FFS, when is this insanity going to end? I’m so angry at the MSM ( apart from a couple of exceptions) who have allowed the insanity to fester and spread quietly. People still don’t understand what’s going on. They still think it’s about ‘being kind’. Those responsible for covering it all up, turning a blind eye, refusing to listen, must at some stage be held responsible for the horror they have enabled. They need to be named and shamed.

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Re item 1. I've come to the conclusion the internet is not safe for kids and in retrospect parents who bought their kids smartphones were making a huge mistake. Cutting anorexia and now transgenderism and we have perhaps the most neurotic generation ever. I've read so many stories of children who seemed fine until they started binge watching on YouTube and then suddenly they are trans

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Yups, and expensive! When my son's friend knocked his phone out of his hand and it went dead, I said, "my dear, I speak to you as your Jewish mother. I paid for your bar mitzvah lesson and party, when your "trans identified" father paid zip. Now, that bar mitzvah money, you pay for the replacement phone. Don't spoil your children. Yes, my sons did the real bar mitzvah, not the "Reform" one. They read Hebrew, the lead the prayers, they read the haftarah. I helped them with the sermon, based on my Protestant and later Hebrew education. Do not spoil your children. And no, there was not a DJ. Please.

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It is simply insane. How can anyone who isn’t a raving misogynist or a paedo think this is ok? It’s so so so wrong.

Btw Graham, I read your book last week. We met at some drinks pre Xmas where I bought about 10 copies while chatting to you at the bar but hadn’t actually read it yet.. It’s brilliant. You are a very brave man and I am glad you have made new friends after your shitty comedy people (except some notable exceptions) didn’t stand behind you. The fake disloyal celebrity world…

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What a load of s h i t to read about in this issue. I am disheartened. I thought we were winning this war but is grinding on relentlessly. I am so angry, I have to get a drink to calm me down.

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Yes, it's been a very grim week, all right. But please take heart, Stroppy. There's bumper edition of the GNS on the way! I genuinely think we're winning. Or at least starting to win.

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I hope so.

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I understand what you mean. It feels too ingrained to change. But we have to keep questioning it and fighting it. Look at the harm it does. The majority of people must see it. The truth must win.

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Majority of people still don't understand the issues. They are catching up one at a time. The establishment seems lost, they need to go, apart from one or 2 exceptions

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Well, at least the NYTs got something right with Ms. Paul's opinion piece this week.

I'm waiting for the wailing and gnashing of teeth to begin from the usual aggrieved suspects in entry jobs at the Gray Lady. I'm hoping they'll be so affronted that they'll strike... and be replaced toot suite...

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Mr Masterson, who do you call in support of your application that this is all complete fiction?

Your honour, I call Mr Pradas who is only female when he is out running.

Thanks as ever, JL


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And rather strangely, only when out running with? Just the ladies. So when he goes out running and a bloke or two runs by, does he feel more 'male' in his 'gender fluidity'? I think he is whatever-silly-thought-just-floated-up-in-my-mind-vapid-grifter-gender. And he couldn't get into the men's comp, so tried the women's. It's so blatantly selfish and just a convenience that suddenly occurred to him, which seems to sum up the whole self-ID genderology claptrap. It's a method to extort others. And never stands up to any scrutiny.

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It seems to me that desperation is setting in now: let's see what we can get away with; and, if we don't get away with it, we will at least have annoyed a lot of people for the sheer hell of it. Get Stonewall out of everything - public and private. They are a charity. Either force them to act like a charity or take away their charitable status.

It is always females, isn't it? The women should refuse to play until the men are removed from their teams. It is so obviously a sexual paraphilia/fetish shored up by sheer male entitlement. You would really have to be braindead now to not see it for what it is. Look at the advice for girls: harmful. Look at the sex advice: aimed at the boys, never at the girls to tell them that they do not have to give in to this until they are ready for a sexual relationship. Everything is about coercive control on a grand scale for the girls, and teaches the boys to be coercive controllers - as if we do not have enough of them already in our society, in every society across the globe. This is deliberate social engineering - eugenics for females and a distorted form of masculinity for males that is a dead end in itself.

Stupid, stupid, stupid females are buying into this bull***t. I like Jordan Peterson, but I still think he does not explain clearly enough why females are so prone to being manipulated like this - at least, younger ones - and what we have to do to save our girls. Too many males, young and older, are becoming a menace to our world with their lack of continence in relation to sex and perversions, and their constant, unending need to control females, their violence. It does not work in a modern context and will destroy our world if we are not careful. Decent, good men need to step up to the plate and put an end to this or the connection between males and females will be severed, all trust lost, and life will become far less bearable for all of us, male and female.

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Stonewall, trans ideology, is highly funded by some seriously creepy people. Read this.


Very scary.

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Yes, Susan, there is so much more to this stuff than most people realize. I am actually of the opinion that these backers are psychopaths. I know it is becoming overused, but I think they are, most of them, and narcissistic psychopaths at that. They act like demi gods because they have money to splash around, and cause so much harm because they enjoy causing harm.

Part of it is probably down to the fact that they are also into deviance in a big way, but I still think that the underlying motivation is sadism on a grand scale. They actually get their rocks off in harming others and causing family breakdown, societal breakdown and general mayhem, while making money as they do it. A complete round robin.

Both narcissism and psychopathy are being learned to a great degree now, through porn, through manipulations and through the sensory pleasure that comes to these people as they use their money to cause huge harm. Most of it is actually inherited wealth, too. As with any addiction, once your neural pathways have been changed by behaviours that are detrimental, the compulsion to continue is very, very difficult to stop, and may become impossible to stop.

