It really is mafia-style tactics, but the most exciting thing for me was the mention of Morgan Page, and I hope journalists realise what Stonewall is admitting in leaping to the defence of this man.
Alison is a lesbian. Page is a trans-identified male who ran a workshop on how to overcome lesbians’ sexual boundaries.
There is also this shocking video in which detransitioned lesbian Benji describes what happened at Morgan Page’s ‘Trans support group’.
This is what we mean when we say that Stonewall has become a homophobic organisation, and why it is so disturbing that they have been advising institutions all over the UK, including the BBC, who recently refused to answer a Freedom of Information request as to the nature and extent of the relationship.
But we don’t really need one, because the relationship could not be clearer.

More as we have it!
I dislike the notion of such young children being taught about these kinds of stories even if they aren't about trans issues - why are they being taught about adult fears? There are age appropriate ways to teach kindness and tolerance. I think doing this documentary-style programming about adults with adult issues, is grooming small children to feel guilty for something they cannot possibly be guilty of, to feel responsible for these adults' feelings. It makes me very uneasy that people who run children's tv seem to understand children so little.
Good luck to Alison. I almost feel sorry for them. They have no idea what they are up against!
Please guys, cancel your BBC licences. Enough is enough. Our money talks and they listen. Its the only way to get through to them.