
I'm told it's a good idea to get it in by the 31st

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Here’s a submission from WHRC in Australia, which might be helpful to use when drafting your own submissions.


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Excellent submission. Thanks for sharing!

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I received this from the Women's Human Rights Campaign - only four complaints had been received so it would be good to get more.

"Please send a complaint to the UN to let them know how gender ideology is undermining women's rights. This needs to be done by 1 August 2021.

Anyone, including individuals, can complain to the United Nations, using this link


Your email can include lots of detail, or just a small amount. The link explains how to do it.

There are quite a few Women's Human Rights Campaign women doing this, so if you want some advice send an email to info@womensdeclaration.com and we can try to answer your questions.

So far we know of four complaints going in about the damage done by gender identity ideology. Please help to increase that number so the United Nations hears our concerns.

in sisterhood

Jo Brew"

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Really really good interview thanks!

Well WHAT A SURPRISE (not) that that massive agp narcissist Oger has influence in the UN! I do believe the narrative of the great article by the two Aarons & Scott & Buck today that this agenda is driven by people like Oger. And everyone except agps suffers

Gotta push back and everyone doing it is a hero 🙏

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Thank you Graham.Your interview was nicely done.❤️Aarons calm and reasonable approach reminds me of Kate Harris. There is strength in this and people are invited to lean in and ask questions. I hope Aaron’s platform continues to grow so his voice reaches people looking for civil discourse on this important issue.

Thank you for the links as well!

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Is anyone here on Mumsnet and could post about this there?

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also UN

Human Rights Watch

UN Peacekeeping has a Sexual Abuse Problem


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They were running brothels in the former Yugoslavia. No "peacekeepers" should be male; only women should be permitted to do this job. And do beware of HRW -- they have some very notorious connections with warmongers.

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The UN is up to its neck in gender woo.



"Gender identity refers to a person’s experience of

their own gender. Transgender people have a gender

identity that is different from the sex that they were

assigned at birth. A transgender or trans person may

identify as a man, woman, transman, transwoman,

as a non-binary person, and with other terms such

as hijra, third gender, two-spirit, travesti, fa’afafine,

genderqueer, transpinoy, muxe, waria and meti.

Gender identity is different from sexual orientation

Trans people may have any sexual orientation,

including heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual and


" Some trans people – although not

all – undertake gender-affirming surgery and/

or hormone therapy. Trans people in all parts

of the world are at heightened risk of violence,

harassment and discrimination. Human rights

violations range from bullying and verbal abuse,

to denial of healthcare, education, work and

housing, to criminalization, arbitrary arrest and

detention, violence, assault, torture, rape and

murder. "


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Pity WOMEN'S rights are not HUMAN rights these days !!

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We don't have rights. Only privileges, which can be withdrawn at any time.

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If gender and sex are two different and separate things as we are told by disparaging activists who scornfully admonish us to "educate" ourselves and get on the right side of history, then that would make a statement claiming transgender means someone with a gender identity different to the sex they were "assigned" at birth actually completely meaningless. Something like saying my professional identity as a nurse doesn't align with the colour my skin was assigned at birth.

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. . . and therefore I'm trans professional!

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It’s interesting how many older trans people are through this harmful gender ideology and yet they are dismissed and doxxed. So trans rights are only for trans people who say the right things? It’s ridiculous. Buck Angel has always been refreshingly honest about his biological sex. I have no issue talking about Aaron as he because that’s how he presents and lives his life. My issue is with self ID where fully intact males with no hormone treatment simply say I am she and it is so. Eddie Izzard is a prime example of this. Most trans people of the older generation own their gender dysphoria and have taken steps to live in a way that allows them peace of mind. To not listen to the concerns of trans people about the health care of trans people is just about as crazy as this movement can be. It’s the same for GC individuals expressing concerns for the safeguarding of women and children, female prisoners and women in sport. How could you imagine these concerns ever being misconstrued as hateful and harmful? Smoke and mirrors used to hide the real goal of this movement - profit.

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Through = against - can’t edit posts

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UN Women


"Trans women are women at the end of the day. Every woman is a woman. Women are multifaceted, intergenerational, international. They are limitless, formless ... women are the world.” -


, model & disability rights activist



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No, Trans women are men. At the end of the day, the beginning of the day and all day long, they are men. Also, Trans men are women. No one can change their sex. Anyone can present as how they wish and should be able to do so without fear or harassment as long as they remain within the law. However it remains that Trans women are men.

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Definitely. Trans Women are men and that's why women and children are in so much danger from this ideology and ,if some of the hateful comments on social media are anything to go by ,we have every right to be concerned

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Limitless? Formless? What a bunch of hooey! Someone is confusing the feminine mystique with actual women.

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Here's my text sent to UN Women in case anyone might like to use it for inspiration.

