Well it’s blatantly obvious now that women don’t count for shit in this war for the preservation of sanity, biological reality, safeguarding of the vulnerable, and science. Women-hatred is not only socially acceptable, it’s celebrated. My advice now is for ‘gender’ critical activists to emphasize the plight of our bewildered children.

"Bewildered" -- dictionary definition: deeply confused, utterly perplexed.

It’s going to look pretty appalling when ‘trans’ mobs go up against those who are calling for the protection of children. They will of course do so, but it’ll be a really bad PR look, and will serve to hasten the end of this psychotic ‘gender’ cult. And for god's sake -- decent men need to get involved in the anti-'gender' protests.

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Yup. Whilst I deeply appreciate the loving and supportive comments from many men, what I have also seen in the past few days is plenty of violent, misogynistic behaviour from men on the left, and men on the right responding "well those women get no sympathy from me. They brought it on themselves", never mentioning how we apparently did this, of course. Too many take pleasure in watching it, it's just sick. Men blaming women for men's violence against women. Time and time again. Depressing.

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Fucking too right. There is no excuse for violence and intimidation. The currency of arseholes.

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Exactly and in the name of progress too

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It is a misogynists wet dream, I'm.fairly certain that the creatures didn't envisage making women not count to this degree. That they could make better women entirely on the basis that they are men, and hate women. I don't give a shit what's behind this anymore, mother problems, inherent fear of women, whatever the fuck might be. And as you say, it's not enough to have what they want, they want want it to be celebrated, and it is being. They must not be able to believe what their relentless bullying has achieved. Or maybe they do.

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Awful, awful behaviour from media and politicians not just the crazy activists. By calling her a Nazi, c*** and a “thing” they dehumanised her completely making an attack almost certain. They all need sacking. Just been listening to an Australian MP criticising a female colleague for not being “teachable” in the new world way of thinking. Keir Starmer and the Greens, SNP and others are top of the class

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Don't forget the Lib Dems!!! They are actually the most rabid on gender ideology.

I'm constantly having to emphasise this to people at the moment. Tories who say they can't vote Conservative after the last few years are the worst, they see the Lib Dems as harmless.

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They need to change their name to the Illiberal Authoritarians.

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Yes they are appalling taking money from the transition industry

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Use your votes, ladies. Use your power to have them deselected or voted out of the constituency parties. Women are more than half the population.

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The SNP have just voted in a 'continuity' MSP as leader, and he has stated that he will challenge the Westminster S35 Order to halt the GRRB. If he does, he will last about five minutes. What all this has done is hardened women's resolve and hardened them completely. These men are going to get a shock when the smoke clears.

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So many horrifying stories yet again , JL. Watching the NZ Let women speak event from the UK was absolutely terrifying and.totally enraging ,I have NEVER been so angry in my life about anything and now ,at the age of 76 ,I no longer feel safe in this world. Some of the NZ politicians put a target on Kellie Jay's back and risked her life at the hands of a baying mob 😭How evil is that ? These Governments ,institutions and all the rest are quite literally throwing women and children to the wolves ,so what on earth will it take to make them see the reality of the abhorrent movement they are supporting ? To say they're like a pack of rabid animals is an insult to the animals. They are a malignant Cancer which is rapidly spreading throughout the world and needs to be stamped out or humanity cannot survive !! This is definitely a hill to die on ,because life won't be worth living in this "utopia" they claim to be creating. Dystopian Hellhole is what it actually is ,and many of its supporters will eventually find themselves victims of this monster they helped to create. The Demonic minds behind this have to be the most evil we have ever seen in the whole history of humanity.🤬🤮 Thanks very much ,JL. Hope you'll have better news for us soon❤️🙏👍

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The politicians are part of the problem, as is the MSM. They are hand-in-glove with the corporates.

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Thank you so much, Susan, for pointing out that these men acted like MEN, not like animals.

