Aug 7, 2023Liked by JL

What sort of dumb-fuck would send their 14 year-old to a "drag camp?" You'd like to think no-one would be that gullible but the rise of gender ideology has taught us that you can slap a "Be Kind" label on the most obvious creepy shit, and some plank will fall for it.

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I’d use stronger language than dumb fuck. Anyone who sets out to deliberately sexualise and brainwash an innocent child is a lot worse than dumb.

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What kind of "leering perv " sounds good to me.

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The same "dumb fucks" who are desperate to demonstrate how 'kind', inclusive and non bigoted they are. And they'll use their kids to do this, encouraging them to be in an environment they have no interest in or very much don't want to be in. What does it matter if they might be adversely affected by the experience? Fuck that, Inclusivity is as stake here! Even if it takes forced inclusion.

There is so much to despise here, the bullshit and lies inherent in the language used, as in the Stonewall arse kissers mentioned. They value and respect everyone, regardless of xyz, or whatever their beliefs are. This doesn't stand up to even the mildest challenge, anyone expressing beliefs and opinions that don't concur with their own becomes the biggest kind of bastard, all the way to a neo-Nazi who wants to see the genocide of 'trans' kids.

As for the way this vile, misogynistic detritus is taken up by companies and businesses, do these imbeciles really believe that they give a fuck about them or any of this stuff? If a Westboro Baptist Church type ideology started to gain widespread popularity and supporting it was a supposed good look, Dr Martens would be putting 'God Hates Fags' on their overpriced boots. Same with Costa, Starbucks or any of these blood sucking companies. It's fucking putrid all the way down.

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Hear hear! I'd love to see the number crunching on if these 'campaigns' bring more or alienate customers. I already avoid many of these products, but Costa has a real presence on our flagging high streets and in train stations so the impact is greater. They are seen as fairly neutral so when they push this gender crap it's even more insidious. In some places there's one of their coffee shops within metres of another one. They sprang up and obviously have the local sway and money to do this. I find it as offensive as promoting child trafficking and county lines. Hey, Costa! Why not have some cute cuckooing cartoons!

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There are sadly any number of well meaning and privileged twerps who will give their kids anything they demand because they will not say "no" as they conflate saying it with being mean and want their kids to like them.

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Living in the U.S. I know exactly what sort of fuckwit would do this. They believe everything The Blob (Clusterfuck Nation's term for the government) tells them to believe, no matter how absurd. I have never seen a mass of people giving up their thinking apparatuses so willingly!

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Apparently a survey has been done which shows that about a third of people don’t realise that trans woman means a biological man, with the blame being put on the MSM for not clarifying language or even reporting the subject at all. We need people to see this stuff and wake up to the ongoing horror. And we need to use the correct language and push for news reports to do the same.

Plus, surely the drag thing for children is breaking a law?

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This is very much part of the problem - when people hear 'transwoman' they think of sweet and timid little Hayley from Corrie, not hulking great rapist, Isla Bryson.

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

In general, yes. There might be some Hayley Cropper types, happy knitting, pottering and sipping pineapple juice at the local pub, but they're not the problem. They aren't likely to put down their knitting needles and occasionally post images of themselves in fetish gear holding a trans coloured baseball bat with ' Kill Terfs' on it. They probably think Judith Butler is someone they might have gone to school with. What's happening now is a world away that, and has far less to do with severe anxiety regarding gender/sex identity.

The same applies to drag queens, they've moved on from Lily Savage type characters with acerbic wit. And whilst I'm not a fan of drag, I'd take that over men portraying women as grotesque, sexualised parodies. Who the fuck thinks that's appropriate for children? Probably not even half the people allowing and facilitating it.

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But of course ‘Hayley’ was played by a real assigned(recognised at birth) woman, not some bloke with a dick and a beard.

