Seriously, how does no-one notice that these TIMs are either dressed like street-walkers or little girls? Not one picture from this week's roundup has a TIM dressed like a normal, everyday woman. It's beyond me why none of these liberals can see the fetish right in front of their eyes.

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Yes, none of them dress like a young mother with laundry, dishes, shopping, cleaning, cooking or changing nappies do.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by JL

Chappell wins the prize with his 7 year old girl pink bows in his hair. Fetish score 100/100. He likes little girls’ things. Massive red flag. Why are alarms not going off everywhere?

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Instead of people seeing red flags or hearing screaming alarms, "He is currently one of a core team revising the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy’s (BACP) national ethical framework."

Can it get any more crazy?

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It's difficult to argue that we don't live under a patriarchal system of oppression when the rights and saftey of women are thrown under the bus to accomodate the feelings a a small percentage of delusional men.

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Spot on.

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Sarah Phillimore was excellent on Andrew Doyle’s Free Speech Nation last night. She asked why are the wishes of mentally ill men being put before the rights and safety of women and children. Who asked the women?

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I'll see if I can find that, thanks.

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I found it!

Vaishnavi Sundar and Rosie Kay were good too.

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Well done, I couldn’t!

Yes they were, and Billboard Chris. Andrew Doyle has really helped the fight.

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Watching Free Speech Nation really gives hope that things are finally moving in a sane direction on all this. Then I come learn the latest injustices here and can't believe how far we have to go.

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I agree, the MSM has a lot to answer for. How many children could have been saved if this insanity had been exposed for what it is.

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I can’t even begin to describe how angry and sick this quote makes me feel - “Miss Trenchard then penetrated [the complainant] with her penis”. As JL notes, it’s known that this rapist is turned on by being called “miss”, so that means he got to ENJOY being called this in court, while the victim presumably was compelled to refer to him as “she”. It’s beyond disgusting. No woman should be subjected to this.

We must all continue to fight this ideology until it’s well and truly beaten into oblivion.

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3 years. Shame on the judge

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Absolutely. It feels like form of torture that the victim is subjected to in court. How does this seem right to anyone? It is not truth or justice.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by JL

So many "safety concerns" (over people politely expressing disobedience) from a movement that constantly uses both implied violence and actual violence. Quite amazing how they get away with claiming victim status at the same time as getting a free pass to behave like thugs.

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NO. JUST NO. We are being forced to participate in sexually deviant men's fetishes and THAT is sexual abuse. I will not comply. Governments the world over had better catch a serious wake up soon or there will be a civic revolt on their hands. Any decent person who gets it will absolutely not approve of any of this deviant shit. We need to stop the nicey nicey, super liberal, super inclusive, intersectionality tripe. The Tories are not moving quickly and decisively enough and Labour will bring in full dystopia. That leaves Reform. A tiny party many have never heard of. What has happened to KJK'S party? Total radio silence on it. I am in despair that this will ever change, in my lifetime.

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i think it will eventually pass through society’s gut like its trying to pass a bacteria infested kebab Miss Jemima GC. The parents at school aren’t going to let their children’s rights be compromised by these bullies on the internet or at universities. My kids are being taught to reject this shit. And their friends think its a joke to.- year 10/11 . Most do anyway because they have thinking parents that didn’t get brainwashed at the SU. Thanks JL.

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I hope so, Concerned Bloke. I get so depressed and incandescent with rage at times at the psychological assault on society. And it seems increasing physical assaults by these porn-addled deviants. My nephew in Year 12 and his friends also reject and mock this nonsense.

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We just got to hang in there. I take great comfort is watching the people fighting our corner for us. People like Alison Bailey, f-ing intellectual heavy weights. Bullies can’t beat people like her. They only have intimidation as a tool. Easy for me to say being invisible to these bastards. We owe these great people a lot.

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Yes. Having people like Helen Joyce in our corner is a great comfort , same with KJK and Graham. So many good people putting themselves on the line.

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indeed there are so many amazing people.

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Where are your kids being taught to reject this shit? That sure isn't the case at my son and daughter's schools in London! Very glad to hear it though.

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Hi Allison, just by me mostly and my partner. It has come up in family chats when its in news or on school lessons and i just tell them what i believe. Which is almost certainly what you believe too and everyone else here so i won’t bore you with my rantings! i’ve ranted here quite enough!

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Good to know that some young people can see through this. Loved your analogy about the kebab.

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KJK's application to form her own party has been derailed and delayed by the body who is supposed to approve these things. Deliberately it seems. She's talked about it on her YT channel and possibly on twix as well.

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Thank you. I am not on twix (!) And I don't watch all her videos on YT. I knew the electoral commission would delay and derail, as I'm sure did she . I hope KJK can prevail in the end and get the party launched.

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TTF is twix? i thought that was a chocolate bar!?

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Glad it’s just not me !

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The TRAs probably do all their nonsense on the smarties platform.

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Kellie J was in the studio on Julia Hartley-Brewers programme yesterday talking about her new party, so hopefully news may be out soon.