I liked the comment above about this being a top-down movement. What I am currently reading about the people who rule us is nearly beyond belief (thoroughly and heavily sourced), and I think with trans ideology they found the perfect tool to keep stupid people distracted from the reality they are planning for us. Yes, the demonic minds.

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I think EDI Jester's comparison with the march on the salt mine in Gandhi is very apt.

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It doesn't matter whether we talk about protecting women's spaces or protecting children, these hysterical cretins are not interested. They're in a cult, a top-down, man-made cult. Listen to Jennifer Bilek on the Big Picture on YT. I honestly don't know how we are going to win this. We simply have to keep going, waking people up until we have a critical mass.

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I do - Home Office just spoke out to criticise trans activists

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Thanks. Can you reference any news outlet as I'd like to take a look. The government needs to ramp up it's work in this regard. The gender hydra has its tentacles everywhere and the wheels of politics just move too slowly.

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Here’s the home office comment. My other points from miscellaneous Australian or New Zealand news sources


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Julia Hartley-Brewer was talking to Kelly-Jay this morning on Talk tv, she’s quite forceful on this and has done some good reporting, she certainly takes no prisoners!

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They actually seem to want to harm children. Actually want to do it. Are they deliberately trying to sterilise them en masse? Especially girls? It is starting to look like it, albeit plain old misogyny and sadism are also playing a very large part. The medical staff who cut off healthy breasts and penises need to be jailed, as do the hormone pushers. Sadistic b******s. I seriously do not believe that the bampots and mad creatures in the crowds even begin to comprehend what is happening. They think they are taking part in some crusade when it is no more than an attempt to cover up the fact that most 'trans' are middle-aged, middle-class white men with a sexual paraphilia, and women, young girls, boys and children are their smokescreen. If I hear one more person talk of "genuine" 'trans', I'll scream. Listen to most of them and you will hear them speak of being aware of being 'trans' at two or three years of age, inviting the younger and younger mutilations of children. Yes, let them live their lives quietly, but, no, not at women and children's expense. Never. They have all their rights. They want ours, too. Think of Ira Levin's "Stepford Wives' on stilts and we are nearly there, with the children also being sacrificed, which Levin did not foresee, although he did foresee the life-sized, life-like AI sex dolls. It was a horror book/film and old Ira had it pat.

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The livestream and videos are out there. People just need to watch it!

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Listen to Sean Plunket on The Platform in NZ. I have to bow out of this for a couple of days. If NZ police don’t charge these people then they are completely devoid of morals. This plus a complete fool manipulated into position as First Minister of Scotland by a portion of 50,000 SNP members against the wishes of the Scottish people has just overwhelmed me. As Kellie says “They’re fucked”.

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In Scotland we will need to tolerate HY for a few months. The SNP will collapse under him.

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Ryan I don’t know if I can stand it. Less than 30,000 people inflicting a useless incompetent on us and the dregs like Willoughby and “Beth” Douglas crowing about it. It’s really to much to bear.

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We must make sure we don't call Willoughby Botox Chucky - definitely don't call him Botox Chucky. That's Botox Chucky.

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Ha ha, I listened to the Queen’s Speech too. That was great.

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Just grin and bear it, Marionq because it will not last long. The SNP members had the chance to elect a decent FM. They didn't. The SNP is finished, in its death throes. I take no pleasure in it, but it became inevitable as Sturgeon tore our country apart. Now, something much harder will emerge. It always does. The fools never see that. Never.

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Too much

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It is, isn't it. Please take some time out to look after yourself in these grim times x

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He’s mad if he thinks he can pick up self I.d

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Hope he goes for a snap election. They have lost so much support!

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Just been listening to Sean Plunket - great stuff and letting the women speak who couldn't speak on Saturday.

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That’s great, was watching this morning

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Statement on Let Women Speak Event in New Zealand

Posted by Alba Party, March 26

The ALBA Party condemns the violent scenes at the Let Women Speak event in Auckland, New Zealand. Intimidation and the incitement of violence towards women, from whatever source, is unacceptable in any society. That these scenes took place in the first country in the world to recognise the right of women to vote and participate in political discourse, is deeply shocking and disturbing.

