Well, what a collection of degenerates and groomers. Perverts and paedophiles. Trans has allowed these degenerates to come out into the light but in court the judges impose no sentence or minimal sentence, which makes me wonder about the fitness of these judges to be anywhere near a court. JL as ever you are a 🌟 for bringing these perverts kicking and screaming into the light!

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Thank you, Trudie. That's very much appreciated x

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I’m buckling at the knees with the weight of this stuff so JL you really are taking on quite a burden in order to bring these horrors into the light. Thank you for your strength.

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Thank you so much, Marion. Your kind words and support are very much appreciated and help more than I can say x

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Absolutely agree, Marion. I worry about all those who do so much to shed light on this heaving cesspit because I know how enraged and despairing I get wading through this stuff, and those who do all the hard work for us are up to their armpits in this excrement all the time.

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Khan should know the horrors of transition now. What the fuck is he playing at. Accepting one’s own body should be taught to our children. Is Khan a fucking moron or does big pharma own him. Over my dead body would i tell a kid their body was wrong. Fuck you Khan. Shame on you.

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it's become obvious that he's a misogynist, and also pretty arrogant and 'not listening'

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There’s no excuse to endorse identity politics now. The official position should be f-ing obvious by now. Medicalising children based on an ideology. Puts trans rights activists in the same camp as the extremists forcing FGM. Well done Khan you coward.

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Kahn is worse than a coward, he’s an absolute disgrace. You’d think he’s have a tiny bit of concern for all the Muslim women who can’t share single sex spaces. It just shows what a vile misogynist he is, along with so many …Starmer, Davey just to name a couple.

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Starmer has backtracked to call a woman an "adult female" (only missing the "human", but good enough for me that he's dropped the "this should not be talked about" nonsense¹: but that's ignoring all his other broken policy promises & his ruthless authoritarian streak).

And apparently Starmer was the only one of the candidates for Labour leadership in 2020 who DIDN'T sign a pledge to expel from the party anyone who refused to accept that a "transwoman is a woman".

Whereas Ed Davey is still steeped in the some-women-have-penises nonsense. And all the failed Labour leadership candidates are in the Shadow Cabinet.

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Sorry but I don’t trust Starmer an inch. He’s almost worse than the others in that he changes with the wind, it’s impossible to know what he’s going to say or do next. He has no principles whatsoever and once in power he’ll bring in whatever the ideologues want.

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thats very generous of you Petal! I’d rather be a moron (strong evidence to suggest i am) than a paid accomplice! GUILTY!

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I obviously don’t live in London but the man’s a complete disgrace

Eh who am I to speak I live under the snp

Queers freaks and peados

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To be fair Petal, who could blame the Scottish people for wanting to vote in the Queer freaks and peado party? it was a compelling manifesto. I mean i will always side with the team that wants to abolish safe guarding for children and women!? I think we’ve heard quite enough from people representing those groups thankyou very much. Quite enough of JL and GL dribbling on about mutilation of children man… Age of consent…. what a regressive out of date concept man…. I think everyone should just live by their own rules man and find their truth….. man……. If you really want to stick your dick in something how can that really be wrong man…. if its what your dick is telling you it must be right man….. whos to argue with evolution man….. Fucking non thinkers Petal. Do my head in. Sorry 2 beers in and i found myself in a progressive student union bar

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Lol , I was in the student bar with wishtart

Twat then twat now

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I meant pishtart

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Sounds like he's owned.

At this point, as unpopular as this crap is and how many court judgements keep pushing back against it, the fact that it continues to be funded via government, NGO and corporate funds is starting to look like part of the problem.

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Institutional capture -- including funding -- is a BIG part of the problem.

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It's unacceptable that the police allowed any members of such a group with a well-established pattern of violence as TRAs to get anywhere near these valiant women.

Creating a public nuisance with loud hailers? Should have been shut down. Creating an unsafe area in front of the building? Should have been removed.

Women's safety is more important than male harassment privileges.

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I completley agree! It makes me fume that these misogynists are permitted to act in such a way - no wonder they are emboldened.

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Quite. Who wouldn't be emboldened? But most people or groups wouldn't get the opportunity, and certainly not consistently. There is obviously a massive amount on concensus regarding the stance and objectives of this lot.

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if a group of football fans (say) were chanting aggressively at people, and blocking the street, they'd be charged with threatenig behaviour, behaviour likely to lead to a breach of the peace, blocking the public highway. Not to mention those recent new anti-demo powers where the Police can merely say that somebody was worried or inconvenienced by any kind of protest... The bias is disgusting.