If gender and sex are two different and separate things as we are constantly told by disparaging trans rights activists who scornfully admonish us to "educate" ourselves and get on the right side of history, then that would make a statement claiming transgender means someone with a gender identity different to the sex they were "assigned" at birth actually completely meaningless. Something like saying my professional identity as a nurse doesn't align with the colour my skin was assigned at birth, and therefore I'm trans professional.

Please, UN Women, do make an effort to sort out truth from propaganda on this issue and not feebly allow the UN to become yet another uncritical vehicle for trans gender ideology disguised as human rights. For this ideology all too often requires compromising other's rights - especially women's - when translated into policy and law.

It must be obvious one should have thought, even for a man such as myself, not to mention an official organisation dedicated to the promotion of women's rights, that first priority in who has the right to define what it means to be a woman must be women themselves, by which I mean (as if it should be even necessary to say so) people born with the sex of female.

Giving some men the right to participate in - not to mention dominate - proceedings concerning rights and needs of women means that the legitimacy of the concept of woman as a sex and the understanding of the relationship between having these needs, and being that sex, get eroded to the point of obliteration.

The logical end point of such frankly bizarre thought processes would be that sex as a category defining different classes of human beings according to their potential biological reproductive roles would for all practical intents and purposes disappear. And that quite possibly expresses exactly the wishful thinking of trans rights activists but they are not the only people with rights on this planet. We must insist that it is first and foremost women, without the interference of other people claiming womanhood by routes other than natural birth, who should decide what is relevant, necessary, good and proper in policy and lawmaking that concerns women's rights and needs.

And before anyone starts with the usual nonsense, this is not in any sense "reducing" women to vulvas, vaginas and wombs even though it quite unequivocally and emphatically acknowledges that women DO indeed have these organs and must have them to biologically be women.

We wouldn't accept that white people muscle their way onto committees and boards of black rights organisations and start dictating policy and definitions of what it means to be black and pontificating about how it doesn't affect black people's rights that some whites identify as black. Would we? So how come we find that it is OK to do just so when it comes to women and trans women?

In noting the UN Women's communique seeks examples of injustices from everyday life, I'm happy to confirm that Denmark is one of the nations of the world where women are truly strong and very capable of fighting their corner, as a result of which trans activism has had very little success in - for example - getting Draconian hate crime laws passed through parliament, aimed at making it impossible to publicly criticise trans ideology, as we have seen in the Anglophone nations. It helps enormously that Denmark takes freedom of expression very seriously - nobody can be threatened with prison or losing their job simply for saying something like "woman is an adult female human". Yet even so, planned and coordinated harassment by trans activists succeeded a couple of years back in banning a lesbian sisterhood from using the facilities of a local authority supported women's house, for its organising of a female only discussion group for lesbian women just as such groups had been doing in the previous thirty years.

Activities which had been quite normal for lesbian associations ever since the campaign for gay and lesbian recognition began back in the seventies, and which were widely accepted by the rest of society for the last 25 years, suddenly overnight became "transphobic". It's become for example next to impossible for lesbians to have their dating sites and forums to themselves and any lesbian stipulating in her dating profile that she is not interested in "lesbians" with a penis will face absurd accusations of being a "vagina fetishist" and risk getting banned from the site. All over the Western world, it seems that lesbians in particular have been deliberately and selectively targeted by trans activism as a foil for its nefarious persecution, humiliation and silencing tactics. As a strategy for a political crusade aimed at accruing substantial power, influence and wealth for some interested body in the modern world, this would make sense. Lesbians, as a political group, is the one which stands to lose most from the trans onslaught, so if they can be silenced and marginalised first, then capturing the rest of society will become so much easier.

Who that "somebody" seeking this power might be is a matter of speculation, but I would not be the first to observe that for such a tiny group of people to have achieved such astonishingly profound political influence over such a short period of time, something more spectacular than solid grassroots campaigning would be necessary; not least financial backing running into the three digit millions class of dollars. We should not be too surprised I think, if it transpires one day that the usual suspects in the form of an ever profit hungry medico/pharmaceutical complex, ever innovative when it comes to creating new markets, gets caught one day lurking somewhere in the shadows behind this phenomenon. For this is undoubtedly the branch which stands to gain most from systematic inscription of a far-reaching trans gender ideology into the political and human rights agendas of the world's weightiest institutions.

I earnestly appeal to UN Women to get a grip on reality here and to commit itself unabashedly and unequivocally to putting women first when it comes to women's matters, and furthermore to that purpose making it loud and clear that UN Women does so whilst using conventional time honoured definitions of the word "woman".

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I have submitted a paper to the Commission. As an activist on women's rights for more than 40 years, I will wait and see what import they give to papers such as mine. I am not holding my breath!!

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Graham, there is an urgent deadline for submissions to the UN.


Please can you share this, Graham


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