ALBA sends our best wishes to all those women affected and hopes that they recover quickly from their ordeal. Women's voices will be heard and attacks like these will only strengthen their resolve.

In Scotland, it is often the case that women defending their rights are met with abuse and vitriolic attack. Far too many politicians have remained silent. The time for silence is now over.

ALBA Party affirms women's rights to freedom of expression and association.

We call for an end to the vilification, othering, and demonisation of all those that stand up for the hard-won rights of women and girls.

Delete if inappropriate

Thanks JL

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I wasn’t sure if I could post a direct party comment but was hopeful seeing as our other politicians are completely spineless bastards

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I’ve been a wee bit distracted by the shit show up here , but the porridge has been well and truly pissed in

Call me racist all you like but a Hindu pm and a Muslim fm wtaf has this country turned into

Women mean nothing to these ….. insert own expletive

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Apologies , I’m shite at copy and paste , the statement from Alba ended at “ and girls”

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I live in one of the most socially deprived areas of the UK (high poverty, unemployment, amongst the highest drug deaths in Europe etc...) but we are a community.

If a 70 year old from here was punched in the face by a man like that, that man would be hunted by a group of her neighbours.

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I’m afraid I’ve got no words.

Women just don’t matter.

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When a 1 News NZ hosts said on air: “There’s no doubt of the hatred she [KJK] has for the Trans community” (before interviewing two guests who allied KJK with nazism and racism) there was bound to be trouble, his statement wasn't unique among the painfully poor NZ media comment, it couldn't be called reporting or anything like real journalism. KJK should sue. A captured media pandering to anti-woman extremists in a country with the highest rate of domestic violence in the OECD. Extraordinary. The OECD country which is the third most tolerant of minorities with the third worst record of violence against women. But then the female population in NZ is 50.85% of the whole, so they presumably deserve everything they get for being demographically greedy. https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/03/24/potential-for-violence-between-posie-parker-supporters-protesters/

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Thanks, JL! I've been told by a friend who monitors Twitter that KJK's followers there are up 10k. The violence by cross-sex ideating men and their minions never surprises us trans widows. We've been called all those things, and about 1/3 of us, data from an admittedly small cohort, have been choked, screamed at, pushed or punched in our own homes by husbands addled with estrogen and other doctor-prescribed pills. The fellows in the first half of this update pointedly never mention the wives they've neglected, psychologically abused and gaslit. Where, I wonder, is Dr. Martha Peabody Levine? Where is Hogge's long-sufferning ex-wife? In any other lurid divorce, the press finds the wivs and reports on their side---not trans widows. Take heart, my friends, despite the violence and chaos, our points are coming across. uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com (contact form to sign up for my voice telling your trans widow tale, survivor sibling story, grieving mother experience)

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This is very grim.

I suppose there have been quite a few successes lately, and they're lashing out.

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I emailed Helen Joyce a couple of years ago and she very graciously replied. One of the things she said was that it would get a lot worse before it got better, that once the TRAs began to feel threatened, they would lash out ferociously. I suppose we should take it as a sign that we’re winning but I still think there’s a long way to go yet.

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This whole 'movement' feels like men who 'justify' murdering their wives or daughters and they say well she was nagging me wasn't she. She looked at me wrong. That's all it takes, there is any excuse for them to do whatever they like, whenever they like. It used to be not having your dinner on the table at the right time. Anything these vile men view as not to their liking must be stamped on and stamped out - including all of us. They're all showing us exactly who they are and always were. Women are to give birth to them, then STFU and get on with serving their needs, preferably in silence. No, whilst telling them how wonderful they are.

This is giving a whole new generation of young men a whole new way to pick up the misogynistic mantle and parade it around thwacking us over the head with it.

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Just looking at a tweet by Sarah Phillimore and she’s not calling them TRAs any more, it’s AWAs… anti women activists. She’s got a good point.