Double bluff , I suppose, or just a tacit acceptance of reality.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

Yes, an actual woman. But the actor who played her became, or was pressurised to become, an 'ally'. I read somewhere that she represents an organisation that monitors and presumably objects to the way trans identified people are portrayed in the media. Sometbing like that.

Of course, she'd never be given the part of Hayley now, the character would be played by a man insisting he's a woman, for fear of activist's and assorted dickheads storming the Granada studios.

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Yes, Julie Hes became a HUGE LGBTQI++++ icon. And she's very happy & willing to be one. She's great mates with Annie Wallace - the trans-identified male (and truly DREADFUL actor) who is in Hollyoaks. Wallace was the 'inspiration' for Hayley. Not sure how. He's a great hulking bloke who throws his (considerable) weight around and Hayley was a tiny timid mouse. Julie is a good person... just totally misguided.

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I've just seen some images of Annie Wallace, who, unsurprisingly looks like a fat bloke in a dress. Pity about Julie, what a 'cisgendered' mug.

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 7, 2023Liked by JL

Comedy is awful times 3. You should be doing comedy and SHOWING people this. Maybe a little web show? I'll kick in $10 to get it started... (get it now while I've still, breifly, got it... )

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Ha! That's very kind. And a great idea. Not sure where I'd find the time though! 😄

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The survey was done by a Scottish firm and respondents either thought transwoman meant a woman or had no idea what it meant. And you can never depend upon the MSM for ANY TRUTH WHATSOEVER. If you do, you are just as much of a fool as those who shout TWAW.

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deletedAug 7, 2023Liked by JL
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Absolutely! All the more reason to resist the deliberate confusion, language is the basis of everything, as illustrated by Orwell so well.

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Agreed TT.

Language is the start of it so we need to avoid using it.

Good old Orwell


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In her interview with Richard Dawkins, Helen Joyce does call it a linguistic movement and explains it very well. Language is all they've got. So of they say they are a woman they must be believed, because biology and reality are not on their side.

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

Language and essentially meaningless concepts is central to the ideology. Primarily the conflating of gender and sex. They talk utter bollocks virtually all the time. Half baked ideas like gender fluid, non binary, bi gender etc, end up being seriously considered and then end up determining policies and attitudes. I'll give you an example of a more or less accurate exchange exchange between me and the person conducting a group discussion I attended.

C. What are your pronouns, please?

Me. What do you think they are?

C. I don't know, I'd like you to tell me.

Me. Based on what you know and your experience of people and being with them, what do you think?

C. I don't know how you would describe yourself.

Me. I asked what you thought my pronouns were. Think about what you can see and hear.

C. I would say, she/her.

Me. Then go with that.

C. But you could identify as non binary, in which case I would be wrong.

Me. If that was the case, I'd probably have told you before I'd sat down.

This all took a minute or so or so, but some of the others present were uttering and muttering, and how I was wasting time when time was limited. But they were happy to waste the initial part on this invasive bullshit. These ridiculous questions aren't asked because anyone cares about getting things right, they are determining whether they want you there or not.

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You're so right. They talk utter, utter garbage, and people nod and smile, terrified of being accused of bigotry. I think that fear is greater than that of causing offence. We cannot survive being outed as a bigot in today's #bekind, puerile, delinquent society. I love your pronoun exchange. I often think exactly what I'd say. I've only been on the spot once where pronouns were requested. My husband had to give his first and declined by saying that people should call him as they see him, and when it came to me I just ignored it and the moderator realised that I was probably going to be a tricky one so she let it alone. I shall follow your example. Make them reflect and work a bit for it. I've also toyed with he/him, or me/myself/I. The latter being the accurate one and we don't refer to ourselves in the third person.

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I'd like to say I hope it's something you don't experience again, but that would be far too optimistic. I've been asked the pronoun question a lot, primarily because the profession I'm part of and the thoroughly captured nature of the main associations that represent it. But this has taken place over the last year or so, I don't recall it happening before. The pervasiveness of the ideology just makes it seem a longer. I've given various responses, from saying I'd prefer not to answer, which is so anodyne, ignoring the question, or enquiring what validity it has in the context. In the end I decided to challenge it, and will do the same when I'm inevitably asked again. I don't care if it pisses people off, there is far more to be pissed off about, such as witnessing so many sleepwalking into this relentless, misogynistic manipulation.

