“Be who you want to be and how you identify is up to you”

And whether or not we believe you is up to us.

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Yes, exactly. Anyone can indentify anything they like, a child, a cat, a ghost or an inanimate object. Why not? But they don't only want to do that, they want their supposed new identity to be validated by everyone else. The world has to play along so the fantasy seems less risible.

They want a lot and they're very demanding and frequently aggressive. I think it would be a good thing for them to hear the word 'No' said loudly when they make their ridiculous requests and stipulations. It just needs to start somewhere and escalate. We should take inspiration from those girls being bullied by a patently unfit teacher, and not back down.

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I think the vomit inducing stuff is getting worse and more frequent as all the perverts come out from under their rocks.

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Was just gonna say, this actually made me nauseous.

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One transgender person has refuted that version in a newspaper in Scotland today. Steph (Stephen) Paton declares that the two girls had said some nasty things to the child who identified as a cat, or whatever and people were taking the incident out of context. Perhaps they did, in an effort to pull the child back into reality, but the teacher was way, way out of line in response. She was so dumb that she did not even know that DSD (intersex) is still biologically male or female, and that idiot is teaching children! So sick of these hyperbolic clowns. Many, many people in this screwed-up world get called names that are offensive and horrible, and, yes, we should be telling our children to be tolerant, but this hyperbole is insufferable. The 'trans' try to justify totalitarian responses to what are minor, maybe hurtful, granted, comments and call them 'hate crimes', claiming that these have risen hundreds of folds in a year. More hyperbole. Boot. Nether region. Swift.

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What were the nasty things ? ‘ Take your mouse outside? ‘ ‘Don’t scratch the sofa, use your post? ‘

Last time I looked, the tra’s were claiming that there was no ‘cat girl’ anyway..


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Everything is bullying with these 'trans'. Hyperbole is their watchword. They probably told the other child he or she was nuts. It doesn't matter what was said, that eejit teacher was on a mission. These disturbed people need to be ousted from every institution. They are dangerous.

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Exactly, and this is the way to counter the spell of this ideology. Saying no, saying it again, standing firm in that view and action and being resolute. Just as Graham, JL and the team here and notable others have and are still doing. It's taken decades and we need to invest time and energy and to help others to realise how insidious it is. It is no coincidene that JKR lived with abuse in her domestic life and so saw this and came to the conclusions she did, then had to speak out and up about it, despite the risk to her in doing so. And has faced the wrath ever since.

I wish some more psychiatrists and those who work with abusers and those abused would make more and stronger public statements about this. The general public have reacted and responses from the teaching representatives have been reported. As LornCal says - it's bullying and hyperbolic. It's the trans activist reversal, projection, delusion and enough people need to feel confident to call this out, challenge and stop it. We're all stuck in this propaganda loop. All this my reality, my truth, your reality, your truth game.

They can't keep reframing our reality to suit their purposes. The boundaries are constantly being prodded with new claims and more daily genocide over breakfast, lunch and dinner and ever inflated 'facts'. The simpler we get, the more convoluted they get until they run out of road and have no more fantasy to cling to.

When anyone challenges them, on what they want or 'need' and exactly, in detail, what their claimed 'suffering' is, they start dissembling, reflecting, changing the subject, avoiding, and they cry, play dead, threaten, claim this and that and use every tactic then more to get their own way. As so many have said, they need to hear 'no'. And have those around them stick firmly to that, not be influenced by their manipulations into allowing and giving in and 'being nice'. Not moving our boundaries and changing our reality to accommodate them. That's capitulating and being bullied into submission, and they've got very good at this, on individual levels and being coached by Tumblr and other mass online amorphous cultures who've almost trained anyone and everyone vulnerable to magical thinking. Because you can alter your own position, then they sniff that weakness and go for more and more. Then still claim their boundaries are under attack. For those that haven't experienced this level of drip, drip, drip domestic coercion it's very difficult to spot or counter. You need support, and confidence to uphold your own reality under sustained and clever attack - at the same time as this is being hotly denied to others and any witnesses. Wider dynamics of families, friendship groups and workplace teams are vital to this and how the abuse hides or lives in plain sight. Others suggesting you 'let' the abuser get away with it, or you're overreacting, helps the abuser to reframe the collective reality just enough to get their own way. The goalposts have then been moved so no one remembers the way it was before, before the Orwellian state of no one knowing when girls weren't boys. Or was it boys weren't girls? The collective memory fades. Unless there are pupils strong enough to counter this in class and stand up to the authority figure to break this spell.

