Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

On the topic of recording the results of 'trans pupils', there's no such thing, but there are children or their parents with mental health issues.

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Nothing, but nothing, makes a man realize he's actually a woman more than raping one at knifepoint.

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The most womanly experience of them all, it would seem. Whereas pregnancy and birth have nothing to do with womanhood, we are told.

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

So the rationale of the police was the nature of the printed statements caused upset. That being the case I can see no excuse for ever allowing the hateful and threatening placards and actual nooses often paraded by trans activists. Otherwise double-standards are at work.

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The outrageous double standard is visible every day on social media all day long. That Family Guy clip is absolutely spot on 🤬

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Wasn't Pride once all about public upset? Gays and Lesbians telling the world they exist and won't be bullied into hiding anymore, no matter what? That was upsetting to many, and still is.

Apparently so much so that you have to be removed from a Pride Parade for just saying that you are homosexual and won't be bullied into hiding anymore. Saying things as they are is apparently upsetting people in a way that's not tolerable in our liberal society.

Chanting Creeds such as "Transwomen are women" and threatening people for saying things like they are is the acceptable kind of upset.

(And yes, all with you in my rejection of those double standards. Yell "Kill Terfs", tell a writer she's going to be the next victim of an assassination attempt, sending her a picture of a pipe bomb, all of that is fine, apparently. Simply stating an empirical and ontological truth like: Lesbians don't like penisses is harmful, aggressive, dangerous. What's the world come to?)

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Not the first and probably won’t be the last time lesbians are excluded. I should be over the shock this many years in but I am not. Used to be everyone who vilified lesbians but now seems to be LGB TQIA++ alphabet soup (and allies - see politicians, union reps etc this weekend on social media) ‘community’ 🙄

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I wrote on Spinster that I want to scream at Democrats for their homophobia! Republicans are out there with their homophobia, including those Republicans who have sex with others of the same sex, but the Democrats cover up their homophobia with a bunch of transparent crap. Years ago Star Jones said she would rather deal with a straight-up racist than a liberal whose racism lurked under a thin veneer. You can't even converse with someone who is in denial about their glaring phobias.

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Ironic that lesbians are now the ones queering the pitch :

What's the meaning of the phrase 'Queer the pitch'?

(Originally) interfere with or spoil the business of a tradesman or showman. (More recently) spoil the business at hand.

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One of many things that saddens me about all this is that one of my best friends, who is about lesbian as you can be, seems to be unpeakable. She thinks the trans business is a storm in a teacup.

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Sorry to hear it. A storm in a teacup?! This has affected my life for 10 years. I get that the more you look and read, the worse it is. But surely the subject IS in the public domain now and can’t be so easily dismissed (unless wilfully - could this be your friends stance?)

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I'm so sorry to hear that.

Re my friend, she has admitted she struggles with internalised homophobia at times, I wonder if this is an example. Or maybe it's just fear . Who knows anymore.

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I think it's the internalized homophobia. Just look at Nancy Kelley and Owen Jones. Their self-hatred is palpable.

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Thank you JL. Sometimes I leave reading this as it's so tough going and I need to be in a good enough mood. I hope you wear waders to do it. Lovely Mr Jamie Hunter? I read his statement as 'My misogyny was just a hobby before but then I found I could identify as a woman and suddenly all their doors were open to me, their walls magically crashed down and life became so much easier as they surrendered all their rights and ability to compete to me'. Aint life grand for lucky Jamie.

I haven't felt safe or respected and am still unwilling to visit or attend any meeting at The British Library. Any place that suggests you can't challenge any man in their loos. I used to love that place. I used to recommend and encourage people to pop in. I cancelled attending an event there not long ago as I can't be arsed. They have now ensured that I don't feel safe and I feel actively unwelcome. Maybe a few of us could enquire about joining (becoming a Reader) and could ask them to clarify their position? I pointed it out as we went by the other day as I was showing a visitor from abroad. We didn't go in.

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022

Yes, an old prof friend of mine [she being an academic Member of the BL for research purposes, not me] wanted to take me to the Women's Exhibition there - commemoration of the Suffragettes. Was looking fwd to it - I've never been to the British Library - v exciting! Sadly or happily Covid got in the way [I was horrified when I looked it up online that it included 'trans men' ffs!]. Going to the loo with her and encountering 'trans women' wouldve been the proverbial sh*t on the friggin gender cake.

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Well said. Jamie Hunter's statement was almost breathtaking in its contempt. "I tried a grift, it worked, and I can't believe I'm blatantly getting away with it, haha!"

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Have a read of the Western Front Grauniad - who are now doing a 'Where's Wally' aka 'Spot the Man in Drag' propaganda push every day now. It was quite tricky today. Headline reads 'Being gay, I was deeply sceptical about marriage – but then I conducted a wedding for my two best friends by Amrou Al-Kadhi' and the sub header 'We live in a world that continually punishes us for who we are, so to see this celebration of queer love felt like a radical act.' Sorry to spoil it for you, but they're all men who dabble in drag. Of course they are.