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All of the crimes here fit right in with the violence of the crossdressing male in Trans Widow Testimony, Aine, who is #47 respondent to my survey, 20 Questions to Ask a Trans Widow. Her experience includes the 5th rape of the 18 sexual assaults in my data. This one was reported and the extreme violence in the presence of an infant appears to allow this mother to refuse the father access to the child.


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Because this is all male violence. I am sick of it being dressed up as anything else.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by JL

Hard to believe that the much discredited (by anyone with a brain cell) Stonewall cult is still receiving new cult members. Tag Rugby’s Ben Shanahan-Sanders (he/him/bigoted misogynist/possibly racist) seems like a real charmer who is clearly fully enjoying his power to put down, diminish and exclude actual woman from entering his safe for trans only sporting spaces. The arrogant and patronising certainty that his own “beliefs and opinions” trump that of women who hold deep religious beliefs, or simply don’t want to lose their women only spaces, is hard to stomach. What a complete arse. I might drop him a line and point out his hypocrisy.

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Great! I hope lots of people will get in touch with Ben to explain why he's very, very wrong. I'm certainly going to!

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Hear , hear! Yet another man lecturing women about where our boundaries should be and blaming us for having them at all.

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And using the opportunity to be so bloody self-righteous about it. That smug letter oozes it. They will not be opposed or doubted and to do so is heresy. Stonewall 'training' seems to be training people to be that and patronising above all else. Everyone else is wrong, tell them that continually and at every opportunity. Insist you are 'in the right' and you have the backing of law and policy even when you don't. It's spun itself into this nonsensical movement where they've created 'opponents' who must be destroyed.

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Stonewall is a front for your government.

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God, I can't even anymore.

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It's terribly debilitating and depressing, I know.

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Aug 7, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023Liked by JL

With a heavy heart, thank you JL. I realise there will be a good news on the way but that was a weirdly depressing onslaught of abuse and deluded insistence in the upsidedowny world we are all living in. Why just why. Just when I think people are realising and its grip is lessening. I know people are sending this fine collection of evidence to those who sit on fences, but really how can anyone defend any of this? And how are idiotic local councils still allowing or funding this, then permitting use of their logos and platforms to promote it? That denotes support and their seal of approval. It's quite tricky to get councils to fund or badge things like getting people to move about more and genuine health protection measures, so how are they doing this?! The capture is a deep rot that needs more sunlight like this. Has everything been outsourced? How has grown men dressing up in a parody of women got anything to do with children. And why are we empowering so many men to do this. Reading to kids wasn't so fun before, I wonder why, maybe it's all about the men.

All these so-called creative agencies/charities/consultancies seem to have greater funding and routes to more, so they will produce all this shiny collateral, do all the marketing and when councils are going bust. That non-binary artist is pumping this abusive imagery out and types like Costa have fallen for it. Total capture. Whenever I see cutsey brightly coloured simplified images of nasty looking scars across girls' chests I want to weep. It's self-harm and abuse. We don't have other self-harm celebrated, encouraged and marketed to children and the public in this way. To normalise it is another layer of abuse in itself.

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Yes, a grim week. But do take heart. There IS a GNS on the way and it's a bobby dazzler!

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Thank God and thank you, JL. I can't wait.

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These people are so disgusting and creepy. From the parents sending their children to a drag camp, to the vile woman telling parents to get their kids used to seeing genitalia, in a totally normalised way. 🤮 These people are sick and they have no empathy for women and children. The straight male is now an object of adulation as long as he identifies as a woman. They're all worshipping at the altar of the female penis. It's definitely a flesh cult

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I heard someone describe Italian culture just this way many decades ago!