Then these events seem to disappear with the news cycle. And we're all supposed to wipe what's happened from our collective memories.

When these instances come to light it often seems to follow the same pattern - of totally upside-down confused changing, moving and removal of goalposts and really addled fantastical thinking, but with the script and apparently reasonable hints of reasonable rights being defended. It's not requests, or debates ('no debate') it's their demands and ordering us to comply. It's coercive and gaslighting, slippery and the justifications change continually and it's hard to keep up. It's like trying to engage with a small child or an abusive adult - they do and say anything to get their way, even if that's blatantly lying in extreme ways, but done so hotly and with such conviction that it takes real presence of mind to stay calm and respond to them. Then stop engaging and hold your nerve. When you are in this and spot it, you can counter it and escape the coercion. A caregiver can laugh at a small child who learns not to and the difference between lying and telling the truth, as those recorded pupils did. To the teacher so captured she was willing to defend total ideological claptrap and barefaced lies. How can anyone trust that teacher or school, or headteacher, or group of schools ever again? What other things are they propagandising with their 'teaching'? Does water boil at 23 degrees? What's pressure? What’s air? Do we all live up mountains? Do mountains exist? What’s existence? It’s this quasi-philosophical semi-religious nonsense round and round. Anything and everything will be used in service of their cause. Like their trump card of if black women are women, then men are women. It's unsupportable, nasty, offensive empty nothing, and always claiming the genuine rights and experiences of others and genuinely vulnerable or oppressed in support of their supposed unchallengeable, elevated, 'on the right side of history' Emperor has zip on position. Flipping everything to its reverse. That takes some nerve. That's why feeding this by social media has been so vital - to constantly feed their grievance bubble and stopped it being burst.

Giving those who do this an inch and they will take a mile as they don't or can't respect boundaries. Everything is up for grabs. There are no boundaries. Total denial, then arguing a different point, then attack, then attacking a different issue, then elaborating, then distracting then attack until you are worn down. It's DARVO (Deny Attack Reverse Victim Offender). But it seems a nuanced and gripping form of it, and a small child who is still learning about itself and life and where boundaries are is different to a grown adult who's so abusive they do everything in their power to get power and control over others. And whether or if they are aware of what they do, or care, seems a moot point. Their behaviour affects others and needs to be stopped before they continue to damage. It’s streak of sociopathic something masquerading as a fluffy bunny.

This ideology and movement are seeded everywhere. The Dentons way to push this, with this vagueness which means when you realise something is up it's already entrenched everywhere and you are stuck in quicksand or the famous how to boil a frog (slowly). I'm half in awe of just how clever, patient and tactical they've been. Still so many aren't seeing this. Again, it's very like domestic abusers who send their chosen victims into a smaller and smaller invisible box of control and total madness, breaking them down til every aspect of their life is controlled.

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I don't know if it's the same for you, but here in the U.S. smearing people has become a full-time activity. I have speculated that the Democrats are running an indoctrination camp in which people learn to repeat mantras and how to smear anyone who doesn't agree with them (because, of course, the indoctrinated have no arguments). So I am immediately suspicious of the "nasty things" the girls supposedly said; where's the evidence?

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I very much doubt that there is any evidence, Susan. He/she implied in the newspaper piece that the girls had missed out a chunk of what had actually happened - which, conveniently, involved their 'bullying'. This he gleaned from a smattering of words by the teacher. That teacher and the other snowflakes who have become 'upset' at this would manufacture grievance in any case because that is the hallmark of 'trans'. The thing with the 'trans' is that they always - but always - accuse others of the very things they are doing themselves. For example, they accuse people of 'bullying' for saying much milder things to them than the words they use routinely to, and about, women; they complain about hurt feelings if they do not get their own way, when they actually harm females every day. To be honest, females may, biologically and in terms of social skills, be more amenable and more agreeable than males. I think that is true - or it was. This whole 'trans' derangement is making females a lot, lot tougher. It is having the opposite effect to that the backers of this madness hoped for, so, for every push, there's a push-back. We are learning now, because our species requires it for our future survival, I believe, to be far less agreeable and far less accommodating, and, though young females are more invested in the horse manure that is 'trans', the forced less-agreeableness of older women will rub off on them in the longer term, and will outgrow the adherence to 'trans' bilge water because female socialization works that way.