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So, in order to get access to ladies' sports, all you need to do is sacrifice your own dignity and self-respect. Sadly, there are many who've already done that. They've got nothing to lose. Just wish they wouldn't impose themselves on other peoples' time.

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They have no dignity ,women’s sports and rights have gone , flushed ,busted , iits gone back a 100 years

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It’s all quite up here in scottishland , can’t say a word cos you’re racist

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The world is so fvcked up. I think it's beyond repair. The basest human urges are running rampant and in plain sight. This will eventually lead to some sort of global-sized catastrophe and we will be standing in the ruins waiting for a leader to inspire us to square our shoulders and start again. It sounds apocalyptic, I think it is. I dont feel optimistic, despite the steps that have been made. Too little too late. Labour will finish the job good for us in the UK, goid and proper.

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Transanity. ……I’m stealing that

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Jennifer/Leo’s poor parents. I weep for them.

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This is a very hard read many weeks and then how it sits with me afterwards. How this gender theory has invaded every area of our lives as JL keeps showing. We can as adults choose to try to avoid or engage less with some arenas (increasingly few) but cases like that, where children are taken and put at more risk are astonishing. It's genuinely frightening to know that child has a documented history of trauma and yet the state and all services are now capitalising on that to further retraumatise her and her whole family. Her vulnerable life is genuinely being put at risk. They are creating this situation and ramping up the risks to her, then destabilising her further, which is very obviously state-sanctioned layers of abuse. And based on what? WPATH guidance? To have the 'state' and the 'law' reach into our lives in this way and is total overreach. And yet some still seem to think this powerful mind-bending cult is something about nice and fluffy 'fairness', 'rights' and 'living your best life'.

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It’s disgusting child abuse. And also genuine torture for the family.

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Thank you JL. I am stunned by all this. The more I wonder, I wonder how, and how we got to this sorry state of affairs where selfish narcissists get their own way all the time, and we are teaching, forming and growing children's minds to believe that is how they should be and they will never know any different. It's all our worst and most base human instincts to commodify and use others but on an unimaginable scale and largely hidden from view and outside our control. I wonder the links with our online world. It's tech crack fentanyl spice. And it feels sticky and like I can't escape it but I must not look away from the harms it's wreaking.

It's all known about, we know the harms and the largely unknown impacts and effects, but it reminds me of the early days of social media and Zuckerberg and co. I was at University in our student house and the boys were whispering and finally admitted about this 'rating' website and who was on it - you could upload and get others to 'rate' how 'sexy' the student photo was. The one who was most interested was not that bright, very insecure and not an attractive (to me) young man, crowing and laughing and egging us on to look. To see what our 'rating' was. Huh? According to who? Telling girls we're ugly or not? And it's ugly geeky men with zero social skills rating us? What? I knew I was confident and rated as 'attractive' but felt a bit paranoid in my early 20s twenty years ago. But nothing like a 7-year-old might feel in 2024. My fellow student became rapidly very ugly in my eyes as he found this all hilarious. It was like the nastiest men, drunk and uninhibited on a night out but magnified. He was revealing himself to be so shallow, so nasty, so totally lacking in self-awareness. So it's a website to bitch about others and how attractive we are to them? It was foul, I didn't look (I did later) and was horrified that we, my contemporaries were using this amazing tech to do such a pointless thing. To compare what 'data' said and no, you can't argue, it's 'the numbers'. The craze and talk of it passed within a few months but turned into 'Facebook'. It was cruel. There were always suicides at Uni and people who disappeared from courses as they didn't fit in or were mercilessly bullied but twenty years later it's an utter hellscape, affecting us all, how all of us relate and we've built this deep within everything we do offline and online - others are rating, measuring, storing and collecting our data and it's all based on the strangest and most skewed and cruel, harsh, abstract values. That's not 'us' or is it? What choice did or do we have? And we get little say in it, how it affects us, and can't really avoid it as it's baked into all we do. It's unforgiving and one step wrong and it's magnified and your life is over.

There is one local neighbourhood app that I don't find a nice user experience - it again seems to bring out the worst in people - the poorly educated, the narcissistic, the liars, the abusers, the cheats, the trolls. The need to pile-on. I looked at a notification someone posted yesterday and it went from a warning to watch out after a scooter was stolen, to a few notifications later the poster saying stop trolling me, I thought this was a 'community app' this is an awful site, I'm switching off replies, what are you all like.

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All the platforms bring out the worst in people? The very sad story of Brianna Ghey has some very dark under currents. He was on TiikTok apparently promoting some very dubious content. And of course had comorbidities: eating disorders, self harm, ADHD, anxiety. Very troubled child made worse by on line content. As for the murderers. Dear god. The platforms are creating monsters.

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Hopefully under 16s will no longer be able to access apps/ smart phones. Praying something good comes out of the horrors created by online culture

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The horrific nature of those Childline posts reminds me of the dangers of the "pro-ana" sites that encourage girls to kill themselves via starvation. Offering children an alternative universe that is both nonexistent and harmful is beyond wrong. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/the-alternative-universe-offered

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Not a cheerful addition to this week's round up I'm afraid....

I came across this last week and it's so powerful I think it deserves to be shared


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My heart weeps for young people today.

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you know what, fucking shame on the tories. They’ve been asleep at the wheel and we all

look to them to fight this. They haven’t given a shit. They have laid the seeds to make the case that they have been addressing all this and they are still holding back- why? the abuse of children isnt enough!? They will unleash their opposition 4/5 months before the general election to capitalise. Arseholes. They are also using the suffering of children for political advantage. Shame on all of them. If the tories try to position themselves

as saviours to this shit they can fuck off. Kids sat at home hating themselves and all they care about is re election. I’m so angry at everyone who pretends to lead. gutless. Imagine being in a position of power and not speaking out. Fucking bacteria

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