Passmore IS male though. No amount of synthetic hormones make a male, female.

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Imagine being such a fucking psycho the only thing you care about is forcing women to pretend you're a woman. I mean this, with all my heart, I would go to jail over this. If anyone tries to compel me to say "she or her" to a bloke that's the hill I am willing to die on. Men aren't women. Fin.

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Bloody hell, that's chilling.

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That is so typically nasty from KP. Thank you for your courage in calling it out, Kate.

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MEN and their enablers love interferring with, targeting, punishing and harrassing women who object to their bizarre and self centred behaviour sexual and other breaking our boundaries behaviour using our bodies, time, children and property and anything else of ours they can without a single qualm and using any means including threats, abuse, manipulation, lies and force to do it both directly and indirectly. It’s sadly almost expected and considered normal by most people. They’ll be blaming Kate for her own abuse and oppression soon. She needs a good lawyer. Police are very experienced at punishing women for and ignoring men’s offences, bullying, victim blaming and DARVO. Where would they be without their slaves and how dare slaves object or demand being treated as humans let alone equal adult female humans. We all know women who haven’t been well served by laws there to protect and support us and our children and I hope the Police don’t continue to abuse their power against any women for these men. They are actually just women haters and continuing a long tradition of institutionalised misogyny and enslavement. One would think it’s a no brainer that she’s been targeted for a “thought crime” and opinion based on reality, for anyone with a brain. This is why women have to draw the line they’ve simply gone to far perverting reality against women again as men and their enablers always do. The charges should now go the other way for harrassment. It’s all most unladylike 😀. When women say “Men” to each other it is this we are referring too. It can even lead to violence, death threats and literal death or punishing them using children, property and resources if women do not capitulate and pacify these f&@“(:/ big,deluded, spoilt babies and sometimes even if they do. Erasure of women and women’s rights, roles, places and spaces in all things but mainly law and using law rendering women’s rights and OUR identities even more invisible and erased is the pinnacle of their achievement for these men. If there is any way to assist her prosecute this P.,?! civilly for doing this to her for her non crime let’s do it. They are ridiculous.

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Jan 10, 2021Liked by Graham Linehan

KP said to me: "when people annoy me, i will do everything I can to make sure that they regret it and never ever do so again"

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What a nasty piece of work. Labour needs to get a handle on these bullying dirtbags. But they probably won't.

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I sense their satisfaction almost in that last threatening, aggressive statement. It’s horrible and bullying.

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It is NOT, in any way, illegal to 'disclose' someone's real gender except in very specific circumstances when you have learned it in an official capacity, e.g. as a doctor or an employer. If I simply happen to know whether you were born male or female, there is no law to prevent me from telling anyone I please.

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Trans-bully strikes again!

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That is sickening. Psychotically aggressive as you say

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