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Yes. The women are at a disadvantage as well. No one is better at playing the victim than these men and their allies. Loudly, aggressively, obsessively. They have perfected their technique, which requires utter shamelessness unhindered by self-respect or reality. That is impossible to match for a sane person living a real life in the real world.

We have reality and reason on our side but we have to match their persistence and insistence in order to beat them. Sometimes it all seems like an athletic sport that their testosterone gives them a natural advantage at.

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it's maybe like Catch 22 - 'look, only an insane person would stay quiet, if they had been victimised- therefore, these TRAs must be telling the truth'...!? Logically, this doesn't stand up to scrutiny- but of course, the enabler police and groomer politicians and corrupt media and profit-seeking pharma, choose to ignore logic.

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They are using terrorist tactics and we need to refer to them as terrorists

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Have you signed the letter to Rishi Sunak from https://www.Sex-Matters.org demanding a rapid review of the threats to women from transactivists, and of the attitudes of police and judiciary, precipitated by the recent judge's disgraceful decision to acquit "Sarah Jane" Baker of inciting violence towards women?

It had 12,000 signatures last time I looked

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That account of Sage. Just beyond upsetting.

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Yes, it's horrifying isn't it? These idiots don't seem to know or care that their woke posturing has massive repercussions for the children into whose lives they stick their beaks. Shame on all of them. (I had to write that section in small doses punctuated by shots of gin.)

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you got to have a system JL. Especially for something as brutal as compiling these posts. Surely the utter joke of men saying ‘i’m a woman on the inside’ isn’t far off making into an aldi Christmas cracker.

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Let's hope so, CB.

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The allies and activists in position of power are dragging this abusive ideology on and on. The TRA's behaviour, and the trans-identified men's narcissism is so appalling surely more people are peaking!

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A thoroughly depressing catalogue of misogyny & hatred. Pleased about Let Women Speak & the Manchester meeting. Thanks for the post.

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I'll go to the next one.

(1) We need reports on the front page of The Sun, Daily Mail, red-tops talking about the Male Rights Activists scourge: the stalkers, incels, misogynists hiding behind masks and bullying. They are terrorists in the real sense: they terrorise ordinary women and men with family values.

(2) Police must remove TRA loudspeakers and keep the male rights movement at least 100m away from gender critical campaigners.

(3) Time to talk about GD as a mental disorder. The law does: it is in S25 of the GRA

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So obvious it shouldn’t need saying Una

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Exactly what I was thinking: it's high time we referred to them repeatedly as TERRORISTS because that's exactly what they are.

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Sports not as important as child abuse but these bastards are figure heads of the movement. Proof to world that transition works and leads to a good and fulfilling life. So fuck you for cheating, and fuck you for being part of the propaganda machine that leads to the suffering of children. Children. who need boundaries and nurturing and love and forgiveness and joy and fun and kindness and truth and the rest. Children deserve not to be lied too. Upsetting

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it's so clear: excluding women (from the podium and the joy of taking part with fair play) is totally acceptable to this men's rights movement. And as for the irish teacher: crikey: how unfit for the profession: she actually thinks she's the most important person in the room!! Totally messed up, very very bad for children. Bullying: in all cases, this is bullying,

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born out of delusion? Which, ironically, ought to disqualify her/they/it/him? from being a teacher anyway.

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There must be a wider discussion of "transhumanism" which is, of course, DENYING our common humanity. Women are losing in the commercial and medical race to reduce women to a set of "spare parts". Example: Martin Rothblat's robot of his wife Bina. The robot is called Bina48 - I don't why "48", maybe her then age? This robot is utterly creepy and a "colonisation" of a human being. There are lots of other examples, unfortunately.

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Ira Levin's book and film, 'Stepford Wives' predicted 'transhumanism' and how it would be used against females to create a perfect female as envisioned by (most?) males. Our writers, poets, artists, playwrights, filmmakers and even some journalists are our prophets as well as our mirrors. They will have similar flaws to the rest of us, but they are usually scathingly truthful because that is what art is: truth. That is the reason they are persecuted before anyone else in totalitarian societies.

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Sounds just like the Stepford Wives.

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Rothblatt is off his head. He doesn't understand the difference between consciousness/awareness, as an embodied attribute of living beings, and the CONTENTS of consciousness -- what he's programmed the creepy Bina-like head with: to be downloaded when the time comes to thaw out her cryogenically frozen body and restore her to some kind of mechanically sustained life. I feel sorry for his wife.