Sorry, what now? Where is his continual punishment? What? Do we do public lashings in the UK? Was it men in drag warned about public order offences in Cardiff? His family, his culture, his life and background may not have supported him, sure, but this perpetual false victimhood is grinding my gears. And how is it men yet again saying 'my two drag sisters, my unconditional queer siblings'? NO. They are not your 'sisters', fuck off stealing our words and cosplaying our very beings. And why are they ALL 'screenwriters'?

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The mere fact that the Alan Turing Institute’s notice refers to lavatories as “bathrooms” makes we wonder whether they’ve just adopted a whole load of notices (and probably policies) from some make-it-up—as-you-go-along consultant from the USA, who’s telling them how to be right on, without giving it any thought of their own.

Alan Turing was one of this country’s greatest scientists. I’m sure he would have chosen biology over make believe and would have carefully thought things through for himself.

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Not to forget the fact that they were chemically castrating him for being gay and he killed himself because, among other things, he grew breasts. That is exactly and literally the same thing that happens to hundreds of teenage boys in the UK alone who have been socially induced to self-diagnose with "Gender Dysphoria" and are pushed into "medical transition" by quacks who rubberstamp their self diagnosis. For all we know, in a responsible society, these boys could grow up to be perfectly healthy and hopefully healthy gay men. But no, thanks to transideology, we do a Turing on them.

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yep exactly that Chris.

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P.S.: I've seen a transactivist on Twitter appropriate Alan Turing for transideology. "He was a gay man who took estrogene" or something along the line. Had he said that to my face, I would have punched him. (I'm not even gay, but THIS should be offensive as hell to any decent person.)

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The report will have to "include ideas for supporting NHS organisations when they face opposition from anti-trans groups and individuals." ..... Hmmmf. They havin a larf? Can all belief-systems including those in reality be paid to provide the NHS with such a report? Your NHS user-public would quite like to know.

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I have no doubt that religious and esoteric groups try the same all the time, and in some cases they will be successful. They were so in the past, at any rate, making alternative "medicine" rather popular, sneaking it into even hospital treatments. That worked well until the public woke up.

Of course, with other religious groups the range of demandable interventions is somewhat limited. Buddhists may at the most ask for hospital menus that cater to their religious rules (which are manyfold in that religion, btw.), but that wouldn't affect other patients. Otherwise I see no way how a Buddhist would require any kind of specific medical treatment just on account of being Buddhist. So no matter how marginalized Buddhists - who of course are just a stand in for any religious denomination here - make themselves out to be, a program for "Buddhist allies" in a medical body wouldn't really fly.

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022

Good point re unproven 'alternative' medicine eg homeopathy - the problem seems to be that Prince Charles is all for it - which gives him unvoted for 'credibility' for some?

Jehovah's Witnesses may be an important example/analogy when they refuse blood transfusions - which may apply to other religious groups also. For example, in cases where the parents want to refuse life saving treatment for their child, here's NHS advice I found on the net [Barnsley - just an example of NHS intervention in comparison with evident harms on healthy bodies of so-called 'life saving trans treatment' fwiw] :

"In an emergency situation the doctor can give life saving transfusions after

taking a second opinion to a child despite parental refusal. He/she may face

criminal prosecution if a child comes to harm because treatment was

deliberately withheld."

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True. But that's mainly because Jehova's Witnesses could not make themselves out to be "the most marginalized group ever". They would not want to, either. According to their own doctrine, they are "The Chosen" and they want to have as little as possible to do with the power apparatus of a society. (The latter being just about the only positive thing to say about them.)

They legally fight measures they perceive as directed primarily against them, but they are temperamentally incapable of drowning the world in sob stories.

A very successful attempt by religious lobby groups was to fight bans of medically unnecessary circumcisions of boys for religious reasons. It is at least potentially harmful, and it is a clear case of a conflict of rights - whatever conclusion one might reach in that conflict. Religious groups could keep public debate at bay through successful PR campaigns and lobbying, and so influenced medical procedures.

But again, this is a very narrow field, and that could only happen because it directly touches a religious practice.

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yes male circumcision is a touchy subject - but not lopping off the whole caboodle which is apparently 'life saving'!

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

Finally joined twitter recently. The film of those stupid plods at (trans) Pride Cymru asking lesbians to leave is all over twitter. The South Wales force tried to explain they were only concerned about the women's safety. Some of the comments were great to read https://twitter.com/swpolice/status/1563568688778731520

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Ah, the NHS Confederation... A lobby group chooses a name that deceives the public into believing that it's some sort of offical body, in that case a part of the British NHS.