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I still don't know who JL is, but, congratulations(!); this is an exceptional weekly update! Thank you!

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I'm very grateful to you for your kind words, Deborah. Thank you.

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I'm looking at today's litany of perverts and wondering what their usernames were on reddit.

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I suspect they have had multiple personas and for some of them, for decades. We can likely track this and these social contagions with each new great leap forward that the lovely t'internet and tech has brought us. I love and hate it. It was a web I felt stuck in and considering the purposes it was initially developed for and where none of this is a surprise. It's a powerful and unhinged thing that is partially controlled and partially left to run riot in the wild as some interesting and curious military experiment like Agent Orange. Not to sound too conspiracy theorist about it all, it's all far stranger (and interesting yet pedestrian) than we can believe behind the scenes or in the black box.

People in tech were speaking out and with caution a fair few decades ago now. Those who were there at the start and have seen it unfold. This latest genderology push is the latest phase of out of control 'progress' or testing and inability to see or face consequences of actions. Then shifting those consequences onto others. We're now seeing the effects, like bits of forever micro plastics in our blood and brains. Set the blue touch paper alight and stand back if you can.

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The unpleasant gentleman in Malaga beautifully underlines the whole philosophy. Women (because I have no doubt that he would have kept his gob shut if he was dealt with by a man) have to ignore the evidence of their senses when dealing with men. There is no way that he could be mistaken for a TIM in any way, so no-one could have even got into "pronoun mode". I sincerely hope Lidl rebuff his demands, though I understand the TIM environment in Spain is not good. Of course, it would be good if the Streisand Effect comes into play, and he gets "special attention" in shops in future.

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Thanks as ever, JL and OMG what horror stories. Looking forward to the Good News!!

Great detective work by Not All Gays.


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GNS on the way, Dusty!

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I have realised something new today. I wrote to a major national publication (I won’t say which, she was polite) about an uncritical profile of Elliot Page and her “trans euphoria” and how irresponsible I considered it. I didn’t hold back and informed the editor that trans is a cult and a Elliot Page one of its chief Pied Pipers. Her reply was “surely no one in the Gender critical movement thinks people aren’t being born in the wrong body?” Born on the wrong body! If such a key player in the cultural elite hasn’t even grasped that this is a bizarre and a-scientific statement I don’t really know what progress has been made. I feel we are moving into a phase of appeasement and i dread to see what “settlement” is reached.

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These realisations are tough and I am so glad there are saner people like on here, and brilliant people like you writing and speaking up.

Do you remember or know the English footballer and then coach who came out with some dearly held belief and conviction about people with disabilities and original sin? Glenn Hoddle's comments on being disabled and disability. I always think of those comments, the ensuing kerfuffle and the outrage. Then the digging and response. That was in 1999. Really worth looking at the reports from the time and in later years. Here are a few reports (haven't picked a nice balance of news sources but I hope it's a fair enough representation to start with!):




This is from the last of those links: 'Glenn Hoddle is likely to face revitalised pressure for him to stand down as England coach following a controversial interview in which he said he believed the disabled were being punished for sins in a former life.

"You and I have been physically given two hands and two legs and half-decent brains," he told the Times newspaper. "Some people have not been born like that for a reason. The karma is working from another lifetime. I have nothing to hide about that. It is not only people with disabilities. What you sow you reap."

The comments, which he says spring from his new-found Christianity, provoked a furious backlash among disabled groups in Britain.

Freda Murray, chairman of the Disabled Supporters' Association, said: "I think he should resign; it is disgusting for a man in his position to be talking like this. I take a boy in a wheelchair and a boy with Down's Syndrome to matches. What are they going to think?"'

This is strangely very similar to the current 'born in the wrong body' genderology justification and zealous belief in sin and blame and good and bad magical thinking.

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I felt increasingly nauseated as I read about these hate-filled men who know nothing about being a woman or a girl. All they understand is how to be very sick and disturbed men.

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