Rebekah should sue the Labour Party. I can't believe they still take membership fees from the sex class they clearly despise.

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I'm she'd be very well supported if she did.

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Jul 26, 2021Liked by JL

What really gets me is how “you are not really the sex you larp as” is taken to mean “you don’t deserve to exist”.

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Yes, so ludicrous, isn't it? But name-calling & hyperbole are all they have since their house of cards ideology is impossible to defend

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Thank you so much , J L , for highlighting all of these stories for us ,repugnant and horrifying as they are !! Can't believe this world has become such a hateful and unsafe place for WOMEN who have never been given their proper place at any time in history ,despite their indisputable and indispensable role in procreation ,without which the human race would not exist !! So difficult to understand how so many government bodies etc, ( which we ,the taxpayers ,pay for ) have allowed themselves to be captured by the promoters of this truly awful agenda (and their supporters ),while most of the PRESS and MEDIA stay silent !! Makes them equally responsible for the damage and chaos to come !! WE ARE WOMEN ,trans males are Not !! This will eventually be seen as the BIGGEST MEDICAL SCANDAL ever ,but not before countless numbers of people ,mostly women and children,but also genuinely dysphoric people and detransitioners ,have had their lives ruined. !Women are now fighting for our very existence and we need to keep doing so. Thank God for men like Graham Linehan ,Benjamin Boyce ,Andrew Doyle and others who are brave enough to challenge this hideous " ideology " ! World gone crazy !!

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Thank you for your kind words, Susan. Yes, crazy times. But keep the faith - the pendulum is swinging back.

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Ugh, those Tommy Dorfman pics. TIMs all look like a bad parody of Marilyn Monroe, right down to the head tilt. Shows us exactly how they view women, doesn't it? As a fetish, not as people.

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Yes, funny how these "true selves" always tend to look like teenage Barbie dolls, isn't it??

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Glinner, would you consider having Aaron Kimberly on your Mess were in sometime in the future. He is currently being doxxed for voicing an opinion against gender ideology.

He runs the GD alliance, Canada, as well as hosting a podcast with other trans men called, Transparency. Here is a link to a very recent interview with Benjamin’s Boyce.


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That Teresa Clark is a Aunt of epic proportions - she must have an AGP in the family to be so willing to pander to men -

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Total aunt. I don't think she really likes other women very much.

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she makes me feel violent..

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'Do you identify as a woman?' - no, I don't need to, I am a woman. Bloody labour!!!!! I wonder whether that idiot O.Jones dreamt that one up.

I identify 'with' (not as) women precisely because I am one. For instance, I'm deeply upset every time I read about harm done to women or girls and I'm personally pleased when women do well in the world. I prefer the company of men, but as a woman, I don't identify 'with' them in the same way. That's what makes me a real woman (apart from the biological facts).

If transgender people really knew what it is to be a woman, they would not be so misogynistic. To me, it's as simple as that.

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Graham, can you try to get the Oregon educators on "The Mess"? We need to make the American public figures more prominent, because America needs more mobilizing. Hope you read this! Thanks

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deletedJul 26, 2021Liked by JL
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Yes, I know the area & I'm afraid I've started to refer to it as Woke Newington. My manner isn't much better, I'm afraid. My (Labour) MP always nods sympathetically when I try to discuss gender identity ideology with her but she's wetter than October in Manchester & as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike.

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It's a shame Diane Abbott is not on side but she has had to endure so much abuse simply for who she is that she may be genuinely afraid of more attacks. I'm sorry you're in a bad place here.

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