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Oh jeez. Is it just me or over time is the bad news just becoming ever more creepy, disgusting and sickening? I feel for you ploughing through this stuff to write about it JL, but thanks for doing it. Reading this and Genevieve Gluck's substack really drive home what a huge bunch of perverts are hiding behind that "TQ" bit of the alphabet rainbow. I feel sickened and am continually flummoxed at how anyone can remain as a supporter of this and not know - I'm looking at the mainstream media and politicians in particular who help drive this ignorance. I'm looking at you Khan, you misogynistic arse. It's people like you that enable the sort of horrific stuff that befell Sage Blair.

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Thank you, BlackieKat. Much appreciated.

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JL have you seen this interview? What a lovely person


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Yes, I watched it open mouthed. What an absolutely horrendous story. Sophie is an incredible person to be strong and so positive and full of altruism.

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Sophie Ottaway: amazing, such common sense & strength

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Very unusual person - don't mean because of the transition but the generosity and (dare I say it) the kindness shown to others.

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thanks for this. Do we know how Sophie identifies? Under these circumstances i would affirm her identity as a woman if thats what she wanted. What a wonderful person for sharing her story. And big thumbs up for the bbc for covering it. oh wait it was gb news again.

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Look at the coverage in The Telegraph if you can - Sophie was in the comments on one article and I couldn't quite believe the risk she took in doing that and in replying directly to people. She (yes I think she identifies as she and I have no problem or issue with that at all) is very open about her sex. And the shocking things done to her and her family.

Her story and that of her parents, then the typical layers of arrogance displayed by the NHS and those within it, is astonishing. She and they were lied to and coerced time and time again. Putting the care of vulnerable people into the hands of the NHS seems a disaster. Then their habit is to insist on denial and cover up.


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Oh, and another key point in her life - it appears they were continuing to make her take the wrong sex hormones to continue the fantasy that they created that he was a she and when she stopped the wrong sex (female) hormones she felt better. When she then went to them with symptoms they refused to believe their patient. It's a very (sadly) believable error after error, then more grotesque 'errors' in the attempt to cover that up and deny. I hope that we can get to a place of accountability and honesty. She and her family deserve that.

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thinking about it TSBBL, Susie green indoctrinated her son to believe this utter shit, which led to him being mutilated as a child, so really i should affirm Jackie’s identity too. I mean its hard isnt it. But i don’t blame the children. Susie green created a victim who needs to live their best life post abuse. Even if they don’t see it as abuse. Is this too much. Sorry. I feel this site is a place to learn and discuss and to challenge oneself. but obs do ignore me if you want to.

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No, this is the place - I find it almost the only place discussions like this can be had, so go for it.

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This is like a very thorny ethical issue to consider as an undergrad philosophy student! :-). You don't need to affirm anyone's identity. And when it appropriates and it grates, when it strays so far from reality with real, highly damaging effects on others and is used as propaganda. Yes Susie created a victim and is more Munchausen than Munchausen. I'm not sure about Susie's son who she and they were doing that shit to from such a young age and finding it all so hilarious - in public - that she'd stunted his genitalia. It appears as if Sophie and her parents were totally gaslit by the medical profession and believed it was the only option for their son to survive and live any kind of life from birth - not through a deliberate intent to change his gender through 'dysphoria' and whoever was feeling that. How Susie paraded her son about on morning TV shows still makes me feel sick, look here's the kid I abused and gaslit into thinking he is a girl. Isn't it brave simper simper.

Susie Green had a perfectly healthy child with no medical intervention necessary. His mother and his parents intervened medically through their choice, on his behalf, as the boy's father was homophobic and he was playing with the 'wrong' toys. They confirmed and reconfirmed his childish views until the path was set and there was no way back - how could he have changed his mind when his mother's fame and career was built on it?

The children, now adults, are both victims of lies and coercion, one at the hands of the medical establishment who also coerced his parents and one at the hands of his parents, maybe in collusion with a medical establishment, as he became Susie's poster boy. And Susie did take him abroad as a surgical tourist as no one would ethically or legally (not always the same) do the chosen surgery that young here (and doing similar has been stopped there now too).

