Thank you for including the Spanish videos. I saw an interesting exchange on Twitter https://twitter.com/earisteguieta/status/1528408603849330688?s=21&t=savaX93lt_8eguNexbRK5w...

A woman complains that she is no longer "mujer" but "persona menstruante" (menstruator). She's challenged by a male TRA. "Ud no menstrúa?" (Do you not menstruate?) to which she replies that he shits, but that is not the reason she will call him a "persona cagante" (shitter).

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Haha well done that woman! And thank you for translating.

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Thank you so much for the translation, Ursula!

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What an utterly hiddeous and toxic cauldron this update is. I keep thinking I can't be shocked any more by this hellish assault on reality but then in one fell swoop I see a museum actually defending a man in women's lingerie playing with kids as harmless "fancy dress" (If it had been a woman I am pretty sure they wouldn't have allowed it in the first place), a new born being breast fed by her father for the thrill of it, more dangerous men self ID-ing into a women's prison and being misrepresnted as women, a school asking 60 bullies if they felt safe after they assaulted a lone girl and then schools not being able to satnd up to kids who harass their teachers for misgendering! If anything I find this really worrying. As a society we are not addressing how kids are being groomed into this cult online and we are not acting as proper adults when kids are allowed to run the show by harrassing adults for not agreeing with them. This will be perpetuated for many years if kids are growing up thinking this genderwoo is normal as it will become their reality. That scares me.

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And as ever, thanks JL for sifting through these horror stories and compiling them for us.

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Thank you, BlackieKat. That's very kind of you! x

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I agree but also hope that the constant assault on reality will eventually wake people up to the cultish and aggressive tone of this evil movement

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I think it will do - I've long since felt their over-reach will be their undoing.

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Shades of Khmer Rouge......

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Trouble is all our references and the wider context is being lost. Unless people are being fed historical context in easy thirty second chunks or in a brief word limit how will they know humanity has lived through this before? And why would they believe anything like the Khmer Rouge existed? We're not 'allowed' to use various historical comparisons online, but it's hard to know how else to get the message across.

How 'Mermaids' has got so embedded as an expert on its own version of reality is astonishing. By successfully twisting the words 'rights', 'evidence', 'research', 'expert' and 'vulnerable' they have got where they are and heartily welcomed in by regulators and standards bodies. They need to be out of schools yesterday. I think this is going to take years to unpick the conditioning - they've already got their grip on a whole generation or two.

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'trans people don't have basic human rights' ????? Said a member of the house of lords!!!???? utterly appalling deluded lie, kick this insane person out of the lords please, they have no place having any sort of influence or power. Imbecile. They are just allowed to go and lie to children.

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It is an appalling lie, but one she knew she could utter without impunity. No one was going to ask her to explain her claim that trans people don't have 'basic human rights'. If massively authoritarian gender identity ideology hadn't spread through innumerable organisations and institutions like fucking knotweed she'd have to. She would have to answer questions posed to her, and the people asking them wouldn't be subjected to the most hideous bullying, carried out the name of inclusion and kindness.

It's become like any form religious extremism, maniacal worshippers of a flawless creed. But it's also a very fragile one that can barely tolerate query, and cannot at all tolerate challenge. When this ideology encounters reason and facts it behaves a bit like a vampire being exposed to sunlight, its power immediately begins to drain away. The zealous faithful and those making money from it have to do their best to ensure this can't happen. Mainly by being relentless and aggressive in every sphere.

The ideology itself is becoming increasing misshapen, chaotic and illogical as it's being stretched to meet new criteria and desires that are barely, or not at all connected to the core ideas. It's an insatiable monster that demands to be fed more and more, until in the end there's nothing left and it will have to eat itself. It does have a limited lifespan, but it's going to have all but destroyed so many lives by the time that happens. I hope the prominent and influential people who kept their mouths tightly shut and their eyes to the floor will be there to help them.

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Such a depressing, but necessary, read. It is incredible that just one of these stories doesn’t bring the whole rotten edifice crashing down, but we live in truly dystopian times. As for the stories about schools, it reminds me of the Midwich Cuckoos, children who are beyond control and reason. Some massive layers of indoctrination are going to need peeling back, but signs are there that it is starting.

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Yes, Midwich Cuckoos: they all think alike.

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Growing veg with my darling granddaughter, teaching her little life lessons, then I read this. Don't know whether to cry or smash something. How did we get here? This is waaaaay beyond the latest teenage phase - I fear there are sinister forces at work. They can fk off with "be kind", they can fk off with their "trans rights", they'll get nothing from me.

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Hang in there, RC. I know these stories are grim but I do believe the tide is starting to turn. Love & best wishes to you and your precious granddaughter xx

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Thank you - I'm usually pretty stoic but yesterday's round up of the latest atrocities really got to me, maybe because of the wee one. She's so smart & keen it would break my heart if her head got filled with this dangerous bs, despite being brought up in the terven faith!

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Excellent round-up JL. There are many more battles ahead but the public are waking up. The UK schools stories are doubly frightening as the head teachers in both cases are to cowardly to speak truth to their pupils and staff. Stonewall has to be eliminated, root and branch.

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Thank you so much, Ms Growler. I agree on re the public, the schools and Stonewall. We may not win every battle, but I think we are winning the war.