Also, there’s a great new video on Grahams twitter of a man confronting them at speakers corner. I think the ‘awakening ‘ is starting at last. 🤞

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Yes Dennis K also said now using AWA and I am going to do that as well

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Phew, I will take a look. What a rollercoaster this is. The level of hate spilling out surely must make a few fence-sitters realise what underpins all this.

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Most of the blokes looked to me more like football hooligans. Where did they come from and why are they there? Is someone paying them?

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They are certainly being enabled from the top.

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Touched a nerve there. The dinner on the table or else, regardless of the time they turned up, in their car, and maybe your your bus didn't, after you picked up the kids from school and child minders, after work, and one of the children was sick: all hell let loose because dinner wasn't on the table. Don't ask what happened in the morning if I hadn't polished his shoes.

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I'm sorry it did Susan. I think we may have both been on the same page for a few reasons at different times and all this is a nasty reminder and clue to how many of us have to and do live. Sending you smiles. I'm hoping that insights like yours will help others realise what this is all about - and what coercion, control and coercive control is and can be. It's very hard to explain.

I polished my own shoes yesterday and thought of you as I did it :-)

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Hear hear TT

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We always said they would get more and more unhinged and potentially violent as they started to lose control.

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Absolutely, it was inevitable. But they aren't going to do it without any scrutiny now.

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Hear hear

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Graham how can you challenge all those beautiful, beautiful men in dresses, their porn riddled brains expressing an even greater beauty within. Just like the lovelies at the bottom of your page.

Your video of Lesbian project has The Nod at 30:28. A female police officer, who has previously confronted the Recorder in an intimidating way (tho. he's not for intimidating) is stood with one of the Activist organisers, who has said he wants Labour in. The Recorder is completely blocked, unable to get past a mob shouting Fascist, the Activist is telling him something about the right to demo. Then at time above, him and the policewoman nod at each other. This nod is showing she agrees, who chooses these police, do they volunteer, are they trans allies in the office.

Further to this, witnesses at KJK in NZ are testifying on a NZ talk show. It's great with Sean who is taking no prisoners...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMVGYCyZ1sk Listen with a box of tissues or a Gin handy

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The most desperate propaganda is the stuff which, instead of eliciting a response from you, actually TELLS you what your response will be:


Emphasis added in capitalised words:

“'Inside Out: Portraits Of Cross-Gender Children' BEAUTIFULLY Documents Transgender Kids

Transgender Kids Take Center Stage In STUNNING, EMPOWERING Photo Series”

See? These photos are beautiful, stunning and empowering! You will see this because we told you in advance.

The question begging commences immediately:

“For the past 12 years, Dutch photographer Sarah Wong has documented the lives and experiences of a group of children who have transitioned -- or are in the process of transitioning -- to live as their authentic selves.”

What “authentic selves”? Who decides? The natural process has been subverted and all we have is an application of artificial criteria.

“Wong captured these images of children involved with VU University in Amsterdam, where they engaged in a type of therapy that aimed to support children who experience gender dysphoria.”

How does a child – who is by definition prepubescent – “experience gender dysphoria”?

“A number of these kids took or have taken puberty blockers in order to delay the effects of puberty until they decide how they want to live their lives.”

And how exactly do children “decide how to lives their lives”, i.e. determine which gender they are, before they even experience puberty which is indefinitely delayed until they “make up their minds”? HOW are they supposed to make up their minds?

The fact is that they are not supposed to make up their minds at all. The ghouls who are shovelling this shit are only concerned with selling a product. By the time these children’s lives have been thoroughly ruined, these trans-flogging vultures will have already pocketed the proceedings.

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Thanks George. Looked at the Huff Post piece. Those children looked like they stepped out of the pages of John Wyndham's Midwich Cuckoos. Programmed to the mother ship. No joy in those kids eyes.. Mostly blank expressions. Huff Post used to be worth a read 10 years ago. Not now. This piece was stuffed full of the CultSpeak.