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jesus h. double geez!

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Even more evidence of the grossly perverted nature of the TQ+++ ideology ,and their ever more obvious hatred of FEMALES of all ages !! It's so sad to see some women continuing to support these outrageous attacks and attempted erasure of women and destruction of children's minds and bodies. Also ,I've built up quite a collection of " gender critical " books by various authors and NOT ONE of them calls for the abolition of " trans " rights ,so just more lies to add to the mountain of false narratives they've told about absolutely EVERYTHING !! I'll never understand how they're getting away with this and I feel nothing but contempt for the politicians and media who look the other way and fail to expose the truth !! Shame on them all ,but many thanks to you ,JL ,and the many others who continue to investigate and report the TRUTH about the depravity of this pernicious and extremely deranged movement.❤️👍

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Thanks as ever for your hard work, JL.

OMG coping with some of the photos is hard enough!!

Sinead Watson's article was great. Chloe Cole and her are wonderful.

You just think you have heard everything and then you read what Katja Thieme wrote!!

Tag Rugby GRRRRRR As you say all women would be disadvantaged by this. Even if there are no tackles men are faster and stronger than women.


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Nuts, isn't it? There are mixed teams that trans identified men could play but (no validation to be had on a mixed team!) they still insist on playing with the women. And even leaving aside the safety and fairness, their participation always means that some women will be EXCLUDED.

(And thank you for your kind words, Dusty!)

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That video of the Turkish vet is absolutely appalling.

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Sad to hear sting is a nobhead too. He should do a duet with nobhead sam

smith as a fund raiser for costa’s agm, every breast you take. wankers.

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Take heart, CB. It's entirely possible that Sting's PR people and agents etc are nobheads. He probably knows nothing about this. And the early Police albums are still great even if he IS a nobhead.

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JL, since the beginning of our species, there has been nobhead after nobhead, followed by more and more nobheads. Surely there must be a cure for this condition- after 1000’s of years?! We can cure loads of stuff and yet the common nobhead is just so resistant to any kind of treatment. And there are so many different strains of nobhead too.

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It's certainly a very virulent disease!

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Ha ha JL, nobheads have VD! that ill learn em

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JL, i’m not saying you and your colleagues need any help in all this, but i’d be happy to offer nobhead diagnosis services on a consultancy bases, should you require.

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That would be very useful, CB. But I fear it's a job with long hours and lots of overtime...

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Well thats why normally i get 25 grand a day , but as i’m committed to equality i’d be happy to wave my fee. The core analysis tool we use is our patented Nobhead scale™️ not dissimilar to mermaids gender scale. Needless to say sam smith is on it.

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Even though I don't know what he's said, as a massive narcissist himself, this bollocks must be right up his street. Or, he hasn't yet made enough millions, or have a high enough profile to risk losing it all to the curse of transphobe status.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by JL

I realise this is an utterly trivial point compared to the gravity of a lot of what's described here, but can someone please please explain where that hideous animation style came from? It's everywhere! Especially in anything LGBTTTTTQQQQQ related. Half blocky/half blobby people in violent colours, apparently drawn to look as unappealing as possible. Did they break out the coloured pen box and select "Bruised puce", "hangover vomit yellow" and "burnt in a Greek wildfire terracotta" or something? Where did it come from? Why is it so popular? Does this actually attract young people to their creepy drag workshops? It puts me right off anything and everything, including my lunch.

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I suspect it came about because a lot of insufferable bellends with no discernible talent decided they were going to be artists and then various corporate gullible wankers fawned over their puerile attempts at illustration because they said the magic word; 'queer'.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by JL

*snortlaughs*. Yes, that sounds about right.

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is it to bring back memories of cartoons for the very young? Simple, supposed to be cute, non-threatening, and don't have to be realistic coz for infants. Quite clever to do it like playgroup-style- who could object to that? It all just feels very deliberately manipulative (like all of this toxic garbage ).