So, Susie's son was coerced and I believe abused by his mother, and how can we hold either child, now adults, to account for the actions of the adults around them when young. The treatment of both has been cruel. One at the hands of his parents (and partly the NHS), the other at the hands of the NHS (Sophie). Sophie's point that to attempt to change the external body to deal with inner, psychological issues, isn't going to work and is what I am left with. I wish both of them well and still think Susie Green is a grotesque child abuser and has been allowed and given vile prominence and a free pass for too long.

Children are often trauma bonded to the parents that abused or allowed abuse. What a mess this is.

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I'm not saying Sophie's parents 'allowed abuse' by the way. Their whole family were lied to and very badly advised by clinicians who seemed to make it up as they went along, then hoped to keep it all secret. Then other clinicians later on added to that by lying and failing to try to even begin to listen and instead instantly dismissed as an instinct - it's gobsmacking how she and they have been treated for her whole life. Someone somewhere in the NHS should be listening.

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Thanks TSBBL

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Sep 12, 2023
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See further up thread :-)

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I agree with the pronouns Sophie chooses too- wish her the greatest happiness and the very best health. An inspiration. Hope she lives a very long life surrounded by love

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With all this bad news I felt that something brighter was in order. Canada, with the most woke leader, Justine Trudeau in the world is doing a little rethinking on gender issues. Two provinces have already ruled that teachers can't keep information (change of child's gender or pronouns) from parents on children younger than 16 and the largest province, Ontario looks to be following. Domino effect. Another is close. Nothing spurs debate like an election in the horizon. The official opposition, the Progressive Conservatives which is leading in the polls, and had voted for Self-id with the Liberals had a convention over the weekend and a resolution in favour of single sex spaces that defines the word "woman" as a female person passed with 87% support. Million Person March is planned across Canada, September 20th, 2023 #LeaveOurKidsAlone. That horizon is far, but it is attainable.

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Can't help thinking that one day Khan will regret his contribution to, and endorsement of, the trans cult. I ask myself all the time, what do people like him really think when they see these ugly, raving AGPs? Would he seriously be ok with any one of them sharing a toilet with his wife and daughters?

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No, of course he wouldn't. He claims to be a Muslim but clearly couldn't give a toss about all the Muslim women (and those of other faiths and cultures) for whom sharing their spaces with males is impossible. He's a cynical, two-faced, self-serving opportunist. I'm ashamed to say I voted for him. I won't do that again.

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He should be challenged publicly, JL, to go to his local mosque and state unequivocally that TiMs are 'women' and should be allowed to mix in all spaces with Muslim women, reminding the congregation that most TiMs still have all their bits. The man is a disgusting hypocrite, as are all the politicians, Muslim or otherwise, who espouse this bilge water.

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all professional politicians are cynical. Sunak, Starmer, Khan, try where possible to appease both sides of the debate. Khan for example- I'm sure he goes round the mosques with a very different story- maybe saying he has to pretend to support TRAs but he doesn't really. Sunak and Starmer both bust a gut to avoid ever having to give an actual opinion, for fear of alienating one half of woteva issue/argument it is. Davey seems to have gone mad in support of TRAs- perhaps he thinks he will get votes from TRAs and gullible youth... but i think that will backfire on him.

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Yes: more than 99.99% of TiMs still have male genitalia. Or put another way, fewer than 0.01% have "gender reassignment surgery".

And according to ONS stats (& Crime Survey of England & Wales), TiMs are five times MORE likely than males generally, to be convicted of sex offending.

I can never understand why "trans rights"-supporting politicians seem to be ignorant of these facts.

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They are not ignorant of the facts, Ms Gabriel. The police are not ignorant of the facts. The courts are not ignorant of the facts. It is simply that few actually challenge them on those facts, so they do nothing. Germaine Greer was absolutely spot one when she said that women are not considered to be fully human, but a functioning system of support, honed by millennia of shaping and moulding. That is what the French feminist, Simone de Beauvoir meant when she said that women are not born, they become women. The TRAs interpret that to mean that women have no definition, but anyone with sense can see that it means that women are forced in gender stereotypes that suit society. Things have altered dramatically, and we have many rights now that we did not have in de Beauvoir's time, but we still have a long way to go.

No male politicians really want to tackle the sex crimes area because it makes them profoundly uncomfortable. I suspect that 'trans' does, too, because they recognise these behaviours as exaggerated examples of how many males actually are, and are with women and children (as possessions and adjuncts of males), how they perceive women, but can never openly admit for fear of the backlash, so they allow the most disgusting behaviours to go unchecked.

