This was excellent Graham. I wish everyone could hear your very clear explanation of how setting up TW as a protected or sacred class is very similar to how priests were viewed. I wish that even those who have no interest other than to be supportive to trans identified people (and who are not worried about the effect on women or children eg Owen Jones, Ash Sarkar etc.) would listen to this and think about it. Priests as a whole class, including many many innocent and good men, have been irretrievably tarnished by the failure to treat one class of people as simply human and as much in need of the oversight of safeguarding authorities, as any other group.

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thanks! this is a long listen but graham goes over the way gc issues have been reported. he clearly argues that basic gc ideas are not in any way extremist, such as women's spaces free from men, women's sport for women only - and highlighting how seriously warped sissyporn/fetishism is being mainstreamed by the 'trans' lobby- (-women's book prize and certain academics), and so much more.

i ignored researching gc ideas for so long - because i just took for granted the bullying that women receive when they stick their necks out (jkr etc), and not appreciating how vicious the attacks on women and men who stand up to this 'shouty' mob are. i was guilty of doing nothing.

now that the mob has moved to changing the laws, here and elsewhere, its time to go out and talk to friends/associates -straight women (not feminists), who know nothing of the mad plans of the gender identity mob.

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This was so good Graham! One of your best. Sasha asked some great questions.

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Next time someone calls me a Terf and I feel the need to reply I shall remember what you said that most GC feminists are not Trans Exclusive, because we include trans identified females, we are Male Exclusive.

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You are right, Graham, misogyny and entiltlement is at the heart of the cover up. Those features of trans culture are the things that make it so much of a cover-up. Cancel culture is terrifying and to question the issues is seen as heresy by the cancel culture - Look into the case of Richard Stallman, a great and respected computer programmer. Cancelled, returned, and was almost cancelled again for no other reason than that he criticised jeffrey Epstein. The media were twisting his words and accepting everything the cancel culture said while ignoring the real facts. Overt Fetishes and perversion are being presented to the public as normal

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My god, what a great conversation, Graham, seriously it isnt just American journalists ignoring the issues. Look at UK media, it's the same

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I wish I knew who these people are, never heard of either of them, but if they are against you they can't be good.

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Really enjoyed this. Well done

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This is absolutely stellar. Both of you are great. That thing you identified at the end -- the "do it to Julia" effect -- is called "the ingrouping heuristic." Journalists are probably far more subject to it than the rest of us because they speak with power all the time. Journalism has framed its own existence as an elite profession that checks other elites. Katie and Jesse may not have been readmitted to the inner circle of ideology but they did get to feel better about their own elite-ness.

It's a status chase all the way down.

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last night I watched the netflix movie "what the health" and this guy does a great job of showing how the lobbies dominate the organizations that are supposed to be fighting heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. I got chills when he went into pharma in the second part of the film. everyone concerned about this issue should watch that movie. He showed a graph that shows pharma is the biggest lobby by like an astronomical amount, over the other three biggest ones (guns and some other stuff)...the bar graph looked like the Empire state building looming over a few walmarts. It was really an "aha" moment seeing how these animal product industries and the drug industry are lobbying to keep people sick and then sell them drugs to not cure but maintain their life.

When I watched this guy showing how evil, criminal, and corrupt this is, I kept thinking 'but would they do this to children?'...he demonstrated how type one diabetes may be caused in kids by dairy products....the answer is of course they would. I'm convinced now after watching this film, particularly the second half about the pharmaceutical industry, that Big Pharma is driving the child transition movement. THEY are the ones who have everything to gain...20k a year on cross sex hormones for the lifespan of every child they transition.

I'm stunned speechless watching the GOP turn down the obscene amount of money from big pharma in the US ... this is kind of unheard of for the GOP to not take the money...

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Apr 16, 2021
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I think the cancel culture and the loony trans escapade is almost over. The reasons are many, but for me it amounts to this. You have well respected journalists and celebrities taking issue, with not just the idea of it but, with the actual people behind the ideas. You have politicians beginning to stand up against the looniest of identity politics culture. Not only that but the big companies such as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, all that corporate rubbish controlling what can be said and done is giving way to a new type of social media that cannot be controlled in quite the same way. Centralised servers under the control of corporate moderators etc is giving way to distributed content. For example, YaCy is a genuine search engine like Google. Anyone who wants to can run a YaCy Node and nobody can censor content. It is not a meta-search engine like DuckDuckGo which relies on Bing.

There is distributed Social media which started as a backlash against Twitter and is advancing rapidly. The whole of western society is moving back toward free speech and sanity. It may take 10 years but it will happen

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In the United States I think the politicians and judiciary on the right are just about fed up with social media censorship; Clarence Thomas has been rumbling for months about how drastic changes need to be made and the latest I read was about finding the large platforms already in violation of the first amendment (not too up on the arguments how, but anyway. I don't think democrats will retain the Senate in 2022 and may even lose more seats in the house. I think Biden did not read the room well at all and has way overreached with his Executive Orders. It is a different country than when Obama was President and I think he may have made fatal mistakes. I hope the GOP does not resurrect Donald Trump, but I think Biden will have a tough time getting reelected.

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Excellent comment. I am in the UK and, obviously, do not and cannot understand the finer points of American politics. To know a society 100% you have to be born into it. What you have said to me, though, is encouraging because I had the belief that the Democrat party was behind much of the lunatic identity politics, and that it has a dedicated view that has been exported to other countries. What astonished me the most is the amount of money that can be generated from human rights issues. I have no issue with LGBT rights, no problem whatsoever with black rights and issues. What I find issue with is when people such as Graham Linehan and a 1000 other people who are, after all, word-smiths and very adept speakers are prevented from airing their views. There is BILLIONS of dollars to be gained from trendy with politics but what gets me is that censorship is part of the deal. Look into who the Democrat part gives money to, especially in the identity politics game.

You will be amazed .

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I despise both parties now. I'm just fed up and disgusted. I've looked into it for ten years and I feel like I can't take it anymore. This is literally the only issue I'm following and I so grateful we are lucky enough to have Mr. Linehan doing work on this cause he's a writer by trade and I'm more of a reader than anything. TikTok just banned all the Prager U videos which is BLATANT censorship of right wing views (choking on having to say that cause i'm originally a leftie, but...) It's just crazy that these platforms are getting so bold.

Had I it to do over I would have never participated in the internet at all, as it turns out we gave all our data to these boy king psychopaths who are now billionaires from selling it, and are literally dictating culture. They have brought about the most misogynistic atmosphere I've ever felt in my lifetime, made other billionaires out of even worse psychopaths thru the porn tube sites, given predators open season to groom children, and are now censoring ANYONE AND EVERYONE that has child safeguarding motivations of any kind. Woe be unto them if dems lose the Senate and get a GOP pres. in 2024, I think they will put a stop to this unbalanced social media bias somehow or the other.

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I think you are right, both the traditional left and right are afraid, and giving billions of dollars to misogynistic billionaires. let's face it if you have a political party you need votes and support. It isnt just about issues, its about money and votes and loyalty. I'm like you. My family were about as left wing as you can get, but that was when the left wing supported workers, not men dressed as women to defeat women. The first person I ever heard defending the rights of women in the workplace was my father who was a trades-union man through and through. Back then it was almost unheard of that a man would take a factory on strike to get equal pay for women, but he did and he said "the future is an equal society". Lately though I have abandoned all of the left wing because they seem more intent on smashing all the hard won rights over the last 100 years than preserving them. Like you I am sick of political parties and merely want to restore reason

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Hear, hear.

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