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Excellent point. The continual infantilisation of 'trans folx' is calculated and deliberate. Look how many AGPs have cartoon avis on social media etc.

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Maybe. It's not particularly cute, but I guess it's supposed to be "fun."

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they are not really cute as you say- but they do hope to sneak in with the cute kiddie stuff- and try and make themselves look harmless, innocent, non-threatening...

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No one is surprised that the manly Mr rivers is preying on women inmates, what prison service in their right minds think its OK to jail,a triple murderer with women and it would be fine, he is one sick bucko, expand a couple of wings on the mens jail where these people can be segregated for their safety but in with their correct sex. Also trans cosmetic surgery should never be paid by the state, nor should female cosmetics be handed over.

Drag queen story hour is a perversion of language and a perversion of childhood innocence. This should be banned immediately full stop. The state of some of these "performers" yuk. Why is a group with no medical qualifications handing out dangerous and harmful breast binders, this also needs to be stopped now! It is a disgraceful letdown that the government has not stopped this porn being shown to kids. The parents who expose their kids to this perversion need investigating. Give the police some real work for a change. Drawing class ha ha.drag camp perversion, why is Oxford City Council spending taxpayers money on perversion.

Censorship of books is a disgrace and really the owners of bookshops need to look into their staff who will be losing their employer money due to their illegal action. Calderdale Council,has become an authoritarian nightmare of a place, it allows tq +++ pornsick books on the shelves in all their sicknesses and hides educational information books to be hidden. This is not inclusive its exclusive, bigoted, mysoginistic, homophobic and backward and of course we have the stonewall nutjobs at the top of it. Why haven't the government stopped funding them and closed them down? The London Borough of Islington is forcing other libraries to follow the tq+++ cult think and since when do libraries get to tell us what to think? How dare they police me, how bloody dare they. Thats not your job and if you are unable to do the job then you should be sacked immediately, pay off their notice and get them out, itvwill be a less toxic environment to work in once they are gone.

Costa coffee..is it owned by coca cola? Maybe boycotting the owners may make a change happen. That emblem is traumatising breast cancer survivors by glorifying stupid girls ripping off healthy breasts, it's morally wrong and just disgusting as is doc martens.

Sinead Watson is an exceptionally brave lady who explains why this glorifying of double mastectomies by companies whose only reason for doing this is to make blood money because they don't care about the steeple, the stupid steeple, the customers they despise.

As for Douglas Perry a murderous swine who decided transing would give him a better quality of life in the women's side and a ready supply of victims, he should be with the nonces in the male estate and never ever get out of prison for his crimes,,he is a pos.

JL thank you, as ever your patience astounds,,you are a star 🌟

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😘 xxx

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I have to wonder if Katja Thieme has kids of her own. Most of the worst parenting advice I've heard women give mothers has come from elite women with no child rearing experience.

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And elite women with children are not generally known for being wonderful mothers, too busy being elite.

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Aug 8, 2023Liked by JL

I find it utterly offensive and dispiriting that my views are caricatured as being hostile to LGB people and thus certain books must be hidden from view. The link to LGB must be broken. It allows the trans activists to indulge in totally fallacious arguments that set back social progress decades and paints the UK as some unprogressive backwater. I'd love to read the 'internal grievance' procedure that led to this absurdity, maybe a FOI would do it? Or would it be confidential? It's shocking that lazy language, calling people 'transphobes' etc is allowed to stand in for reasoned debate. The whole edifice needs unpicking and their language needs to be rejected. Nowhere in any of the recent books I've read (Stock, Shrier, Joyce et al) does anyone declare a war on trans rights (whatever they may be, hard to know what rights they think they don't already have) So would Hannah Barnes' book on Tavistock be hidden on the same principle? Utter madness.

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Oh gawd, I feel utterly drained after reading this week's War on Women. I'm off to lie down for a while!

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Hang in there! There's a bumper GNS on the way...

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