Of course, not every man is like that, but, as always, they are too numerous, if still a minority. I have suggested many times that we really have no up-to-date psychological, medical, social studies in depth that explain male sexuality and its often deviant and perverted aspects, and that we need to examine in great depth why men behave as they do towards females and children when these behaviours are so damaging to them and are so disruptive of society, in general. We cannot go on like this: most exploitation of the natural environment is a male money-accumulating preoccupation, as are wars and conflict, all of which harm everyone, but, disproportionately, the female (and, consequently, child) half of the world's population.

All of it seems to be wrapped up in control and domination, aggressive sexual exploitation, and so on, and is, quite literally, destroying our planet, our mental well-being, our peace of mind, our physical well-being and our ability to nurture children in a safe environment. Overall, conflict has decreased, so we are heading in the right direction, and men are great inventors who do make life bearable for most, so their unique contributions to society are not small. Nevertheless, we need to understand why the goodness and decency in some men skews in the opposite direction and causes havoc to all around them. Having said that, I'm not claiming that women are uniquely good and douce. We are not. Far from it, but that need to control and dominate is largely missing from our DNA, although psychologist, Jordan Peterson, has some very pithy and accurate comments to make about toxic femininity.

Males and females do have biological roles that cannot be gainsaid, and balance between them is essential for some kind of harmony in order to move forward as a species. Out-of-control males offer no balance whatsoever and need to be controlled - by society.

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Every time the completely loathsome and moronic Khan, Starmer and Davey endorse this sickness they embolden all of the nasty bullying deviants above. It makes the perverts and mentally challenged believe they can behave with impunity. TBA is a new one on me. What a pair of twisted nut jobs, openly advertising fetish and possibly orgies for their own gratification. Thank god for this site so I can have a little rant because lord knows I wouldn’t be able to call out these lunatics adequately on MSM. MSM might be starting to report some of it but they are very coy about commentators speaking too much truth. Thanks JL.

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My in-progress comment disappeared about the similarities between the beatification of porn in the 80s and the trans movement. Both are championed by American liberals as the means to free humans from their shackles.

I am beyond grateful for people like Graham Linehan who unequivocally say no to this madness, even at great expense to themselves.

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God! JL, I hope you spend some time taking care of yourself after compiling these deeply depressing and distressing WoW pieces. What a collection of the vilest women hating, child exploiting scum. I don't know where to start, it's all so appalling. Women and children are being let down on every level, aside from the threats, intimidation and physical abuse.

It's mind bending that a group of people touting a load of despicable bollocks masquerading as an ideology, have been given the freedom to do, say and demand anything they want, and that's fine, they get what they want. They want to fuck with the minds of little kids, and they can, and only hating bigots would complain. But these bastards don't just leave the bigots to get on hating, they pursue them, and the authorities and whoever else can get in on the act helps them and cheers them on, globally. This is a very curious kind of assault.

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Thank you, Radhwa. I get through a lot of wine and cake...

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I think we are going to have to accept that, yes, mental illness, neural diversity and dysmorphia (not dysphoria) play their parts, as does gaslighting by politicians, and so on, but, fundamentally, some people in power are actually into this stuff, some people with a great deal of wealth see $ signs when they encourage it and many people simply do not get it or they feel that there is nothing they can do about it. The politicians know that children are being medicalized. Some of them have 'trans' children, so, yes, they know. They want other parents to go through this hell, and they want their children to be medicalized, too. It is not about being 'kind': it is about not being in a group that has no credibility. Instead of trying to rescue their children, they would rather than all children became subject to this ideology.

Many, if not, most, of the TRAs are misogynists and men's rights activists who have strayed into this stuff because it gives them a platform, a balaclava and anonymity. Sadism, psychopathy, sociopathy and narcissism all play their part, too. What we have is a 'perfect storm' for all kinds of perverts, deviants, the gullible, the perennially stupid and the opportunistic to live out their delusions and fantasies.

What sickens and disgusts me most - apart from the medicalizing of children - is the corps of handmaids and aunties who pander to this male form of brutality. During Hitler's reign, women were posted to both the male and the female camps, and they were as brutal, as sick and as sadistic as any of the men, especially against other women. They were invariably young, as were many of the males. When are people going to get their heads round the link with youth and its propensity for totalitarianism? Young people led by adult Svegalis, who are themselves brutal sadists and ideologues, can be led to carry out the most inhuman acts against others. That alone should be reason enough to ensure that we protect vulnerable and innocent children from this stuff.

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