Julia is very vocal on trans issues and has some interesting guest speakers on.

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Yes I saw that. Great interview and ❤ that JHB is anti trans.

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I went to Reform’s summer conference and every single speaker denounced gender ideology and vowed to change things (even those who were speaking on other topics). I have personally asked Richard Tice about the party’s approach and he gave me the answer that a woman is an adult human female and that Reform want to fight back and get wokery out of institutions and schools. I almost cried. Reform could potentially have a tsunami of support at the election.

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Thanks as ever for the hard work, JL.

The case of Glover indicates just why there is no point in apologising- aside from the fact that there was nothing to apologise about!

The case of Mr ‘ what’s a few more dead women’ Chappell indicates what an amazing resource your posts are. When faced with the tedious claim that TIMs are not dangerous I frequently quote your updates in response.

In case people miss these there is a Sex Matters template e-mail to MPs out following the FWS judgment and James Esses has flagged up a Declaration of Biological Reality. Will post on these two later.

Thanks again 😊


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Thanks WomanOnTheEdge.

Here is my post https://dustymasterson.substack.com/p/the-constant-gardener

The declaration and the template letter are pieces 3 and 4 😎


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Hi Dusty.

Beat you to it again! I have just finished your excellent (as always) post and heartily recommend it to everyone else.

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You did indeed and thanks very much

Get signing and sending everyone 😊


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What a lot of sh*t this week. I am struck by how many trans activists display psychopathic tendencies. Do they start out as psychopaths or is the ideology creating them? What proportion are effected? I think this should be researched.

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I think it's an ideology that draws in a certain sort of man.

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Yes. And also, another thing is career criminals falsely claiming to be trans, in order to exploit the courts and prisons. I first heard it years ago when a notorious local gangster, claimed to be female- you could just tell it was untrue

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I've always said this ideology is the perfect Trojan horse for grifter and perverts.

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and if the 'true trans' were serious about it, they'd want to distance themselves from criminals taking advantage by jumping on their bandwagon... but no. Oh, maybe they make up the majority...?

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Anyone else notice how much larger, taller dude in a dress is than the security guard? Of course, dude went on a spree of violence!

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He behaved just like a man. Funny how that always gives the game away.

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Exactly. And behaved not just like "any man." He was arrogant, threatening and abusive. Classic, from a man ideating a female persona.

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Trashing a cinema that's showing 'transfeminist' films - isn't that the very definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

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yeah, shows that no matter how everybody bends over backwards for them, they'll never be satisfied

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At what point are more people going to say look the emperor is wearing no clothes. It feels like an uphill battle at this point. I look forward to the good news round up.

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FFS. They become more grotesque and unhinged with each passing day. What a horror show - and to think it's a reality. And Scottish Green's malevolent Maggie Chapman supports these men. What a photograph she takes - wouldn't normally describe a person this way but evil is the word that sprung to mind.

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In that photo with the mask I read Chapman as male.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by JL

I see that the aspirational “Miss Mexico” has retained his penis. What does he need that for?

So Etsy is also run by hypocritical cowards. I’m running out of companies with which to do business.

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I know... in that skin-tight silver playsuit he looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger wrapped in tin foil.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Etsy’s Stall of Shame also features ‘top surgery’ merch, including greetings cards depicting a nondescript ‘cuddly’ cartoon character with mastectomy-scars, clearly aimed at girls and young women. “Looking flat as a pancake!” “I’ve got 99 problems but my tits ain’t one.’; “Yeet the teets!” etc. The cartoon character is beaming with ecstatic ‘trans joy’' at having had her breasts surgically removed. Another one says ‘Proud member of the no titty committee’.


I’ve also seen Etsy platform t-shirts with both printed and embroidered double-mastectomy scars.


The company has enough money to run adverts on television but not to employ staff to regulate what is being sold at their ‘marketplace’.

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Dear god. I hate the internet. It’s insidious reach us destroying civilisation.

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Completely. Come back, 20th century, all is forgiven!

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Declaration for Biological Reality - it’s on Twitter- get signing everyone

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Tempted as I am to write lots about a lot of the above, I'll instead focus my disappointment, astonishment and exasperation on the Etsy story. Gentle expression of solidarity? = BAD!! CANCEL CANCEL CANCEL!!! NEVER COME BACK!! Openly aggressive and abusive sentiments, inciting violence and bedecked with weaponry? = why, please add-to-basket indefinitely and without consequence: thank you for your custom. xx


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The way these men dress when they are pretending to be women is so misogynistic and regressive, but hey-ho, it's only women being belittled so it's ok. It seriously makes me want to vomit seeing them act out their sexual fetishes in public and people viewing it as some positive act of liberation. Why is there such moral blindness to this?! Oh yer, I know why: when men want something they tend to get it. It's the patriarchy.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by JL

I wish I hadn’t seen the vision in the turquoise satin…..🫢

Although the wearer obviously found it an exciting experience.

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