerable people in need to a lot of help and support. I hope they get it.

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Capturing new markets (to build future brand loyalty) it used to be the "pink pound" when it was just LGB. Now it's the pink-and-pale-blue pound.

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I honestly have no problem with lgbt

But I totally object to lgbt qyxzy ** @

And whatever fucking letters they choose to add

Anyhoo , off to my kip , up early to stock Foodbank shelves , night all 😴

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023Liked by JL

Do they care how vulnerable young women and girls will interpret these images?

I bet some girls and women in pain, suffering, will see that and feel guilt. Crippling guilt and sadness. Really upsetting.

There are playing russian roulette with people’s emotions. Unconcerned with the outcomes. How can they be so flippant and superficial. These people are not moral people.

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Of course they don't care. Or they wouldn't be doing it. (Though they might have fired a few staff who objected, unless they kept their mouths shut.)

This is business. All that matters is capturing new markets to build brand loyalty: among the double-mastectomised and all their supporters.

Too bad if it upsets anyone. They've probably done enough market research to figure out they stand to gain (and keep) more customers than they're likely to lose.

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They don’t care cb , money is everything

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Yes and this has been happening for a while now. In 2020 Tomboy X underwear included a woman with double mastectomy scars in a lineup of five headless women pictured in bras (for the others) and underpants, and with her being much slimmer than all but one of the breasted women pictured. Knowing how aggressively formula is promoted to women across the world today I would not be surprised if removing women's breastfeeding capacity was yet another commercial motive pushing the normalisation of this misogynist mutilation and marketing. Advertising standards authorities are totally spineless if this dangerous messaging is allowed.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023Author

I don't think we can underestimate the rabid woman-hate with which we know gender ideology is awash. Getting young girls, especially lesbians, to mutilate and sterilise themselves is the ultimate masturbatory fantasy of the vile incels that overrun this movement.

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Yes. I totally agree this is essentially about insecure men's hatred - resentment and envy - of women, with lesbians and real feminists at the top of their hate list. I've experienced this hate first hand from my estranged, once decent, smart and caring, young-adult sons co-opted by the online brotherhood of young men who blame women for everything, not least mothers, and if allowed to hold sway much longer I believe will be the death of civilised society. People like you give me some hope, but the capture and corruption of the political Left and mainstream media leaves decent people with little access to formal power and influence. I'm in NZ and was able to speak at the recent Let Women Speak rally where the police did their job, after being denied that right at the March riot. But even at this more civilised event the hatred these men and their handmaidens had for us women was all too evident and the msm still showed their deranged leader describing us as 'a hate group' for the national news. Might have to move to Terf Island, my mother's homeland.

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Here's a bit of good news -- a kick in the teeth for Andrew Tate & brother by Apple:


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Yes, good news he's not able to gather his blood money from that source. But misogyny needs to be criminalised as hate speech to shut down all its other ringleaders and online platforms daily recruiting gullible boys and young men.

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I agree that Tate is awful but hate speech laws are a tool for authoritarians to censor free speech and they lead to lots of vexatious litigation. We should do away with all of them and leave only incitement to violence. I can think of lots of women who like slagging off men. Should misandry be classed as hate speech? Where does all this censorship end….. at the point where we are all afraid to say anything.

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Very well put Tenaciously Terfin. 100% agree.

If you put (one puts) curbs on free speech, it could be what you want to say that gets shut down. (As we all know far too well...) Does this mean we may have to hear things we don’t like? Sure. But that’s the price for having the right to express what we want to express. And besides, it allows truly nasty ideas to be challenged out in the open rather than festering and proliferating underground.

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Well put yourself.

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Maybe, but misogynist abuse, the kind I was aggressively silenced with in Auckland at Posie Parker's rally in March IS hate speech, as was our media's description of Posie as a Nazi and transphobe leading up to that event that whipped up more anger and hate towards her, to the point that some men there seemed pretty intent on hurting, even killing her. All would be less quick to throw such woman-hating slurs around and cause women real harms with such laws. Perhaps that could be covered by a law against speech that incites violence, but I would prefer a more specific law against the incitement of misogyny. It's a particularly hateful and rampant type of hateful speech and it must be stopped somehow.

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That should all be covered under incitement to violence though, but I do understand your point. The trouble with hate speech is that it’s subjective and it always ends up as a slippery slope for Orwellian policing of our thoughts and opinions. Sorry to hear about your experience in Auckland. Well done for trying.

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Sorry to hear what happened to you in Auckland. Calling Posie a Nazi is defamation hence her action against Mr Pesutto. A lot of what happened at Auckland amounted to either actual violence or incitement to violence. If there had been two people stood there peacefully one with a sign saying‘trans women are women’ and another with a sign saying‘trans women are men’ then they should not fear being arrested for so called hate crimes’


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Bloody hell , I’d never even thought about that !

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I wish I hadn't.

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I think the ASA's remit is actually quite limited: basically to print advertising. Their powers of enforcement over "legal, honest and decent" advertising are quite limited, and apparently thet have no power over online advertising including political advertising: so politicians and parties can lie with impunity. The ASA's functions and powers need to be overhauled and brought up to date: and it needs to be given teeth.

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I wish someone ( JL ?) could compile a list of companies I can ethically buy from

I’m sure it would be pathetically short

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I'll try and look into it when I have a spare moment... *HOLLOW LAUGH* 😂

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JL we all know you love doing shit like this 🌹🌹

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Yes, but I also like to SLEEP! 😄

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Absolutely. I was wondering if a campaigning outfit like Sex-Matters might start up a Consumer Advice arm? (or foot -- for kicking unscrupulous outfits going in for this execrable advertising)

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Sleeps overrated lol

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I wouldn't know... I rarely get any! 😏

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Me neither I’m a terrible sleeper , might be something to do with two horrendously snoring pugs !

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I’m normally well in my Kip by now with a decent book ( roll on October ) and my phone downstairs but this has got my heckles humphed

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I’ll sell you something. What do you want? 😁🤣

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by JL

Appalling and depressing

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"My body, your body,

every different kind of body!

All of them are good bodies!


Combined with the ghoulish surgery images, this reads like a malevolent, deliberate riposte to Rachel Rooney's gentle and joyous 'My Body is Me'.

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#Stickerwoman has been quite busy at various Costa branches 😉

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What happens when in a few years, more young women who have undertaken elective masectomies, regret their decision and take the NHS to court. They will rightfully claim that they were too young and/or had a plethora of mental health conditions to have made such a life-changing decision.

These large corporations should bear some of the responsibility/compensation for actively promoting such medical atrocities.

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This is a pretty easy messaging hack. I ran out of copies of my memoir to put in Brooklyn Little Free Libraries (boxes on posts for recycling reading matter) so I just took the appealing children's books I've found in them, written messages encouraging children to love their bodies and giving them the info they need about girls will be women, boys will be be men. Then, return to the flow!


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Thanks for a great analysis, JL.

Posted on this horror show last night


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I’m confused. Who carries out the double mastectomies without clinical reason?

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Author

In the UK, it's NHS surgeons following referrals from gender clinics which, in turn, have been driven by trans lobby groups. In the USA and Canada etc its a whole raft of unscrupulous surgeons and child-catcher gender clinics who are in the thrall of gender woo or driven by profit (there's a lot of money to be made by amoral clinicians hitching their wagon to trans ideology) or both. Check out this ghoul, for a start.


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I knew I wasn’t a nazi for reading the mail lol

I used to read the Scottish sun till they turned off their comments

Comments are the best bit about the articles

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I could have been this articulate but I’m just far too lazy 😂

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Anyone who can

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