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Even if that pedo bloke was a woman, why would they want to celebrate the creator of such a shite example of graphic design. Where’s my fucking award for being shit and uninspired?

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I was watching the livestream of the Let Women Speak rally in Auckland, and my blood ran cold at what I saw. I was due to fly to Wellington the next day to attend the Let Women Speak rally there, but it was cancelled with obvious good reason. I can tell you now that if you thought Auckland was bad, Wellington would have been even worse, if we'd gone ahead with it. That is the state of trans activism now. It's out of control.

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Mar 28, 2023
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Good letter.

Good on you for making such use of that envelope.

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These people are urban terrorists. There is no other word to describe their repellent behaviour. I also suspect that state agents are involved in this. We already know that Western governments are complicit in the advance of Bi Tech, Big Pharma, AI, Big Medicine, etc., with American billionaires backing these corporate giants, and, oddly 'trans'. The 'trans' lobby is the vanguard, the foot soldiers, of what is a massive global movement in the shift of power from people to corporate capital. The useful idiots are being rewarded by sexual licence and the sating of their innate female hatred and child hatred. The hard left and joined forces with the corporate right to shaft all of us. They always do this, in every generation. The centre right then fights back and we end up with right-wing governments and centre left movement to the right, too, in collusion, in order to remain relevant (they think) in a massive betrayal of women, children and the working-class. All revolutionary movements start life in the middle-class, and the 'trans' one is no different: young, white, middle-class male youth and handmaidens who have yet to actually live and experience reality and real life problems. Shocking scenes of. young man beating up on an older woman who could have been his granny. Disgusting and illegal behaviour that is not being challenged by the state organs or the media. I am in no doubt at all now that there are agents provocateur and professional trouble-makers being recruited. On the bright side, they must really fear us if they feel that threatened. Keep taking the videos and photographs and voice recordings and give copies (only copies) to the newspapers, TV and online media, and send to the police, too.

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Good points. There’s a great interview with Jennifer Bilek from about five days ago. I think I saw it on Barry Wall’s twitter, I’ll have to find it. She talks about the top down combination of big Pharma and the billionaires pushing transgenderism as a means of moving to transhumanism. She pulls together all the threads, queer theory, sexualisation of children, removal of all binaries and boundaries. I wish more people would realise the depth of danger from this ideology. It’s a lot more than single sex spaces.

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Yes, it is, TT, a whole lot more, and a whole lot more dangerous. I have always been a critical thinker, so I saw through this stuff immediately, as did so many in Graham's Glinner, including Graham himself and his friends. I started to think about the agitators who were so obviously part of it, and that led me to thinking about top down collusion, because agitators usually do the bidding of the higher echelons. Top down collusion made me ask why? Asking why led me to the billionaires and corporate interests. Too many people's brains hurt when they have to think, I'm afraid - even outwardly bright people's. The big questions we should all be asking might be: why are women being targeted, and why children? Women obviously stand in the way, and children are the real target, I think, so women must be beaten down as the threat they are, to so many men. I think that a lot of men understand that instinctively and that is why they turn a blind eye and deaf ear to our plight. Fear of us is the motivating factor for the hatred, and we find it so hard to understand because we do not see men in the same light. Yes, we fear their strength because it can be turned against us, and we fear their sexuality, too, sometimes, for the same reason, but we do not fear their brains or their knowledge as men fear ours, even as they lust after female bodies, while they fear them, too. Women are life-givers and, often, knowledgeable and intelligent, as well, a threatening combination that so many of them need to control.

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Yes me too and I began asking questions and digging some years ago, although I’ve only been on here a short time (I needed a support group). I always want to know the reasons behind things and something about this ‘civil rights’ movement just didn’t add up. There are so many strands to it all, it’s difficult to explain simply to a ‘novice’ but Bilek does a pretty good job as does Trans by the brilliant Joyce.

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It may be wrapped up in middle class privilege but it absolutely is terrorism.

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