"Mermaids on the rocks" - love it; I'll drink to that! 😉

But good for you on the letter to the BBC about Graham's interview - kind of helps to hold the feet of newsmagazines to the fire - figuratively speaking of course ...

Somewhat apropos of which, you might have some interest in my comment over at GC News - definitely worth a follow - on an article linked there about a court case in the US that turns on “allowing transgender female athletes to compete in women's sports":


As I argued in my open letter to the Washington Examiner journalist responsible for that abuse of the Queen's English - now the King's English, they are most certainly NOT "transgender female athletes"; they're male transvestites, guys in drag. About time we started calling a spade a fucking shovel - nice to see Rosie Duffield, among others, doing precisely that.

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It is a good news week. Exciting about the Labor women who won't accept Eddie Izzard as a candidate. The man old enough to be a grandfather who refers to himself as a 'boy' or a 'girl' depending on his mood. And the Mermaids news too! More power to our collective international elbow. Emma Watson, perhaps you'd better get on board with the feminists.

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Aww lovely 🥰 videos this week. Great letter too. The Jeremy Vine show is acting a bit strange - first Maya getting a star interview, then misgendering being allowed from a woman (real one) calling in to challenge inaccurate pronoun use by another caller who said her son was a girl. Then today Vine had someone on from GB News!!! Not about the woo woo. GB News the channel that’s reported continuously on this over the last year when Jeremy Vine was siding with activists. I think Graham raised the question about how the right side of history people would respond when finding out they were wrong. Pretending it never happened has started

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Oh the wheels are coming off all right! (And so glad you like the videos - I try to find something for everyone!)

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by JL

Lovely videos. Oh for a seal to swim in for a hug. And what was the bear's selection, I wonder? Thanks, JL.

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You're very welcome! (Seals really are the Labradors of the sea, aren't they?!)

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by JL

So they seem! Never had the honour though, so I look forward to the virtual, thanks.

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Graham, you have been vindicated. The way you were treated in the BBC Smith interview was disgraceful. I have just e-mailed the BBC to point this out, and I hope all your followers have done the same. I requested an apology at the very least, but suggested an interview with you would be better. Unfortunately with the captured BBC as it is today I don't think either will happen. As far as I am concerned, despite the fact that we have a cost of living crisis, the war in Ukraine etc. the spread of this transgender ideology can have more far reaching and damaging consequenses. The damage to innocent children, the shutdown of free speech, the loss of private spaces for women and girls, the change in the language we use, all of these things are herding us by an elite who want to tell us how we should think. This is extremeny dangerous. Keep fighting, we are behind you.

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If the U.S. engages in a false flag nuclear stunt, the war in Ukraine might seem to have more far-reaching consequences. And believe me, the U.S. government has many people in it who think nuclear war is a good idea.

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I read the BBC News report and immediately filled in a Complaints form on the grounds of factual inaccuracy: breast binding is like the ancient Chinese practice of foot binding or the flattening or pounding in African countries, which is a criminal offence in the UK.

I think that they know my name at the BBC Complaints unit! Great!

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They also failed to state that this is a practice used on girls. Even when they're reporting abuse they stick to ideological, boundary-blurring, reality-defying Newspeak.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by JL

Thanks JL as always

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Thank YOU Petal! x

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I just heard about a 5 year old boy being raised as a girl in my county in the States. Typical profile: divorced parents, one of them using this masquerade as a custody cudgel against the other. Child walks in a cloud of pink mist. All this from my friend who signed him up for a girls' ballet series.

For these kids, when they realize they've been led down the body dissociation path, a glimmer of a method to reconnect:


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Oct 4, 2022Liked by JL

Thanks JL. The Harlequin is a great Terf pub, and one of my locals!

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Oh it's a grand place and Liz is a total legend! Hope we might bump into each other at some point!

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by JL

I hope so, too JL. I'll buy you a pint if I see you in there!

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Oh well that's very kind of you! And I'll certainly take you up on that drink! Though I only like spirits and wine so maybe not a pint! ;-)

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by JL

A great week that's been a long time coming. Susie Green's probably wondering how "No Debate With Hate" will work on the Charity Commission. (Hint: about as well as having a paedophile Trustee on a Children's Charity, Susie).

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by JL

Thank you for the weekly good news - much needed to combat the relentless determination to dismantle our boundaries.

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I’m inspired to complain to newsnight! Thank you

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Thank you, Sazzle! The more of us that write, the harder it will be to ignore!

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Primark has NOT changed its approach to its changing rooms, they are allowing males (those males who say they are women) to use the so called women's changing rooms. It is still mixed sex changing room. Do not be fooled.

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The letter to Stewart Maclean also needs to include the very latest Mermaids news about their paedo-supporting trustee from the LSE.

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