This strategy was a hallmark of organisations from the Christian Right. With the help of some allies in parliamentary political factions they founded all sorts of "working groups" that sounded like they were somehow part of the offical parliamentary process - particularly in the European Parliament, btw.

So, yet another strategy transactivists carbonpasted from the playbook of Christian Fundamentalists - alongside with the strategy to avoid public exposure for one's own political agenda, attempts to piggyback potentially unpopular legislature on widely popular proposals, and the systematically misrepresentation of existing legislation to suit one's own needs. Ah yes, and shitstorms, only that they weren't called that a few years back when I did some reporting on the strategy of deception by Christian Fundamentalist groups, and when social media did not play the role it does today. (Although it was important already.)

In other words: Transactivists, a movement originating in the US and exported to Europe, regularly emplay the strategy of deception first professionalised by the Christian Right in the US and exported to Europe. And why not? Both want the public to play by the rules of deeply irrational, antirational, antiscientific and reality denying ideologies that only work because they are so absurd that once you get people to buy into them they are so heavily invested thay can not go back. At the heart of both of them is the principle "Credo qui absurdo", I believe because it is absurd.

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The Turing Institute blows my mind. Named for a great scientist who was forcibly chemically castrated for being gay... And now they support a movement that promotes the chemical castration of gay teenagers. I wonder if anyone who works for them has actually thought this through. Do they think what happened to Turing was a good thing now? The cognitive dissonance must be deafening.

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Supposedly we GC people hate trans people, and yet I'm willing to bet few if any of us read the stories of Jay Langadinos and Shape Shifter without feeling sympathy and sadness for what they have been through and how recklessly they were advised. It's heartbreaking. It's always heartbreaking.

Not at all surprised that the trans lobby is already attempting to bypass/ignore the findings of the Cass Report. Again, it looks like only an avalanche of lawsuits is likely to turn the tide.

At the rate things are going someone could produce a book of these "This Never Happens" incidents. Turns out 'vanishingly rare' isn't quite so rare after all. Who'd have thought?

Very proud that a good friend of mine appears in those GTLO videos. You mess with her at your peril! 💪💪

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

Has anybody heard of, or does anyone know anything about Selin Gulgoz of U. of Washington, or Julie Fish of De Montfort U. in the U.K.? They're in the 8/28 /22 Newsweek peddling something about "the largest study of transgender kids..."

Turns out (according to them, early social transition and gender affirmation doesn't change a thing in a child's development...).--- Doesn't affect them at all--- yeaaaah... ?

Quite a study!

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That would indeed be interesting. I bet it'll take anyone with half a brain to wreck that study in five minutes tops for serious methodic flaws.

Would love to know if they even attempted to make it look like they did any actual scientific work.

ALL the positive outcome studies I have seen so far were so badly designed that almost any study by homeopaths looks like serious science in comparison. The methodic flaws, as it were, are by the way the same as in positive outcome "trans studies", but at least they try to use some semblance of scientific control mechanism.

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yup - Matt Walsh has a youtube vid about Scientific American's appalling use of such. Scientific American ffs!

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I loved that one just a couple of months ago that "proved" that "affirmative care" for "trans children" was successful. Only boys were observed, and there was no control group. Essentially the study design was this: A 5 year old believes he is Batman. You tell him he actually is Batman, you dress him up as Batman all the time and you make everyone in school and, if possible, everyone else behave as though he actually were Batman. At age 11, the kid still believes he is Batman. That proves that affirmative care is effective for boys who want to be Batman."

I am not making this up. This was the study design.

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on the topic of bio men using womens restrooms, has there ever been an incident of bio men who are fem having trouble in mens room. looking on google i found they do have trouble in womens room, not mens. the mens room seems safer to me for all bio men. no one in mens room cares. its a myth that this is not safe for trans id bio men. this is another fake stat like the suicide stats. just completely bogus and should be givin an opportunity to provide evidence to support. so far, all ive found are meaningless online polls from anonymous people. this is not a reason

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I dont know if that's true or not but excellent point - almost as if they fear yer achual facts n stats!

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Ok JL, has anyone totted up the value of the TRA progressive rainbow pound - like the pink pound, the purple pound, the black pound, the grey pound etc? From a business bottom line are these people really betting that's where it's at? Surely aren't they in conflict now? So many corporations and business wazoos are excluding their previous target markets and loyal customers for this desperate need to 'include' TRAs.

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Thanks for this week’s enlightening round-up.

It’s more evidence of undue influence being exercised upon decision makers by trans activist lobby groups.

I hope platforms such as this are reaching those decision makers too, whether they’re in the NHS, Gvt, Civil Service (!), Universities, etc.

I’ve given up on the BBC, Unions, Labour, Lib Dems, Greens, SNP, The Guardian (of course; except for Sonia Sodha at The Observer), The Co-Op.... I could go on...

Time for a nice piece of cake & a cup of tea.

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