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"Surfin' TRA"

Okay, that made me LOL.


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I hope that Vanishing Susan and Sibella Growler are right that things re starting to change. There remain vast swathes of the population who still think this is the same as the fight for gay rights and who still have no idea at all about all this terrifying awfulness. Thanks to all of those brave souls for pulling back the hideously grubby curtain.

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Honestly, Jess, I do see things changing. People are beginning to wake up. There's a long road ahead but I think we have much to be positive about.

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I hope so too, I am trying my best to explain to anyone who will listen (and even those who are reluctant)that I have always totally supported gay rights but this cult is not at all the same and as a trans widow I have skin in the game and am happy to explain.

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Thank you Joy for being in this group and for sharing your insights.

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Being born in the wrong body supposes that your birth was predetermined somehow by a higher power, a God if you will, who got it horribly wrong.

On purpose.

Except disabled people. They totally deserved it.

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Disabled people, especially learning disabled people, are discriminated against quite openly in our society.

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Which makes "born in the wrong body" all the more insulting.

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And where were people marching and protesting about those rights?

I'd hoped that those who are actually vulnerable, that we have on record as being at higher risk, might receive a bit more attention over the past few years. I have great respect for how Jo Whiley went public with what was happening to her sister.

Not the bunch being encouraged to deliberately harm and medicalise themselves. It's been mentioned before that on protests a lot of them look troubled, unhappy or like they're a bit miserable. With self-harm scars. Egged on by others from the side lines. And the higher proportion using mobility aids as their bodies are so affected with the shit being pumped through that's damaging them. They seem to have taken over their self-induced illness and disability as a badge of honour though, and demand the rights we have forever fought for as theirs and theirs only. We've lost nuance in what are needs and choices.

We are now sweeping everyone who is different back under the same different/other/disabled/queer/vulnerable umbrella.

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Yes, good on Jo Whiley. Good on Heidi Crowter currently challenging the rule on abortion far beyond viability (up to birth) for foetuses with Down Syndrome.


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Might a similar metaphysical slip-up cause you to be born in the wrong brain?

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Only way to know is get the tracking number from the obstetrician. And go online and see where this baby has been.

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There could be some genetic basis for how some folks feel. Maybe the chimera thing is involved. But I’ve not heard of any such evidence.

If there were, you could test for it and be able to save people from unnecessary medicalization.

But would these people accept that science? Doubtful.

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Many thanks JL.

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Wow !! Don't think there's any depths that the tras won't sink to ,to promote their truth denying death cult. More horrendous stories this week and no doubt many more to come.Thank you ,JL ,for continuing to expose all this .👏👍 People need to wake up and see the truth about this movement. It's anti reality,anti science.and anti humanity ! It's definitely one of the worst plagues ever to beset the human race and we need to keep fighting against it.🙏

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Susan, you got it right when you wrote DEATH CULT. I don't think transgenderism is some lone, kinky ideology, but part and parcel of the desire on the part of some very sick people to reduce the population. It is extremely disturbing and I truly wish GC people would widen their analysis.

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Another hot shower needed with soap and a nail brush! When will this absurdity, filth and paedophilia end! Save our precious children and their futures. I sometime feel this is all too much to read, and I've been following it for some time now, so I think a lot of the problem is that the average Jo just can't absorb all this horror or accept the awful truth☹️😞. Thank you JL, you must need more than a shower after trawling through this mire!

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A shower... and chocolate and wine! Thank you for your kind words, Nicky. Much appreciated x

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99.9% of the human population know what sex they are but the 0.1 shout the loudest ( I may have got my figures wrong lol )

How on earth have we got to this stage

How can normal human beings accept freaks and weirdos and peados , let’s face it that’s what they are , why are the powers that be accepting this

I’m an ethyl fae methyl ( Fife speak for ordinary human ) what can I do except shout get out when a cock in a frock goes into my changing room

O wait I’ll be arrested ….

Thank you JL , don’t know how you can stomach to research this trash

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Pretty vile, isn't it? Thankfully I have a strong stomach. And thank heavens for wine and chocolate! Hang in there, Petal. The tide is turning x

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How were Pie stopped? Or perhaps (silly me) they weren’t! Does anyone know?

I’m fed up with this - previously people could just call social services or the police. That poor baby

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Yesterday, on Graham's birthday video, Graham, Helen and Morty were discussing the fact, that the earlier paedophile movement was stopped by Feminists. Which could explain why the Trans Activists got in early with their attacks on so-called Terfs, attempting to silence women more effectively this time. Of course, completely underestimating so many brilliant, intelligent and courageous women who continue to fight for truth!

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I would like to share this with you. Miriam Cates is speaking out about safeguarding children again. What she says is completely true. I know as I have a daughter who is autistic and has pressure to be trans at school and the school pushing the ideology aswell. I really wish labour would wake up to this! https://youtu.be/VjDaqZhoCbs

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Thanks so much for sharing, CC. Never thought I'd be cheering on a Tory MP!

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Here is the whole session in Parliament with the first MP Nick Fletcher makes a very good speech and even gives advice to parents which is a first for an MP regarding GI.


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all these men are sick!

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The gender identity extremists keep upping the ante: from burning books to whole bookshops. Us men are nothing if not audacious!

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