What a fabulously written letter! Intelligent and to the point. Another heroine (yes I like the word!) to add to the list.

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I agree, it’s an excellent letter! 😊 Really covers the subject well.

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I've just seen the video of what happened to the women in Portsmouth and am utterly incensed that we are being treated like this. We need to stop being so reasonable and waiting for a fair debate. The other side has no intention of having one because they know they'd lose. What's the next step I wonder?

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MPs will bottle it and like Scotland, decide that women don’t exist by saying anyone can claim to be a woman🤬 Local council elections will be held in May. Tell all the candidates you won’t support them unless they support you and Women’s sex-based Rights. Forward some of Graham’s posts to your MP and tell them the same. Tory MPs are hiding their heads in the sand. Labour, LibDems and Greens, like the SNP, have already been Stonewalled.

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I've got a lot of receipts to send to my local MP. She's a Conservative so I'm not sure what my chances are. I know there are a lot of women in my local area in Sussex who feel as I do (I met some at last year's meet-up in London) so we might be able to approach her as a group.

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Saw this the other day. Articulates beautifully everything I feel about sex, gender and accusations of transphobia

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Brilliant. I stand with you. How can anyone with an iota of common sense disagree. Well written and passionate. That's what we need right now. If enough women realise what's going on and refuse to be silenced, or give up our cherished hard fought for safe space, I believe logic will prevail. I'm not on social media, and this is why. Pernicious misrepresentation, bullying and hatred. I can't believe the media, who are suppose to fight for free speech, have been taken over by these fascists.

And as for the women being taunted on a march for women's safety on the streets! It's beyond belief. Well done those young women for refusing to be intimidated.

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Twitter hates women. They keep proving it by attempting to silence any voice of sense. We must continue the fight. We technically outnumber these freaks so let’s keep going until the world is Peaked.

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Super letter! It's amazing that this could cause Twitter to do this. Shame on them!

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Not surprised one bit the ‘Twatter’ suspended her account, they can’t handle the truth.

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What a beautiful, sensible and articulate letter. I'm humbled and applauding this woman and her brilliant words. Shame on Twitter. No one in silicone valley able to show common sense? They seem to like showing their balls (in the worst possible way..)

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Seems Sinclair is now gone too after his piece on mr gay Uk 😞

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Brilliant letter

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Fuck! She said nothing wrong, she said everything right!

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Everything she said! 👏👏👏👏👏👏

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It’s looking more and more like a CIA sponsored military industrial (medico/pharma) psy op sponsored movement to keep women oppressed (over half the population) every day. Very efficient way to control and continue to exploit and divide us.

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Hear hear.

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Very well said Vicky and it's a brilliant letter.I hope you get a decent response but I Shan't hold my breath.Solidarity with you Vicky.x

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We need to copy this to our own MPs and local councillors and tell them all in no uncertain terms that we won’t vote for any party or individual who doesn’t unequivocally support Women’s sex-based Rights. We don’t want to end up, as women have in Scotland, deprived of all our hard-won rights to the extent that in Scotland the word “woman” has become meaningless 🤬

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